is there some kind of test to find out if u r allergic to dogs?... my sister has brought three dogs int the house and just 3 months ago has brought a third dog in. my face is breaking out horribly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! been going to dermatologist to get trearments my face hurts and i just need to know is there a test a doctor can do to see if im allergic to dogs?
1) Yes, see an allergy doctor for testing. - shannon02114
2) go up to the dog, sniff it and see if it gets worse. if it does see a doctor. or see a doctor for an allergy test. - james
3) Yea its called if you sneeze break out when around dogs then your allergic. Dont ask dumb55 questions when you can answer them with the simplest observations - Tht1Kidd
4) Step one: Extract essence of dog from dog.
Step two: Apply essence of dog to patient.
Step three: Repeat step two until results are evident.
SOLVED! - Otto B
5) im allergic too, you should just go to the doctors and ask to see if u are or not. they will take your blood and check but it will take like a week or two. hope it helped - Task
6) Yes- your dermatologist can do a skin prick. - JenVT
7) yes, a simple blood test. - TC
Question 2
Why does vicodin make my nose itch?...
1) you aren't supposed to snort it. - essentiallysolo
2) You are allergic to codeine. - peanut
3) It's just a side effect of the drug. - MisMischievous
4) Tayloroa, Vicodin like most pain medications have that side effect, anytime I've had to take any kind of pain medication I have itching, so that leaves us with two options don't take them and hurt or take them and itch. Hope this helps. Rita V - Rita V
Question 3
what is this lump on my back?x?... i've got a very painful lump on my back near the top of my spine, a bit bigger than a centimeter, which has a tiny black dot in the middle of it? i've had spots on my back before and it def doesn't look like one, its not red and feels like a very hard lump. any ideas? xxx
1) I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - ks
2) You need to get off the internet and get to a doctor. It could be absolutely nothing, but better to be safe than sorry. - LydonPuggles
3) Cancer! your goin to die - navarone_chaos
4) Use a hot compress on it to see if it comes to a head. Could be a blocked duct... - TC
Question 4
how do i help my puppy if he has parvo?how do i protect my 7week old puppys from getting parvo?how do i get?... they are vomiting they have Daria i worry that it is do i protect my 7week old puppy's from getting sick?how do i get this sickness out of my home?
1) this section is for HUMAN health, I suggest you take your question to the pet section. - essentiallysolo
2) I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - zxcv
3) TAKE HIM TO A ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASAP!!!!! This is life threatening!!
My puppies just had it! And humans wont get sick from it but it is VERYYYY dangerous aspecially for pupps!
I was lucky enuf to take them to the hospital when it first started. - creepyppl o
4) You have to keep them hydrated. Pedilyte and such should help. if they are outside, they should be up off the ground when they are small. We had some that had parvo when they were young and we nursed them through it. You should try to take them to the vet too. - ike&izzy
Question 5
How can get rid of my blackheads and dark acne scars?... i am a only 13 years old girl
1) 1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away. - Mekiii
2) dunno.
if you find out, let me know I got them and they suck
I feel your pain - marty m
3) Your best bet is to go to the Dermatologist for a skin resurfacing. - Veritas
4) I suggest you to see
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Holly
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