I don't know if I'm dehydrated or not?... I feel dizzy sitting or standing up. Not nauseous though. And my vision is a little weird, not like horribly blurry but a little fuzzy
1) possibly or you could have heart disease if yur eyes are fuzzy. - chillax
2) sounds like it.
rehydrate.................... - goldenretrievers
3) That could be anything. Sounds like low blood sugar maybe.
But, Not to be gross...but one main sign of being dehydrated is having dark urine. - Craig
4) Signs of dehydration:
Eyes sunken and dry
Dry mouth/less saliva
Urinating less frequently/ dark urine
If you have not urinated in more than 12 hours, it is time to go to the emergency room
Is your blood pressure normal? Low and high blood pressure can cause some of the problems you are describing. - Mary
5) If you haven't drank much today or have done a lot of physical exercise, then you could be. If not, then probably not. Drink some water, wait 40 minutes and see how you feel. - Molly
6) Go pee, look in the toilet. If it's dark urine then you should drink lots of water and rehydrate. If it is light urine, you're fine. - Proud Mommy of Sienna Rose!
Question 2
Do I have a condition?... I am honestly turned on by anything sexual. I'm talking about anything. I'm attracted to both men and women. Is this a condition of any kind? It's not just about being bi-sexual. Almost every fetish that I can think of turns me on. I feel like I am not normal at all.
1) I have never met anyone who is turned on by everything. Hmm. Maybe you do have some type of condition. How will you ever be satisfied this way? I just don't know. Interesting. - Angie
2) happens to me to, i have a high sex drive maybe you do to. - chillax
3) It's not a condition. Its normal to be bi and a freak of nature - Joker22
4) Could be an overactive sex drive, but I wouldn't call that a condition. - Craig
Question 3
What does a diabetic coma feel like?...
1) lights out, you feel nothing. wake up, feel like a large poop. - David
2) Sweet dreams. - syxtfour
3) The person is unconscious, so there is not a lot of feeling going on. My aunt was in a diabetic coma for several days when she was a teen. I asked her if she has any recollection of it and she said that she remembers being "kind of asleep" and "hearing people moving around her and talking". I don't know if that was when she was going into the coma of coming out of it. - Mary
Question 4
Does Living With Diabetes Make You Depressed?... No. I am not suicidal or anything, but living with type one diabetes is obviously a drag. Furthermore I am well aware there are worse medical conditions to be had. Sometimes I do indeed feel saddened by my (our) condition. Should I just STFU and deal with it?
1) I understand your question.... I have been a diabetic for over 35 years, type one as a child... yes, there are times that i am so tired of this... do not want to do it anymore.... dinner party at 8 pm... ah man... take my needle late or take it and eat something small.... take a chance of low blood at party... it sucks sometimes.... my mom has been a type one for over 60 years.... most of her friends are "dead or fat" ( her words ) she is in tip top health for being 86..... she exercises, eats right and goes to the drs every 3 months.... so words of wisdom... yes, it sucks... but if you take care of yourself, keep your a1c's 7 or below.... we can live a long healthy life ! - ncbound
2) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use avandia. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd4.notlong.com/AAoDMlG - Dina
3) While I can't say much about type 1's and how they deal with their disease, I am a NIDDM (type 2).
I was recently diagnosed about 2 months ago. I go from depressed to angry, back and forth all the time.
It's especially hard during the holidays and special occasions.
No, you shouldn't STFU. If you do, you can make your depression worse by keeping it all locked in.
Depression also can make blood sugar management more difficult, especially when you get so depressed all you want to do is eat something you shouldn't.
For depression, it is best to talk to someone. A psychiatrist or psychologist would be helpful.
Sooner or later, we all have to come to the realization that we are stuck managing this disease,
Here's what I do to help me at least control my eating:
I see a yummie cinnamon roll that I want dearly.
Before I take a bite, I ask myself:
Ok self, do I really want that bad food or do I want my eyes?
The eyes win out every time.
Doing this makes me more depressed, but I know it's for the best.
If you succumb to the depression and don't manage your disease, it will manage you, up to and including killing you.
YOU are the boss of the disease, not the other way around.
Depression can also affect the people around you. Especially those loved one's.
You could be worse off - blind AND a type 1 who would have to rely on someone 100% for your survival.
Diabetes is most definitely a drag. I hate it and I just got it. But I look at my 7 year old little boy who loves and needs his daddy, and I put him first instead of my feelings.
Take heart though. There will be a cure for the type 1's soon. I read that Pharma companies are finalizing an artificial pancreas, and once it gets FDA approval, you can almost live a completely non-diabetic, normal life.
Until then, talk to someone about your feelings and keep your chin up. - Bux - Type 2 Diabetic (NIDDM)
Question 5
what is the difference between bacterial and viral pnuemonia?...
1) The underlying organism - one is bacterial and the other is viruses. Other than that, there are no differences. - J B
2) Viral pneumonia, does not respond to antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics have no real effect on viruses. Bacterial pneumonia will respond to antibiotics. - Jodi
3) bacterial is caused by bacteria and viral is caused by viruses due to colds, strep throat etc - sandy h
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