Friday, April 30, 2010

Do you ever stop breathing...?

Question 1
Do you ever stop breathing...?...  Okay. I stop breathing sometimes lol
-get head-rushes a lot
-somewhat low blood pressure
-Not athletic
-growing a lot recently
-smart? lol.
Okay yeah. I stop breathing, Either because I just feel like it when I'm doing something and it just gets in the way. Idk how to explain it lol. Other times I'm concentrating on something and notice myself not breathing and then I resume normally. I don't have to gasp for breath or anything.....just happens.

1)   sometimes - FatCat

2)   to much caffeine - Tessa R

3)   sometimes - yogurtisgood

4)   I used to forget to breathe when I was really, really stoned in a crowded place.

Now I just try not to breathe when I'm in a crowded place. - Christo-fur

5)   When you're concentrating intensely on something i think that it's normal so hold your breathe. But to stop breathing cuz its in the way? That's a bit strange. - lhlhi

6)   Yeah you do stop breathing you retard......1. when your dying 2. when you hold your breath, if you couldnt figure that one on your own then you should check yourself into a mental hospital - Ibtrollin

7)   sometimes - Zac

8)   Your body can store a few minutes of oxygen, and when you are not breathing it is because simply your body doesn't need to breath for a bit. If you needed to breath your body would overrule your controls to force it's self to breath. Don't worry about it. - Freterz

9)   umm once when I had alcohol poisoning (not cool nor fun)

breathing is automatic, IF you stop breathing there might be something wrong with your autonomic system, it might be worth looking into, because other parts of your body are automatic too and when those functions fail it can lead to death.. you may have some kind of awake sleep apnea, which is also a bad condition, as if you had it at night and don't wake up, you can suffocate. - chris b


Question 2
How do you remove skin moles?...  I have skin moles on my face and arms, and they aren't cancerous. They are the common type of moles but I just think that they don't look very well on my skin, so are there any natural remedies for these moles? Am I able to remove them on my own? Or do I have to go to a dermatologist? How much will it cost? And my moles aren't protruding or anything, they are like flat, like when you touch them, you'll feel your skin. It's somehow just like a black pigment on top of the skin.

1)   Lasers now a days I think - wrayith

2)   I think if you really want to get them removed then you need to get them surgically removed but I wouldn't know any costs for you...sorry - Realest person ever

3)   I suggest you to see ---->
it contains very useful of information about many health issues.
hope that will help you as well. keep using - Mark

4)   There are no natural remedies which can absolutely uproot ur moles. Best way is to refer to a beautician than a dermatologist because doctors donot take it serious to beautify ur face . But, beauticians do. Keep trying... a thing of beauty is a joy forever....Bye... - phaneendra k

5)   they may seem flat, but when you remove it, you will notice it has roots no matter how flat it is or you think its just an ink of a ballpen.

a dermatologist can help you.

no matter how you remove it, it will always grow back. repeat the process and youll be awarded with skin and mole cancer. - GAMER

6)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fdew

7)   hi well i had a big mole on my armpit, and i got them removed by some chinese people in nyc, so if you live in nyc, you can hit me up and ill tell you the information. if its not that big, like just a dot or something, she charges 10. but mines was fairly big and it costed me 30. so i think you'll be ok with the price. and it really does get removed! - princess


Question 3
help with kidney stones?...  i think i may have one and the doctors arent sure. they know i have an infection they prescribed me on medication for that and they said it seems like i may have one, but i wont know til i see the doctor for that but they wont see me until they get my insurance validated. my sisters dad has the insurance card but wont give it to me because hes mad at me, so i cant go the doctor to get it taken care of. are there any at home methods i can try?

1)   just put some toothpaste on it and it'll be fixed in no time - 2cute

2)   Yes, large amounts of water and shots of pure lemon juice will dissolve the calcium (kidney stone) slowly and flush it out, I have personally flushed one out this way. -

3)   I suggest you to see ---->
it contains very useful of information about many health issues.
hope that will help you as well. keep using - Steven

4)   Kitchen remedies such as.....drinking beer,radish juice,drinking lots of water,avoid food that is difficult to digest. - bornfreemalaysian

5)   Kidney stones are very distinctive. If you've ever had one, you'd never forget it. They cause a sudden intense pain along with a squeezing sort of sensation. By intense, I mean that kidney stones and childbirth are usually cited as the two most painful things you can experience. From experience, I'd say that a kidney stone would give you an entirely new definition of pain. - Graybeard

6)   Do whatever you need to do to make peace with (your??) father. (Is this a half-sister?) There's only one card? Perhaps your sister can get a hold of the card for you.

