Im scared i have herpes!?... I made out with this girl and recieved oral sex, her friend then told me she had herpes but she was joking, and i looked and she didnt have any cold sores. I still freaked out and I have been really scared. I got a cold sore 3 weeks after, but I have always gotten cold sores when ive been under alot of stress, and its finals week. I cant tell my parents im scared i might have herpes either. Can I start kissing girls again after my cold sores go away? Also I have a few small white spots that have been coming and going on my penis head, does this mean anything? What should i do? I need help!
1) before you assume and get freaked out even more. GO GET TESTED! - jenny
2) Uhhhhh, get tested??? Not that hard..... - doodleson
3) chillllllll you don't have herpes dude your good it is just a cold sore. - chrisd111291
4) You need to go to a doctor before you raise any conclusions first.
Dont kiss or touch anyone until this is resolved
But seriously see a doc - Jacoy S
5) Go see a doctor, obviously. You don't sound safe to have any sort of contact with, it could still be there even if the sores are gone. If you really think you have it go get it treated. - SunriseAries
6) just go get tested and get it over with. - Thomas
7) Herpes is forever. - Jas P
8) U got her herps man. go to the doctor get some ointment. - Kyle
9) you might have herpes im sorry :(
or maybe its something else consult your doctor - ♥andrea.skellington♥
10) The fact that you get cold sores means that you already have orofacial herpes. The spots that you have been getting should be checked out by a doctor. Tell your parents without going into the details of how if it makes you uncomfortable. The important thing is that you discuss your concerns with your doctor. - Cinn
11) Its your own fault but go get tested - You Think You Know Me
12) White spots on your penis head? Dude, don't mean to scare you but I've never heard of that... - jammin7000
13) Relax, you already have herpes simplex 1 virus, as evidenced by your "cold sores". You can't catch what you already have. The simple fact is you probably contracted it from your parents. There are salves and pills to prevent an outbreak. I always keep a supply handy for when I'm out in the sun, or under a lot of stress. Do yourself a favor and ask your parents to let you see a doctor so you can treat an outbreak before it surfaces. You can always tell by the "tingle" when it is about to break out.
No, don't kiss anyone when you have a cold sore (herpes) as that is when it is most contageous.
The herpes virus is very, very, common, whether it be Simplex 1 or 2, and is not a serious health threat to a normal, healthy person. - Hoot
14) i think for herpes you have to wait a month after youve been exposed to the virus to get tested. im pretty sure it a blood test that you have to do. theres two kinds of herpes, the one that people ususally get on their mouths and the std kind.. usually if you havent had an out break within the first month you are probably ok.. but youll never know for sure unless you get tested. i would definitely advise you to go to your clinic - Alley
15) You can get herpes by receiving oral sex. But this is normally only true when the person giving oral sex has a cold sore outbreak. There is also a difference between herpes simplex 1 and herpes simplex 2. Simplex 1 are the cold sores that people get on the lips and surrounding their lips. 90% of the nation probably has simplex 1 even if they have never had a cold sore.
Simplex 2 is genital herpes. This is where you will get the cold sores on your genitals.
However, if someone with herpes simplex 1 gives oral sex while having a cold sore it could turn into simplex 2 for the person receiving the oral sex. I would google this matter to get a better understanding of how the simplexes of herpes work.
It is also a good idea not to kiss anyone while you are having a cold sore on your lip. Just due to the fact that you can be giving them the simplex 1 of herpes. - Mile High
16) The importance of knowing your STD symptoms will make you knowledgeable on the present condition of your body. STD testing is one way to know if you are really STD infected. - Rachell
17) Go get tested but if you get cold sores you already have type-1 herpes. Type-2 is generally considered genital herpes but can be oral as well. There has not, however, ever been a documented case of some having type one and two orally in their mouths. Genital herpes aren't as strong orally and If you already have type one cold sores the antibodies in your system that fights those sores will keep you from getting the type 2.
Please look it up yourself. I am not a doctor but have been in the same situation. - Nick
18) I don't think you have herpes simplex 2, but if you have a cold sore you you have siplex 1 and should not be kissing anyone. I heard about those white spots on the rim of your penis head on Love Line but as far as I remember they were not serious. Herpes bumps are red and from what I have read very painful. Stay safe and always wear a condom. Go to the nearest Planned Parenthood for a free STD test if you are still concerned. I think it is confidential. Good luck and please, please stay safe. - Dee
Question 2
Why doesn't the United States get all of their top scientists together to find a cure for AIDS?... After looking through some information about the Manhattan Project during recent weeks, I realized that if you can get the top minds in a certain field together, you can find something that can change the world forever (even though Nuclear Weapons are not good by any means).
Anyway, I was thinking this; Should the United States get all of their top scientists together today to collaborate and develop a cure for AIDS, just like we did for the Manhattan Project in World War II.
It would repair the American image throughout the world for generations to come, and it would help rid the world of the terrible HIV/AIDS virus.
1) It wouldn't make them any money - Steffah
2) why?
aids is it's own cure. - ez80227
3) Right and exactly how are you planning on paying them?
How do you know there IS a cure for AIDS?
Why can't they just used condums? - Julio
4) Or maybe people should just be responsible for themselves.
p.s Don't have sex with a prostitute! - hey
5) Because they've got other things to do, too. - hedgehead88
6) The problem with a virus is that it mutates. - Ching Chong Ping Pong
7) things are not that simple. nuclear bombs are very easy to make but the hard part is enriching the uranium. aids and hiv are on a molecular level and we just dont have the technology (physical technology to cure it. we have been trying for years and spending all that time collecting scientists would be a waste. knowledge and miracle don't always come in numbers - cheeese
8) They need other things to worry about AND IF the had to get all of the scientists together to sure something it should be cancer not AIDS cancer kills more - LemonzSlayerz
9) That's a good idea. We should implement it just as soon as all the top scientists find a cure for heart disease the top killer disease, then cancer the second most prolific killer, then stroke and the next 16 killer diseases that come before AIDS. I'm sure you would agree with this. - Terrel
10) That's what the scientific grants are for. It's a tough problem. It and related items are being researched in top universities right now.
