Does having a long second toe have ties to mental problems?... I have a theory that Morton's Toe, especially in women, has ties to mental problems such as Bi-polar disorder and depression. Several of my past girlfriends turned out to have a history of mental problems and they all had "the toe". My task for you is to check. Do you think your girlfriend is insane? Yes? Does she have a long second toe? yes? let me know. Thanks.
1) Yes I see the link too!!!!!!!!!! - James
2) I have a long toe and there is nothing wrong with me. I do, however, balance it with my monster dong. - Dead Pool
3) O.O I have a long second toe... But I dont have mental problems or anything -- Honest!! - Katy
4) Two of the nuttiest women I dated did not have Morton's Toe. They had stubby toes. So, no, I doubt this can be borne out medically. I've heard all sorts of myths about Morton's Toe, from "it indicates high intelligence" to "a mark of the devil".
It's like the old lie about a man's thumb length cluing penis length. - Melting Media
5) Oh my gosh, I wonder if that's true or if it's just a coincidence. I have a long second toe and I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression. Life is torture for me. Is this your own theory or is there other research/evidence out there? This is the first I've ever heard of this theory. It seems like it would be a wives' tale, since there is no logical connection between the length of toes and how the mind works. Although it does bring to mind reflexology, which also seems strange, but is scientifically proven to be true. Hmm... - Angela
6) Haha for as much as I respect your theory, I am going to disagree. In some cultures women with "the toe" as you put it were made into high priestess and princesses. In Africa is is actually called a princess toe. Weird but true. As for that being tied to a mental disorder it might be but I know many without "the toe" who are bi-polar and such. But then again I dont have the toe, nor am I Bi-Polar - Erica
7) First I must ask for a source citing where reflexology has been proven to be "true"? - The Grey Atheist
Question 2
Is there a menatl illness or disease that causes you to keep repeating words/images in your head over and over?... The words or images might not be some thing thats really important or signinficant. it might just be someone saying are u ok? or something mormal like that.
1) ocd, but it is treatable with help. :) - hello miss lady
2) OCD i suppose - the capybara
3) INteresting question, I would love to know the answer. This happens to me all the time, and then I end up hearing the phrase at some point down the road. Like, I used to keep hearing "get the hell out of there" and one day I heard it. - Angel H
4) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Are these things that play over and over in your head things that give you anxiety, or things that embarrassed you? - stateoffluxxx
5) Yes OCD - ♥ Miss E ♥
Question 3
My Dad died 2 months ago from cancer?... I have been feeling really really down recently, and it hurts so much. I know I can talk to my friends/family, but I don't want to put a downer on their day. I just need to know how to make myself feel better?
1) Its understandable.
Its going to take time for you to heal, anyone that is worth anything would understand that, and probably expect it. If they are good friends they would be wiling to talk to you about it.
Although there will always be some pain for you, I can assure you that it will get better soon. - iceman
2) Think of the good times. - Rowan
3) You know, sharing your feelings about your dad's death with your family and friends, gives them an opportunity to share their feelings with you, and you all benefit. Don't hide your grief, express it, and then over time the hurt gets less and less, until only the good memories are left. Allow yourself to grieve, accept that you are going to feel sad and angry and confused for some time, a death of a parent is not something you just get over, it's something you finally grow out of. So talk to your family and friends, don't deny them the opportunity to heal with you. - essentiallysolo
4) Just think that it arrives to 30 % of the people , u don't have to be sad , u have all ur life to live it in peace and love and happiness . He is Here , everywhere , everyday . He don't want you to be sad .
: U can hang out , have fun with your friends , all this by thinking abou't him :)
Don't worry just live ur happy life , u'll join him in a couple of years ;) :)
It happened to me either with someone of my family .. :'( My mum told me those words .
Anyway I'm so sorry for ur dad x - melissa a
Question 4
is there a test JUST for chlamydia?...
1) yes there is - maca
2) yes, seen them in the doctors for you to help yourself too. theres a company as well but cant remember its name my friend got one from them. you send of a sample through the post and they contact you if you have it. hope this helps - littlemissforgetful
3) Yes, goto - and you may be able to get one posted to you for free! - Tim
Question 5
Could there be something wrong with me or is this normal.?... Okay. Well just a little background I'm 13 years old, generally healthy teenager. Only history of diabetes in my family is my dad who has type 2 just from old age.
Okay so something that happened today just made me worry a little. We had a late night last night, so today I got up at 10:40 or something (school holidays in australia... no school from any americans who are wondering what I am doing at home)... anyway, so I got up late. I lounged around a little and at about 12:00 I went to have a shower and then after I was planning to have lunch.
So after my shower, I got out and something really strange happened; my eyes started to go all starry, like when you scrunch your eyes for a long time and... I can't really explain it but really fuzzy. Also, my arms and legs just suddenly felt really weak and I felt shaky inside but wasn't shaking on the outside. I just felt like crap... it was horrible. I went to the sink and splashed my face with water and just drank a little but it didn't help. I had a lot of trouble getting changed, my head was throbbing and everything was really unsteady. So I got out and went to go and have lunch... and it occured to me that it could be a case of low bloodsugar and I needed food. So I took a bite of tomato which I was going to cut up and have with tuna and stuff... and I stood at the kitchen bench for a while and the fuzziness was even worse... like I had been lying down and I all of a sudden got back up... it was getting worse so I took another bite and went to my room to lie down for a minute. I then got up and it went away when I got up.
Now, the weather here is incredibly hot; it was about 39 (like 102 farenheit) degrees at 12:30 so this could also just be from heat but I'm asking is this normal for a person to experience this occasionally, or could I actually have hypoglycemia? I know that everyone gets low sometimes, but I didn't think this badly... is it normal?
Sorry if the description was too long...
Any diabetics who know and have experienced lows give me your opinion... much appreciated.
Was this even low bloodsugar? I'm not sure.
No crazy diet stuff... just a good diet, not missing out on any food groups.
I think the dehydration thing may be right; we have aircons and fans going all night but it was incredibly hot last night and yehh...
1) You'll probably want to tell someone about that... It's always a good idea to tell your parents when something weird like that happens. I hope it's nothing serious :) - amy
2) are you drinking lots of water? doing any weird diet stuff? think about your daily food/water routine. sounds like dehydration. - David
3) You could be dehydrated because of the hot weather, you could have had low blood sugar. It could've just been that is was so long since you ate something that your body was screaming for food. I always feel like that when I push myself too hard when I'm working out and I'm about to pass out. I wouldn't worry about unless you get any other ongoing symptoms :) - stateoffluxxx
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