Please be sure to drink 3 liters of distilled water each and every day. If you want to try some home remedies, add lemon juice to the distilled water. Cranberry juice is something else you can drink. You can alternate the lemon-water with cranberry. Cut back or even cut out meat for right now. I'm fairly certain you don't know that there are different types of stones (calculi) made from different substances so it would be a very good idea if you did some online research and learned about them. You'd have a much better idea what foods you should avoid or cut back on to prevent future calculus. Who knows, you may pass the stone (calculus) without the doctor's help. - TweetyBird

7)   there is nothing you can do without going to the doctor. drinking plenty of water is good for you and will help pass it, if there is one. - renee


Question 4
I have an extremely bad sunburn help?...  So, I'm from Louisiana and it's pretty hot out here, anyway Tuesday we went crabbin for 13hours. 3am to 3pm we were outside. Now at sunrise which was about 630 I put on my sun screen but fergot to reapply it. Screw up on me. So now I have THE WORST sunburn iv ever had and iv had quite a few. I haven't been able to sleep since tuesday. I catch naps sittin up or layin in the bath tub every once in awhile but I can't lay down because my arms can't touch anything. I believe it might be a second to third degree. Every pore on my shoulder is a bubble/blister some are yellow pus pockets the other are water blisters either way I mean they are every where. My sunburn is so bad that wjen we put aloe vera on it the aloe curdeled. Iv done vingear, milk, aloe, latican, ice, cold bath, baking soda paste and bath, and even the black tea remedy and the pain just won't subside. I just wanna be able to sleep tonight. Any suggestions besides to wear sunscreen next time. Its real bad to the point where I just can't move and my arms are just plain weak. Please help me!

1)   just lots and lots of aloe, and a cold oatmean bath with espon salts. - Rachel B

2)   I suggest you to see ---->
it contains very useful of information about many health issues.
hope that will help you as well. keep using - Mark

3)   yeah reapply next time but try coconut butter - FuCH

4)   Sorry, probably won't be sleeping tonight unless you can sleep sitting up. - Serene E

5)   Perhaps the sunscreen caused you the burn. I recommend you visit to a dermatologist - Ezero


Question 5
RASH ON BUTT please help!?...  Rash inside buttocks, looks like a cluster of mosquito bits. No puss. I know its not a std because I am married with 3 kids, just gave birth 4 months ago. What could it be??
Not itchy and not painful.

1)   HAHAHAHAHA! - Jesse

2)   It just needs some of my white creamy ointment on it. - Yasshoo!

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fdew

4)   Maybe ingrown hair bumps that have not turned painful with puss yet. Or maybe it's just irritated from some a pair underwear maybe. - Sammy B


Have you ever known someone who overdosed?

Question 1
Have you ever known someone who overdosed?...  My nephew overdosed on heroin and stopped breathing. He's alive thanks to the quick action of family members. He's in rehab now...again. He's only 19 and almost died this week.

1)   Jesus - Smeg

2)   Sorry about your nephew, I hope rehab helps him this time. I overdosed on purpose last year. I got help though, and I'm in a much better place emotionally. - Little Hippie

3)   Yea I do it's a very scary thing....The only answer is himself....he is the only person who can help himself......It's so sad to see someone in that situation....I know the feeling you have...of helplessness, and wondering why.......can't he see that he's killing himself and he's not just hurting himself but those around him.....I'm so sorry and I hope that he gets the help and takes of wishes....I'll keep you guys in my prayers:) - Cori

4)   sucks. - alec

5)   You and your family should look into going to Al-anon meetings. This 12 step group will help you better understand the disease of addiction and understand how to "let go with love." I have known many people who have over dosed, many have died. Just because he is in rehab, and just because he almost died does not mean the he will definately stay clean and sober. How do I know? I have been a member of AA for almost 18 years. I have seen it all, done too many things myself and know the heartache of watching those you care for kill themselves. Please get the help that YOU need and let your nephew get the help he needs. - Ellen


Question 2
Question about cold sores/ fever blisters?...  I basically know everything about cold sores. I've been getting them since I was a little girl (I'm 18 now). I know you shouldn't touch or kiss anyone while you have it because then you'll pass on the virus onto them.... but I was wondering, what if I kiss a person who already has the virus? will they still get a blister from the contact with mine, or will it spread, or will nothing happen?

1)   Why have you had herpes since you were little?
Yes you can get different strains of herpes so even if someone else has a sore you can give then a second infection. - Jim

2)   Nothing will happen. Also if a person doesnt even have a cold sore but they have before recently the chances that they will get them is very rare since it has already been in their system. - shelby

3)   youl die. - alec

4)   I get cold sores too, so does my son who is 7. I think read one time like 80% of population has the virus but only about 15% get break outs. If you kiss someone who already has the virus then they will get break outs if they are prone to it, but like said some don't get break outs so they my not get any blister.