There are scientific gatherings and world-wide collaborations on-going. For every Manhattan project there are dozens that fail. - dis_orient_ed
Question 3
I HAVE BACK ACNE!!! I NEED IT CLEARED UP ASAP!!!?... I have had a bad case of back acne. I REALLY want to get rid of it ASAP! If you guys know any techniques or anything please comment. Thanks
1) the doctor can give you prescription cream/pills. works really well. - Thomas.K
2) Proactiv, or wash yur back with some really strong stuff with salycidic acid. leave it on in the shower, and exfoliate to get rid of the dead skin. use moisturizer. try to not wear shirts two nights in a row, because the oils stay on. if you have long hair, keep it up when you sleep. - hedgehead88
3) 1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away. - Rania
4) For acne ,darkspots,blemishes,stretchmarks and other
skin care tips and geting clean and fair skin
u may refer to this blog
(copy n paste tis link in browser to open it)
n u ll find tips for curing acne and
solution to all your skin problems - meno
Question 4
when i breathe in to deep it hurts my chest really bad?... when i breathe i can't take a deep or full breath because it hurts. when i try to yawn i can only go like halfway and i have to stop because the pain is to much. any help please
1) How long has this been happening? Sometimes this happens to me just for a short time, then it goes away. Probably some kind of muscle cramp. But if it lasts for a while, you might want to call a doctor. - Indigo
2) Have you tried seeing a medical professional? Yikes! I am so sorry to hear that. Occasionally, I may have the same kind of experience but I wouldn't give my advice to you for fear that I would be wrong. I think you should try seeing a doctor as something could be hurting your lungs. Good Luck! I hope its nothing too serious. - pugs :)
3) It could be a tight or pulled muscle or a cramp. It could be that you need a chiropractic adjustment. When my ribs pop out of place I have the type of pain you described. But if you're sick......
Here are some tips that help me when I'm fighting a cold, respiratory infection, or flu.....
take a sinus decongestant containing Phenylephrine 5mg. you don't necessarily need all the extras it's often mixed with.
but if you want some extras, here you go: Guaifenisen (Mucinex is the brand name, but it's way cheaper at dollar stores. always read ingredients!!) liquefies your mucus so it's much easier to expel. But you have to drink TONS of water or it won't work, and you must be near a bathroom because it makes you pee a lot. (yet causes constipation... another reason to stay hydrated!)
Ibuprofen is an excellent anti-inflammatory, but it's strong, so alternate it with Acetaminophen as needed for pain, pressure, and headaches.
stay home. (even one day can make a difference to your immune system. plus, you'll keep your germs to yourself.)
sleep. (bolsters up your immune system)
drink plenty of water. (8 8oz servings a day=bare minimum!!) (pee out those germs and flush 'em away!!)
take vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea. (also strengthen the immune system)
eat too much garlic. (sorry, but it really is great for your health! and it will give you a good reason to stay home. :) )
wash hands well and often. use moisturizing lotion or hand sanitizer to keep from cracking your hands to bits.
avoid milk and chocolate. dairy foods will thicken your mucus and make your fight that much harder.
the meds and garlic are harsh, so don't take them on an empty stomach. i hope you allow yourself some time to feel better soon! take care.
also i just learned a new tip from John Popper of Blues Traveler: very hot water, cayenne pepper, white vinegar, and honey. SOUNDS GROSS!!! he gargles it and spits up all kinds of nasty crap. might be worth a shot, but don't hurt your vocals! to be safe maybe just drink hot water with lemon and honey. that works too, and it's much more pleasant.
you will benefit most from the mucinex and water. (generic is fine... but don't take any DEXTROMETHORPHAN (cough suppressant) during the day. take it at night so you can stop coughing and get some rest. during the day, you need to drink a ton of water and break that crap up so it will leave you alone!)
PS: I have never been pregnant. I am not a doctor or nurse. I am just an uninsured person who gets sick and must self-treat. Please consult a physician or at the very least, look up side effects of the above suggested over-the-counter medications before taking them while pregnant or nursing. - jaime rae
Question 5
i'm experiencing very strange sensations, can anyone help me with some medical advice?... My left arm is going limp, almost like i'm losing control of it, but i can move it freely, and my right arm as well, but not nearly as bad. Im having very weird sensations in my neck and arm, and my legs. im having a hard time focusing, and my motor skills have decreased significantly. i find it hard to formulate a phrase or a sentence, and i have to force it to come out of my mouth. (thank goodness for spell check) im also prone to panic attacks, PTSD, and anxiety. I need to know if im gonna be fine, or if i should get immediate help. i have a doctors appointment next week. these feelings are new, but i've experienced them before. Also i find that if i worry about things like if i were to have a stroke, my left arm will get funny sensations. and when that happens, i become extremely anxious, my heart starts to race, and i get a rush of adrenaline, which later leaves me shaky. plz help guiz, srsly. im freaking out over heer.
To the guy who commented first:
Im 5-10, weigh 140 pounds, im not over weight.
and i didn't mention that i was obese
1) Colon cleaning is the modern method to reduce weight. Researchers have highlighted the point that not all extra weight is thanks to surplus fat, a load of weight just rests there in the insides, and all you need to do is clean it out.**http%3a// has a risk free trial on at the moment, give it a try, you could reduce up to twenty pounds! - Avery
2) Only a doctor can tell you if you'll be alright. Call 911 and get checked out. - tototoo
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