should i smoke so i could get attencion from my crush im 11?... he smokes so maybe if i smoke he might notice me
1) No.
And if your "crush" is 12 or younger, he should not smoke either.
If he's 13 or older, just stop having anything to do with him right away. - Paul Zucchini
2) NO! Not only does smoking kill you, you should NEVER change to get noticed by a guy.
You're 11, you have plenty of time to date in the future. Be a kid!
Do you really think yellow teeth and smelling like tobacco is attractive?? - Shell
3) hell no! This is NOT how you'll get his attention. You should never pollute your body and endanger your health for anyone! Learn to care more about yourself, and let THAT show.
By the way, you are really young and this can definitely cloud your reasoning. Become aware that you do lack experience and are apt to make inexperienced decisions, and then don't do dumb stuff! It's good that you are here asking questions. - justagorilla
Question 2
How can I be diabetic and how can I stop it?... I just got a blood test and some are low and some are high.
My main concern is Glu as what is says on the results.
Glu (Blood Glucose) 175 mg/dl
How can I be diabetic at age 19 when I'm not fat? I'm 5'7'' 150 Lbs.
1) ur probably type 1 not 2,
when you're type 1,
you aren't fat. - V i c t o r i a ♥
2) Young age and slim body do not exclude anyone from getting diabetes, especially Type I diabetes. It could be due to genetic predisposition. - neo_rantissi
3) How soon after eating did you test?
If you were type I your glucose would be much higher above 240.
I was diagnosed as Type I 6 weeks before my 21 birthday, 37 years ago. - Dan
Question 3
Help!? I'm getting zits on my shoulder. How to get rid of them?... I'm getting like 6 zits on each shoulder. I've never had this happen.
I have tried almost every product to get rid of acne & it's failed me.
Anything I can do to get rid of it?
I can't pay to go to a doctor.
1) pop them - TATW
2) Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem: - Mek T
3) Treat them just like you would if they were on your face. Wash with acne wash and put spot treatment on them. - iMegan
Question 4
If a person has never been lactose intolerant are they capable of developing it later in life?...
1) According to this article, yes people can become lactose intolerant, even teens. - Anthony
2) yep
Your body is constantly changing - girlie
3) Definately. For many individuals it develops or becomes noticable only later in adult life. - griseldaygregorio
Question 5
Does having diarrohea mean that you will vomit?... I never use to think that but last time I had watery diarrohea I vomited a lot. Now when ever I get diarrohea, like I have today, I think that the same thing is going to happen and I panic over vomiting. So having diarrohea does it mean that I am going to vomit later, or is it just anxiety taking over making me feel like this because it happened once.
1) out your butt yeah! - Sepsy
2) Depends back on the underlying cause of the diarrhoea. Not necessarily you will vomit so just sit back and calm down. But, it's common to have both diarrhoea and vomiting in case of food poisoning or intestinal obstruction. - neo_rantissi
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