Me and my son always get break outs at the same time, thats because we are always sharing things. - Denise


Question 3
Best cures for eczema / dry skin.?...  Hi i'm 16 nearly 17 and have dry skin and eczema , mainly on my face and neck, but its not bright red as you may see when you type it on google. I have small spots and my skin isn't very soft, quite thick and hard on my neck. It is also quite dry at times and can be very itchy

I've heard Goats Milk is suppose to be good , I also moisturise my face two times a day.
What are types of food etc that will be good for curing eczema if not calming down.

And before you comment its definitely eczema.
Also due creams work , my face always looks shiny!

1)   i used to have it all my life and i just lost it last year
i used to wear wet bandages to bed and bathed in E45 this really help - rambo

2)   The most effective remedies will be prescribed your doctor. However, you should bathe with moisturizing soap. Apply Mineral Oil to your body upon getting out of the shower (you should towel dry just enough so that you're not dripping wet). Then apply a good moisturizing lotion such as Lubriderm before getting dressed.

My son had eczema as a young child and this is what I did for him and it worked wonders. - Jen_Gurl22

3)   Eczema is often the result of a skin allergy or even a food one, such as a dairy allergy/sensitivity, or another allergy/sensitivity. You may want to see the doctor and ask if you can have allergy tests done so you can avoid the cause of it.
You want to use lukewarm water to wash up, never hot. Make sure you are using a gentle cleanser, preferably one that's creamy. Immediately use a good moisturizer, like Atopalm (note the 20% off promo code if you're interested) The jar lasts a long time, it helps to rebuild the skin's natural barrier, and it's very popular for those with eczema. Some people also find that a few drops of jojoba oil help, but I would still use something like Atopalm, too. - wilson


Question 4
can a doctor visually see an inner ear infection?...  i've had earache for 2 months now the doctor says my ears look fine would he be able to see an inner ear infection?

1)   Inner ear?
Middle ear (between the ear drum & auditory nerve)?
Probably. - Smitty

2)   Yes and no. yes if the membrane is swollen due to an inner ear infection and not if their is no sign oinflammation and swelling.
if you have had earache for that long it should be examined more closely and you will have to be persistent in seeing the doctor and getting further examinations, at the hospital . Your body is telling you that there is something wrong if you are in pain - Scouse

3)   Usually anything that causes an ache would cause a red or "domed" ear drum. Also lots of wax can cause pain and that is outer ear.
But if the pain is still there do persist in finding the cause! - Marie K


Question 5
how come a puss would never go away?...  its been with me for nearly a year im gettin scared what should i do is it dangerous, sometimes it gets better but grows back thanks if u solve my problem

1)   it's due to a infection yes you should be scared it depends on where it's at you need to be check out by a doctor asap Sense i not a doctor i can't tell you what to do but have a real doctor look at it - old doughboy

2)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Fftew


Thursday, April 29, 2010

I have alot of small white hairs in one pore, when squeezed it has cheesy/puss-like stuff come out.What is it?

Question 1
I have alot of small white hairs in one pore, when squeezed it has cheesy/puss-like stuff come out.What is it?...  There's a small lump under the pore.

1)   umm
It's called a zit. - Nonya Buisness

2)   its an infected follicle. - Guerita

3)   wow! no way! i have those too! they're called pimples. and it's nothing to get worked up about, there's more where that came from. - Bucketful of tickles

4)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Candy

5)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Nunnu

6)   You have either a fungal, viral or bacterial skin infection, only an exam from your doctor can find out which, but it's best to see them or a dermatologist asap. - David (UK)


Question 2
How can I get rid of '2nd degree' burns from very hot/boiling water?...  It was some very HOT water that just came from the top of the stove, and hit the bottom back of my neck and I stop it before it reach the middle/half of my back. So it made a few wide lines of burns. Are there any lotions or anything that can help without going to a Doctor?

1)   Gobs of vitamin E - Jeff

2)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Jesse

3)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Nunnu

4)   Run it under water for a fair while because burns like that can continue to burn underneath the burn itself and still cause damage to your skin. Going into a chemist and asking about treating burn injuries would be a good idea and they would be able to recommend something for your burn. - Ryan

5)   General burn relief creams and lotions will help but in general, the burn will leave marks that may last a few days or weeks, depending on how many layers of skin were lost. I had a similar burn on the back of my right thumb which took a five days to heal most of the initial damage, a week or two to heal the worst hit spot (though cutting that area only five days later didn't help) and roughly a month for all the skin to recover and the dead layers to flake off. - Ed

6)   Have a cold or a cool shower, use any skin lotion you have on hand and get your self into emergency. Don't mess around with burns, the sooner a professional sees you the better chance you will have of quicker and hopefully complete healing. - GmB


Question 3
are there different kinds of cancer?...  Are there different kinds of cancer? I don’t just mean cancer in different areas I mean different kinds.
Why does it matter how old I am? And like I said you guys are naming the same kind of cancer just in different locations. I don’t want that, I want different kinds of cancer. For example.... I can’t really think of a example, um like is there a more deadly kind of cancer?

