Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Have you had the swine flu vaccine?

Question 1
Have you had the swine flu vaccine?...  I have been invited to have the swine flu vaccine next week and I was wondering about side effects.
Have you had the vaccine? and how did you feel after it? I am in my 60's with a low immune system so I am told I should have the injection to avoid the swine flu.

1)   no i havent but my 1 year old daughter is to get one soon...as far as im aware most people will have a mild fever, slight nausea.... - Hollie

2)   I'm pregnant and I refuse to get the vaccine. My OB supports my decision. I have heard of too many people getting sick from it. Plus, getting the vaccination doesn't stop you from getting a mutated strain of it. - Mandy Boo

3)   My wife had it as she is Asthma vulnerable. She had a sore arm afterwards and flu-like symptoms for the rest of the day, but this is normal and the effects didn't last long. - Taf

4)   I have and I fully support them as although they can give you cold symptoms, the risk is greater for me without having one.
It is worth it in the long run. - EffyChemical

5)   I'm 22, have no spleen and a low immune system also. I got two doses of the swine flu vaccine and felt fine after both doses. My father also has no spleen, he's in his sixties and he also had two doses and had no side effects either. When you go into the clinic they will give you a list of the side effects which include nausea, runny nose, headaches. After your vaccine they make you wait in an area for 15 minutes to make sure you are O.K to leave. Hope this helps. - broc87

6)   My husband and I are 58 we have had the normal flu jab but we decided not to have swine flu as we don't think they know enough about the vaccine or the swine flu itself.But that is only our opinion - Georgie Porgie


Question 2
Taking HIV blood test?...  When is the proper time for taking HIV blood test? How much time should be passed after the last sexual intercourse?

1)   ASAP for a baseline and then again in like 3 months I think - Ender Wiggins

2)   dont go for it..there might be somethin in it - vivek v

3)   if you have multiple partners and like to have sex you should get it once a year - Heath

4)   2 months for the antibodies to show up. - Annie


Question 3
H1N1, is this a shot I should have my child get?...  I'm alittle set off by having my child get this shot. I'm not sure if its important or a scare factor created by the government. Maybe I'm just hoping for the best, but it just seems like the next health scare....ex: bird flu,etc. My child has asthma and allergies, but is really rather healthy compared to his cousins that don't have his health problems. What do you think?

1)   It is crucial to eat effectively to stay fit. Colon cleanse is an exciting suplement which keeps you fit and in addition has the bonus of helping you to lose a pile of weight. There's a free trial on at the moment at http://rarors.myweightlosspro.info , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen? - Parker

2)   my son had both of my grandchildren given the H1N1 shots. i personally think that the shots should be mandatory for all students be it K-12 or college, plus all the staff in schools and hospitals. - christina c

3)   Majority of Children Respond POORLY to Flu Vaccine

It is interesting to note that babies this age respond poorly to either the seasonal flu vaccine or the H1N1 vaccine. One of the largest studies ever done, found that children below the age of 2 years received no protection at all from the seasonal flu vaccine.7

The recently completed study on the effectiveness of the new H1N1 vaccine reported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease found that 75% of small children below age 35 months received no protection from the H1N1 vaccine and that 65% of children between the ages of 3 years and 9 years received no protection from the vaccine.8

Flu Vaccine DOUBLES Risk of Getting H1N1

It is also important to view this in the face of the new unpublished Canadian study of 12 million people that found getting the seasonal flu vaccine, as recommended by the CDC and NIH, doubles one’s risk of developing the H1N1 infection. It would also make the infection much more serious. - dbobo

4)   Both of my friend's children (ages 4 yrs & 8 months) got very ill from getting the shot. The baby had to get it twice and was almost hospitalized after the second one. The vaccine was made too quickly for them to have done any real testing on it. I am pregnant and refuse to get the vaccine. My OB supports my decision. - Mandy Boo


Question 4
Question on swine flu vaccine?...  Hi im supposed to be getting the swine flu vaccine on monday but i ave an allergy to penicillin will this be a problem?


1)   DON'T! The less zombies we have the better! - Drewzee

2)   No, vaccines aren't antibiotics. They do, however, contain chicken and egg products. So if you have any type of chicken or egg allergy you can't ge the shot. - Mandy Boo

3)   the h1n1 vaccine is not penicillin based, it's a weakened form of the h1n1 virus, like all vaccines. the idea is that the virus invades your system, but is weak enough that your immune system can destroy it and build antibodies. i'm no doctor, but i wouldn't think your allergy would be a problem. - Annie


Question 5
chest pain, pressure?...  I had a really painful chest pressure when I breathe out and when I move in certain directions. I had it for the passed couple weeks, it would last for 5 hrs then go away and come back the next day but for the passed 2 days the pain did not go away at all. It almost feels like a muscle pulling or something it goes all the way through my back and its between my upper breasts. what could be causing this?

1)   Have you never heard of a doctor?

Chest pain isnt exactly something you just want to 'wait and see' with. - LoveAlways

2)   Chest pain is nothing to trifle with. Get thee to the ER. ASAP - topcat3479

3)   it might be the aftereffect of a cold or something similar.
or you might have stretched your muscle.
if you already have it for a few weeks you should go and see a doctor soon. - Patrick


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