Thursday, January 21, 2010

My boyfriend has a peanut allergy, how soon after eating them can I kiss him?

Question 1
My boyfriend has a peanut allergy, how soon after eating them can I kiss him?...  My boyfriend is severely allergic to nuts, and any oils they produce. I'm aware that this means that if I want to kiss him I need to stop eating nuts as well. However, I just ate something containing them by mistake and I need to know how long I now need to wait until I can kiss him again. How long do the oils stay in your saliva? Is there anything else I need to know?

1)   Well unless you plan on spitting them back out into his mouth or you have retained the oils in your mouth, I wouldnt worry about it! Brush your teeth or use some mouthwash, that should clean all those nuts away! - Stephen

2)   Unless he is allergic to the smell I would wait a week. - Luis N

3)   Rinse your mouth. And wait about a half an hour before kissing him. Hope it works.-) - Ivana

4)   if it is severe I would not come close to him all day, without brushing my teeth and drinking some water. you don't want to kill him do you - jim

5)   Your going to have to quit eating peanuts. Or get a "May contain peanuts" tattoo on your forehead so he will know to steer clear of you in the future. - Bi Curious George

6)   i also am severely allergic to nuts but never thought of this situation before. i would recommend brushing your teeth, rinsing very well with water, and/or chewing gum. and (just guessing here) but at least an hour or two before you kiss em! don't kill him :) - matt

7)   wait at least a day......floss too - richard t

8)   So is mine, and I love peanut butter more than anything else in this world. I just swish some water and spit it out, then chew some gum for a minute and it's usually fine. His mouth always gets itchy afterward but there's no way to prevent that unless you brush your teeth. Waiting won't help much. I had peanut butter on my pancakes one morning and when I got off work that night he could still tell. I know that's kind of gross lol but if he's severely allergic, he'll be effected by even the smallest amount. - Jenny from the block

9)   My little sister is severely allergic to peanuts too. She can't even be in the same room of an open peanut butter jar. If it happened just now I would wait until maybe tomorrow night. Just to have different food wash down the oils and whatnot. Also, I would recommend flossing and mouthwash on top of brushing your teeth. Upon researching allergies, I read an article about a couple where one of them was allergic, and the other accidentally had a piece of peanut stuck in between their teeth and it got into the other persons mouth when they kissed and the other person went into anaphylactic shock... So just make sure your mouth is super clean. :D
If the package just said "May contain peanuts" then it might be a little better. But I'd still be super careful. Wash your mouth out a bunch, maybe after you floss so that if oils get out after you floss you can get rid of them. Or just eat a bunch of different things... and drink. Try to wash it down. - Ashley


Question 2
HELP DID I GET HIV IM SCARED MY LIFE IS OVER :-((?...  Okay i went to the gym to workout for 1 hour. at 24 hour fitness. and i came home after my workout and i then went to scrub my car tires (at this time i never washed my hands, the time had been 20 - 30 minutes.) and so when i scrubed the bottom the concrete scraped the upper side of my hand a lil bit and my finger. do you think the hiv i got from the gym sets got on my hand and when i got the cut it got in somehow? im scared so bad, after i found the cut i washed it and soked it in Hydrogen peroxide pls help!

1)   grow up - Chrys

2)   I think you dropped a "dumb"-bell on your head when you were at the gym. - strawberrypants

3)   hehe
please answer mine it is about my persuasive essay - stardust34

4)   It depends. Did you spin around three times. Tap your head and proceed to do the Hokey Pokey for exactly 5 minutes and 34 seconds? If you didn't then you have HIV. I'm surprised they didn't teach you this in Health Class! Geez. Don't kids have to learn anything anymore??

Go directly to Dunce's Corner. Do not collect $200. Skip 2 turns. - John

5)   whats to say it was even on your hands in the first place!! - itsonlyme

6)   change gyms - Robin

7)   Probably - afree20


Question 3
what was sanitation like during black plague?...  

1)   horrible, feces everywhere rats, mice running rampant - Adam S

2)   Horrible. Back then the poor would use the bathroom in the streets and alleyways along with animals. There the rats would pick up the diseases from all the ammonia from the poo. The rats would then scurry in all the pantries and food supplies, where the people would then eat the disease along with the food. The end result was the super disease i.e. black plague - Chase T

3)   I believe there was NONE. :) - Lynn

4)   there was no sanitation. - white girl


Question 4
How to get rid of dandruff?...  Im a 10 yr old girl and i had dandruff ever since i was 9.How do i get rid of it?

1)   Head & Shoulders - Trudy J

2)   ok. take some olive oil rub it in your scalp. and scrub with a comb or your finger nails(have to have them long). Scrub until it burns but try not to make your scalp bleed. do this before you wash your hair. Also use a shampoo for dandruff like head and shoulder. try not to leave shampoo in your hair. wash thoroughly. - chocolate pudding

3)   dandruff just means that your hair is growing. The only way I know of getting rid of dandruff is to wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo, and then grease the scalp or condition it. - Cynthia B

4)   Um, skip the voodoo olive oil thing, and skip the chemicals in head & shoulders.

You can just go to the Body Shop, and get their "ginger" shampoo for dandruff (also, ginger shampoo at L'occitane) and unless you have a serious scalp disease, it will go away almost immediately? - DrKK


Question 5
I have a medical question involving the mouth...?...  Okay, so under my tongue theres this bump...and i got kinda scared about cause i thought it might be something bad. so I asked my friend. The bump looks just like a zit but inside my mouth, it even is white on the end like a zit, the only problem is, it didn't hurt, and i thought that was a bad sign, so i got scared. my friend said that it was probably a cold sore that hadn't ruptured yet. but that was two days, its bigger, like...theres another one right next to it and it hurts, an annoyance kind of i was just wondering if it was like a sickness or somthing bad like that....please tell me what it might be!

1)   Its a cold sore i get them all the time. - leafninja

2)   stop sucking dicck - miguel

3)   it is probably just a swollen taste bud that happens sometimes - jim


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