1)   Yes, how old are you? - sassycassie

2)   how old are you... - Caleb

3)   Well there is like Colen cancer, and breast cancer, and stuff if that is what you mean, there are so many kinds buddy, brain throat mouth etc there are tonnes...

Its called Google =) - Scotty

4)   all of them - richard t

5)   The two main categories would be malignant and benign.

Malignant = harmful cancer, tumors that spread
Benign = not harmful, the tumors don't spread

This is very general. - Footbiter


Question 4
Could this be Insomnia???PLEASE HELP!!!!?...  I'm 15 year old teenager having holidays from the last 1 month. I am just not able to sleep during the night from 4-5 days. I have tried everything- from a warm glass of milk to a banana. Nothing seems to help. Whenever I lie down to sleep, I keep dreaming the whole night even though I know what is happening around me.

But the next morning, I don't feel sleepy or tired due to insufficient sleep. I feel active and don't feel any drowsiness. My friend told me that it might be due to the fact that I'm having holidays and I don't do any activity whole day.

I don't drink any coffee or energy drink and I'm scared that it might be Insomnia.
Plz help me and yes,don't suggest sleeping pills coz I'm only 15.

I don't feel very active the other day but my eyes do feel a little heavy.

1)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Candy

2)   That doesn't really sound like insomnia to me. If you're not tired, it doesn't sound like there's really a problem, other than it's just a little strange.
Insomnia isn't really anything to be afraid of, it's not a disease like cancer or herpes. It just means you can't sleep. If you start to feel tired or have other negative symptoms, go see a doctor. You may just be sleeping very lightly. - Real Life has No Soundtrack

3)   If you had insomnia you would be tired throughout the day. Do you have a hard time falling asleep? - mandace87

4)   Hey don't worry so much ;) It's just a period.
Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder in the United States. About one-third of the adult population has experienced it at some time and approximately 10% have a persistent problem.
Insomnia signs and symptoms may include:

* Difficulty falling asleep at night
* Awakening during the night
* Awakening too early
* Not feeling well rested after a night's sleep
* Daytime fatigue or sleepiness
* Irritability, depression or anxiety
* Difficulty paying attention or focusing on tasks
* Increased errors or accidents
* Tension headaches
* Gastrointestinal symptoms
* Ongoing worries about sleep

Treatment without Medication:

The non-medication treatment methods used to help insomnia are often focused at helping the patient “relearn” how to sleep. Some of these techniques are common-sense habits that go a long way in helping people feel sleepy at night. These include:

* Develop a regular sleeping schedule. Avoid daytime naps and stimulating activities just before bedtime.

* Avoid stimulating drugs, such as caffeine and nicotine, particularly before going to bed.

* Exercise during the day (but not in the late evening).

* Avoid alcohol- it is a leading cause of poor sleep.

* Minimize light and noise when trying to sleep..

* Maintain a comfortable bedroom temperature.

* Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. If hungry, eat a light carbohydrate snack.

* Take medications that may be stimulating, or those that may cause you to wake up to urinate long before bedtime.

* Increase exposure to sunlight in the morning, and avoid it later in the afternoon (5-6 PM). - Meri


Question 5
Hormones released by the posterior pituitary gland (such as oxytocin) are synthesized by?...  a. the pineal gland
b. secretory neurons in the hypothalamus
c. the anterior pituitary gland
d. neurons in the motor cortex
e. none of the above

1)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Candy

2)   Wiki is actually pretty good for this answer.
"In the hypothalamus, oxytocin is made in magnocellular neurosecretory cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and is stored in Herring bodies at the axon terminals in the posterior pituitary. It is then released into the blood from the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) of the pituitary gland."
- - -
The answer is "b" - Spreedog

3)   b. secretory neurons in the hypothalamus ! - dr. maria

4)   Hypothalamus. - TweetyBird


Fist time smoking weed?

Question 1
Fist time smoking weed?...  if someone were to smoke MJ for the 1st time, how many hits from a bong would u need to take?

