Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quick ways to get rid of acne?

Question 1
Quick ways to get rid of acne?...  What are some ways to get rid of acne besides proactive or skin id or whatever. I mean like home remedies, or something to put on it, a routine or whatever. Thankss

1)   suck on a banana.

that works. - Lol

2)   sand it off - Bella

3)   sounds strange but tooth paste always works - Cody

4)   wash your face. - *cheyenne;*

5)   really rude responses.
African Black soap?
Vitamin E?
IDK - answerme34563

6)   time and the right product! - RealTalkYo

7)   Accutane... high dose Vitamin A. Works wonders. - krap

8)   1.Wach your face
2.Use toner to remove further dirt/make-up
3.moisterise if you have dry skin.
4. use a pimple cream on affected areas : small amounts of alcohol or purfume may work becuase they can dry the pimples up. It may sting but they dry up.

Hope this helps: also eating healty and drinking loads of water. Try not to touch the pimples or pop them. This will further damage your skin. Read the current Dolly magazine for more tips! :) - whatsacooldisplayname

9)   I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Dr Raid

10)   proactive is really just benzoyl peroxide and moisutuizer combined. Benzoyl peroxide can be a bit strong for your entire face so mixing with a gentle moisturizer is a good idea. I do this and save a lot of money by doing it myself. Use full strength benzoyl peroxide on a full-blown single pimple you want to dry out. Benzoyl peroxide also has antiseptic qualites. Experiment with the ratio which works for your own skin.

My own dermatologist recommends Cetaphil cleanser for acne prone skin. It won't over dry skin and most acne cleansers do and then skin reacts by over-producing oil making acne worse. - Can't Control The Kittens

11)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Jena


Question 2
Deep acne, wont go away.?...  Well I have this huge zit forming on my chin, i dont think it will be too bad as in it wont surface to a white head, but I can feel that is is scary large beneath the skin, and it's been there for a while. I was my face with clearasil every day and use a creme but that doesnt seem to be working. Are there any other ways to get something like this to go away? Do I need to bring it to the surface and pop it or what?

1)   Accutane... talk to your doc. I had bad acne like that, 3 months on the drugs, never an issue since. - krap

2)   I used to squirt it on the mirror. - AndyFromOkee

3)   about it you can get information from here http://webmd59.notlong.comAA6DzL6 - Jena

4)   Oh yay, cysts, always a good time. You have to let it run its course for the most part. I'd suggest On the Spot from Neutrogena, it dries them out pretty well.

If you do pop it, wait until it surfaces, because squeezing at it while it's still deep can push it deeper. - LadyB112


Question 3
what is considered high blood sugar leveles?...  

1)   There's low high and mid high and...........

My husband is a diabetic. The doctor doesn't want anything over 6 - Kelle

2)   i dunno, why ask me? - Lol

3)   Fasting (no eating for 8hrs. prior) anything over 120 (borderline is 115 to 119)

Post-prandial (after meals) 1hr: anything over 140
2 hrs: anything over 120

Any random reading over 180 is BAD.

Also for HA1C anything over 6.1 is considered diabetes, ideally it should be under 6.0 preferably under 5.5. - Valpurga

4)   The following lab values are the ADA practice guidelines for the diagnosis of diabetes:

A random plasma glucose value of 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/L) or more (in the presence of diabetes symptoms)
A fasting plasma glucose value of 126 mg/dl (7 mmol/L) or more
An oral glucose plasma glucose value of 200 mg/dl or higher at 2 hours post-glucose load2
The ADA also maintains that a definitive diabetes diagnosis requires a second positive test performed on a different day.

So at random or 2 hours post glucose loading 200 or more is high
fasting over 126 is high

:) - Ben C


Question 4
What is this numbness in my toe and leg?...  I am in college and am very active. I dance pretty rigorously 2-3 days a week and have some performances as well. I suffer from Patella Femoral Syndrome and Chrondo- Malaycia (sorry about the spelling!) in my right knee pretty badly, and am planning on having surgery in May (I have suffered from this for about four years) Today I was taking a pilates class, and when doing some exercises I felt numbness go down through my leg and foot and onto my 4th toe, and it was followed by pain. This only happened when I pointed my toe, and would stop when I shook it out. Everything was fine once the class ended, but tonight while lying in bed I feel slight numbness/pain throughout the same leg. What could this be?

1)   Sounds like maybe a neuropathy of some sort...possibly related to your knee issues. Mention it to your doctor. - spicyt

2)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Jena

3)   I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Dr Raid

4)   That 'almost' sounds like some sciatica, but not quite. Do some glut stretches (which will help stretch the muscles that run over the sciatic nerve) and some hamstring stretches too (generally good for any low back/nerve/disc issues). - Purrsia


Question 5
I Don't know if i have rabies.. but i think i do.?...  i have a puppy and he doesn't have his shots yet.
i have an a teeny tiny open wound on my toe and my puppy was gnawing on that part of my toe.
Now i'm scared because i feel like i have rabies...
i have been researching about rabies and symptoms and the outcomes.
and i'm still not sure if i have rabies or not.
i didn't buy the puppy I found him by a river at this village in the Philippines, and i decided to adopt him. lately i have headaches..but as far as i know i only get those headaches because i wore my contacts for like 3 months straight 7 days a week without giving my eyes the chance to rest.
and i'm always stressed because i'm a nursing student.. so that is my excuse for my headaches..
but now i'm not sure because this morning i was at home and it was only me and my roomate. and i think i heard someone call my name? and my roomate told me it wasn't her. so i got scared.. maybe i was hearing things.. but i really heard my name clearly.. so i don't know what my situation is.. can someone please help me? i have school.. and i go to school 6 days a week almost going home late at night with no rest.. and i'm taking 9 subjects and its my first semester first year in college? do you think it's just my schooling thats making me like this? or do i have rabies?
and im not afraid of water..
im eating healthy and sleeping healthy
and drinking regulary...
and the gnawing thing just happened last night.....

1)   I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Dr Raid

2)   two ways to know for sure. 1 have the poor puppy destroyed and the head send for testing. won't go into the details as i still have nightmares about performing the test on more than one. the other is to talk to your physician about it. if they think it's possible then have your puppy quarantined by a vet and have the rabies shot given to them. your doc will give you the treatment. it's not as bad as it once was. - Drew _

3)   maybe you should tell your parents and see a specialist on animal diseases. (if i sound sarcastic, i don't mean to i am just telling you what i would do - Hector


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