1)   no one should smoke it anyways

God bless - ToxicBlondy

2)   It's different for everyone,some ppl dont even get high their first time,but if you hit it hard and hold it as long as possible before exhaling,2 or 3 hits should do the trick - p.kr0281

3)   one - live;laugh;love<3

4)   if you was gonna do it i would say just one and see how it goes i wouldnt reccomend doing it like that the first time you do it try smoking it first - Treena


Question 2
does the 3rd cervical cancer jab hurt?...  i am having the last of the three cervical cancer jabs tomorrow. i'm a bit worried because everyone that i know who has had it, says it hurt a lot. much more than the other two. the first one stung, and the second was relatively painless, and i know it's the same needle, but all the same i'm scared. is it true?
i know jabs a better than having to have cancer.. but still..

1)   They are all the same, why would one hurt more? - ★Starkissed ★

2)   For heavens sake, they don't hurt you. God help you if you are ever in real pain. - Dan

3)   nah love, it wont hurt... i have had all three and didnt feel a thing! You'll be okay :) - ...Noddykins...

4)   this may help you: - Vahid


Question 3
Is it bad of a removed ingrown toenail excessively bleeds?...  I had part of my ingrown toenail removed on Monday, and it hasn't stopped bleeding since. It's not gushing blood, but the toe is covered in a pretty good amount of it. Is this really bad? My podiatrist didn't really give me much info on what it'll be like after wards. Please help!

1)   The best thing to do is give your podiatrist a ring. Let them know it is still bleeding & see what they say. Its probably nothing to worry about, but best let them know. - Lyn S

2)   Yes. Contact your podiatrist asap. - Dillan

3)   about it you can get information from here - Migdalia


Question 4
Non-diabetics with toast and jelly?...  I think and hope i'm non-diabetic, but i have some questions. When i woke up my blood sugar was low 70's, is this normal? I ate some toast and grape jelly, and a banana, and an hour later my blood sugar shot up to 130, is this normal for a non-diabetic? Does jelly raise blood sugar a lot? I haven't seen hot dogs or sandwiches raise it by that much.

1)   It may be the combination of toast and jelly. Bear in mind that white bread (if that's what you're using) has carbohydrates that raise blood sugar pretty soon after consumption. - Benjamin

2)   ahhh!!! you were NOT low, you were normal!!! low is under 60!!

130 is a normal spike for normal people. My glucose would have spiked to 300+ with that for food inspite of pills and insulins!

Jelly and bananas are both almost pure sugar! You might as well have been spooning sugar out of the bowl in the middle of the table except this had a bit of flavor to it. The toast is fully 3/4 sugar with a tiny bit of fiber to it. - Miz Lamb


Question 5
golf ball size tumor found in breast by mammogram, but can't be felt?...  A friend of mine just found out they have a golf ball sized tumor in their breast that can't be felt by her or two other doctors that tried. Have anyone else heard of or experienced something similar? She hasn't had a biopsy or anything yet, so we don't know if the tumor is malignant or not. I have heard that breast cysts that are large can be hard to find my self examination.

1)   Cancerous tumors are usually hard and firm, so she shouldn't worry just yet.

Breast lump or lump in the armpit that is hard, has uneven edges, and usually does not hurt

However, screening is very important...
“A screening test tries to find a disease before there are any symptoms. With breast cancer, there's a misconception that if you feel fine, don't have a lump, and have no family history of breast cancer, you're okay. The truth is that three-quarters of the women in whom we find breast cancer have no risk factors. So screening is important for everyone.”

Susan Greenstein Orel M.D.
--------SNIP-------- - Austin Semiconductor

2)   A golf ball size tumor is really big to be not felt.but sometimes especially if the breast tissues are thick with fatty tissues its not easy to examine.what she has done,(mammography) is the best modality to scan even the thickest tissues of the breast.i would totally rely on the scan results if done from a reputable is not uncommon not to feel a lump in the breast either because breast itself consists of lots of nodes which feels like lumps. - pye


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I have a dent in my thigh?

Question 1
I have a dent in my thigh?...  I'm a teeager so it's not from old age.
Nothing happened to them cause I have it on both.
It's not cellulite.
Does anyone else have these.
Should I go to a docters or is this normal?
If it not what do you think it could be?
O it doesn't hurt. And isn't a bruis or anything

1)   I would see a doc about dat. - Me

2)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - jessica

3)   Could be a muscle strainmuscle strain, stretch, tear of muscle fibersmuscle fibers. A "Grade III" muscle strain means the muscle tears all the way through. Either it rips into two separate pieces, or the fleshy part of the muscle breaks away from the tendontendon. Grade III muscle strains are serious injuries that cause complete loss of muscle functionloss of muscle function, as well as considerable pain, swelling, tenderness, and discolorationdiscoloration. A Grade III strain also causes a break in the normal outline of the muscle, often producing an obvious "dent" or "gap" under the skin whre the ripped pieces of muscle have come apart. Symptoms of Grade III strain may persist until the torn muscle is repaired surgically. Check with your dr. - syl c.

4)   i knew a girl in high school, she had these dents on both thighs:you had these all your life?
the girl i knew, had these all her life.It was because she was born breach:with her bum coming out first and the Dr used forceps to grasp her and pull through the birth canal(vagina), otherwise she would been stuck in there:beach birth can be difficult, but ask your mom if you were born breach? - b_bardi99


Question 2
Am i throwing up on purpose?? Or not..?...  sometimes when i'm really full, i throw up (sometimes it surprises me, i just throw up unconciously).
i think about before how full i am and how i wish i didn't eat so much, but i definitely don't think about throwing up

is this normal to throw up when you are full?

it's really hard to stop the throwing up once it starts...and afterwards i still feel full and bloated

1)   try to avoid over eating. When your just about to get full stop eating and maybe that will help. - Bita

2)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - james

3)   eat slowly. it takes you brain 20 mins to realize you are full. put your fork down after each mouthful lol. I know how u feel... :) - Il Divo's Girl <3

4)   about it you can get information from here - Eugena


Question 3
i have a muscular upper body and really tiny legs, how to make my legs bigger?...  

1)   Swimming is great for your legs and torso :) ! - Jaan

2)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - james

3)   Swimming or cardio.
My friend do competetive swimming and his freakin' calfs are muscular. Do some calf raises or squats with weights. My calfs are personally big naturally, but it's not as tone as people who do swimming or running. - Mr.Impossible

4)   You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Eugena


Question 4
my doctor wont give me a fast acting inhaler and i have severe asthma. how do i get one when i need it?...  I live in Ottawa IL. i have asthma so bad that I'm usually left waking up light headed, and gasping for breath, it gets worse when i run or excersis, and sometimes out of nowhere. I've told my doctor, many times, how much my asthma acts up. but, Mr. Davey (his name is close to pronounced like that) still wont give me a fast acting inhaler, i've been close to dying many times from my asthma, luckily my friend gave me her inhaler because she doesn't often use it. Switching doctors isn't an option. and i believe that i've tried everything to have him give me one. any advice on ways to get one that actual works?

1)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - jessica

2)   Good Lord - apparently you need to be your own doctor. One wonders why this guy wouldn't give you medication for asthma. In lots of the world, asthma is seen as a psychological complaint - and perhaps he figures you will just "get over it".

You can go on the Net - type in the name of the medicine you know of works. Albuterol is used in many of those inhalers. And sometimes this stuff is offered for sale from Mexican pharmacies - and it's probably illegal to buy it, but lots of people do it. Give it a try. You can get many of the non-abusable drugs. Obviously they aren't going to sell you a drug which you might abuse - like morphine or something. But you can often get asthma drugs.

Otherwise, just put the word out on the street that you want asthma drugs - somebody might want to sell you some illegally. For those of us who have no insurance, we do what we have to. - Morpheus

3)   Instead of trying to work around your doctor or using an inhaler prescribed for somebody else- why don't you ask the doctor WHY he won't prescribe one for you? Choosing a method to help control asthma symptoms and attacks isn't just as straightforward as giving you a puffer, and patting you on the head. There are sometimes other things that need to be taken into account. That's what your doctor does, when he is trying to choose a treatment for you. What helps one person might actually be dangerous for you, and your doctor may not feel it's worth the risk for you. I find it hard to think that your doctor would not be willing to treat your asthma with an inhaler if it were necessary. But if you really feel strongly about it, and don't like the answer he gives you as to why he won't provide one- then you will need to seek a second opinion. You might also consider that the reason he doesn't provide one is because you might be tempted to overuse it as well. It might be that he thinks it's safer if you have to come in the the ER for evaluation and treatment on an as needed basis, rather than risk you giving yourself a heart attack with an inhaler. - The mom


Question 5
DO I HAVE STREP THROAT?...  Today I woke up with a really, really sore throat. But not that usual scratchy, coughing kind. Like everytime I swallow it feels like im trying to swallow a rock and it hurts so badly. Could I have strep?

1)   yeah it sounds like it..i used to get it all the time
i would go to the doctor tho, before it gets worse.... - Krystina Shantelle [:

2)   Yes, you do have strep. I had it when I was on vacation, and it hurts so much you want to spit your saliva out so you don't have to swallow it, right? If it's really that bad, SEE A DOCTOR IMMEADIATELY, (Yes I know I spelled it wrong) OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE IT FOR AT LEAST 2 MORE WEEKS AND IT WILL GET WORSE. The medicine I took had no taste, and worked perfectly fine. - Elle


What disease has fever, chills, sweating, headaches, body aches, and vomiting?

Question 1
What disease has fever, chills, sweating, headaches, body aches, and vomiting?...  May not be known.
maybe some nausea.

1)   The Reaver virus. - Malcolm Reynolds

2)   That would be called the flu - Katie

3)   possibly the flu? to be honest, if your experiencing all these things at once, i'd go and see your doctor if it hasn't cleared up soon and they can diagnose you

good luck sorting it out! :) - Loveinlife24/7

4)   about it you can get information from here - Shala


Question 2
how do you get HIV when you have sex?...  how do you get HIV?? i mean i want to know when you are having sex do you get it by using a condom or if the condom breaks or do you get by just not using a condom???

1)   do it with someone who has it - James

2)   fluid transfer - jsplat

3)   You should use cialis, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Valeria

4)   You get it through bodily fluids, I suggest you always use a condom or get you and your partner tested - yuyu


Question 3
Is the lupus rash considered eczema?...  

1)   If you put this same question in search answers you will get lots of information about lupus and it's related problems. - Rene


I just read the article above. It describes the symptoms etc very well.

This article describes eczema.

The two don't appear to have much in common other than they mess with your skin.

Read both articles, see what you think. - Chris

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use diphenhydramine. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Valeria

4)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftdew


Question 4
My daughter has bloodshot eye for the past 4 days should I take her to the DR?...  I would like to have her eyes checked, what kind of doctor do I need to take her to?
she's 5..............

1)   the eye doctor - what goes down always comes up

2)   this is a little vague. how old is she, what other symptoms is she having??? a bloodshot eye could mean anything from a pseudomonas infection in her eye, to smoking pot. - Elsie

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Shala


Question 5
I don't have health insurance and I think I have testicular cancer! Am I going to die? what options do I have?...  I feel a lump on my right testicle and I'm reading that is something that has to be check and it might be cancer. Now that's some serious stuff and I don't have insurance. I lost it when I lost my job 2 years ago. I'm really depressed and desperate.

1)   move to canada ... good luck man i wish i could help more - Inlightend too the world(0)

2)   You should see a family doctor. Tell them you don't have health insurance when you make your appointment. Do that as soon as possible - you'll probably have to pay in excess of $50 for that initial visit.

Honestly, reading the internet websites is not particularly helpful. See a real physician before you try to self-diagnose. Nine times out of ten, you'll misdiagnose based upon what you read on a site like WebMD. - Paul

3)   If you don't have insurance and make a minimal amount of money, there are usually clinics that you can find that bill based on income. You can check with your county health department for the locations. Or you could pay for an office visit to a general doctor, although this will add up quickly if you need any tests run.

You should get this checked out as soon as you can, but try not to panic. Yes, it could be cancer but it could also be something like a cyst. Good luck to you. - Stephanie B.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My cats huge bump popped?huge hole and blable to look inside?

Question 1
My cats huge bump popped?huge hole and blable to look inside?...  My cat had a huge bump on his since saturday and he was sad usually just layed down while he had it and today when I came home from school he had blood all over and I picked him up and noticed there is a huge hole on his can literally see inside and see all his flesh and stuff ...he is really happy now and nuthing seems wrong...I remember when I adopted his mom before he was born she had a scar on her neck..exact same spot...could it be something he picked up from her? And will it heal on it's own like it did to the mom?

1)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Nancy

2)   just buy one of those acne creams. and eat a lot of coke. that should help. - yeahitsover

3)   It sounds like your cat had an abcess and it has now burst.

It was probably caused by either a grass seed, or more commonly a bite from another cat.

Bath it with warm salt water a couple of times a day until it heals.

I would suggest taking your cat to the vet but as you didn't when it developed the bump there is not much point now. The vet may give antibiotics. - Tarkarri

4)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - bocher

5)   i dont know but if you can try to get him to the vet because you dont know what it is, if you cant id keep it wrapped so no bacteria can get in there, i wouldnt put any neosporin on there because if its that deep it may not be good for it. but my moms cat is an outside cat and he has came home with SO many scratches, holes, etc. and he has always been fine, a lot of times cats know how to take care of things them selves with a little help from their owners, but id say if it doesnt look any better with in a few days, for sure try to get him to the vet. - dontmesswithheather


Question 2
can you get a cold if you have sex with a cold?...  my girlfriend has a cold!!

1)   possibly - Annette

2)   Yeah , you're gonna be kissing her and stuff, so I suppose so! - Hilarious Chick

3)   Good news... not from the sex
Bad new... if this is a question about something that already happened... it ain't a cold buddy. LOL - Smokey

4)   Of course; in fact, it's all but inevitable. Some cold viruses are so contagious, just a few individual particles (virions) need pass to another person for he/she to be infected. The particles can pass through the nose or even through the eye. The only way you would not catch the cold is if you had already had it, - DeannetheGreat

5)   Yep, according to Cosmopolitan magazine, missionary position can promote spread of diseases like colds. Haha.

check this out

I'd say it's a good chance to let her try the suggested position if you haven't already, haha. have fun. Colds aren't too bad. Now go make her some chicken soup :D - Rainbows


Question 3
I'm having an anxiety attack over this?...  I'm really scared/paranoid because all day I've had a weird feeling headache, like it almost felt like motion sickness, feeling really warm and then about 15 minutes ago my left arm started feeling weak/having dull pain in my upper arm. I got an ecg test today, could I just be panicking over that?

Yesterday my doctor said my blood pressure is normal, and the beats per minute is normal, if thats relevant.

I have depression and depression anxiety. Could I just be having an attack? Or could this be serious? Honestly, I'm really scared, and like in tears. :/ I'm only 14.
BTW. I've taken and Xenadrine diet pill. D:

1)   Calm down, you're just having a panic attack. You're fine, and you're NOT going to die. Just distract yourself somehow, and it will pass.

Good luck!... ☺ - Cartoon Head

2)   It's just an attack....get a paper bag and put it over your mouth.... - Felix

3)   Calm Down. I would trust what your doctor said is true. You are probably fine. And you may be just freaking yourself out. You know, your mind is extremely powerful. If you put your mind to it powerfully, it just could possibly happen. Try thinking positive thoughts. Thinking about the negative will attract the negative. - Beverly

4)   Can I tell u that your problem is the side effect of the diet pill? Initially I wanted to say panic attack pills?! - Angeleyes


Question 4
Why am i coughing up blood?...  I'm coughing up blood, it's like a bright red. My nose is all stuffed up, my eyes are watering, i've been getting severe headaches and i can't sleep and when i try to keep my eyes open for like 20 seconds they water.

1)   Internal Bleeding, it may be your lungs. See a doctor immediately as coughing up blood and internal bleeding can become life threatening. - Chun

2)   Any time you cough up blood it's not a good sign, You should seek medical help ASAP. - Ms.Franky

3)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Ashely

4)   You should definitely get it checked out, because it could be something serious. However, if you're stuffed up and getting headaches, maybe it's your sinuses. You could have a severe sinus infection. - Kristin.


Question 5
good pimple remedies?...  how to bring down swelling and redness fast?

1)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Ashely

2)   Aspirin mask - take a few tablet aspirin and crush, add enough water to make paste, put on face for 15 min then rinse off
Hemorrhoid cream is good to get rid of red and swelling
Witch Hazel astringent
Glycolic acid
Mandelic Acid - ~ Pussycat Doll In Training ~

3)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 2 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Russ D


My Husband has an Peptic Ulcer and we have no insurance. Is there any where we can go for treatment?

Question 1
My Husband has an Peptic Ulcer and we have no insurance. Is there any where we can go for treatment?...  He has all of the symptoms, and he is on the special diet.

1)   either go to Russia or GET INSURANCE DUMBASS!!!!!! - bobaloo

2)   Most cities have charity hospitals, call your local state agencies and ask. - Lynn

3)   Some people are so stupid on here!!!!!

Sorry that you don't have insurance especially with the discomfort of an ulcer. Basically I would stick to the diet and no eatiing 3 hours before bed. Maybe something like Prilosec or Prevasaid will help as they are OTC and will help with healing the stomach. Nexium is best but only available by prescription. - Krys


Question 2
How can i get rid of spots on my back in 2 days?...  I have just a little but im going swimming with my boyfriend and friends and i would hate to have them think im gross or anything horrible! i really want them gone! so whats the quickest way? x

1)   Sandpaper. - Mitch G

2)   Try putting tooth paste on them, obviously you will have to get some one to do it. But it works for me. Good luck - Abi

3)   It depends . . .if its a scar, mederma works well but it takes longer than two days. - amber l


Question 3
Neck lump, constant fatigue, chest pain?...  All right. So, over two years ago I saw my doctor about a small lump on my neck. He found another one and decided to get me tested for mono. (I had no symptoms at this time.) The test results came back negative, and he told me they were probably just cysts and would go away after awhile. It's been over two years now, and I've realized that the lumps have gotten slightly larger. They are painless and firm. For the passed six months or so, I've also been constantly tired and experiencing shortness of breath, even when I'm inactive. I feel very weak, and I get sudden migraines and chest pains. I was looking up these symptoms and non hodgkin's lymphoma came up. I have no other symptoms, no night sweats, fevers or weight loss. I do get chills occasionally, but nothing serious. I'm sure I'm being rather silly, worrying about something like this at my age, I'm only 16. But, I'd like to know if there is a possibility it could be NHL. I'll probably make an appointment with my doctor as well.

1)   about it you can get information from here - Daniela

2)   about it you can get information from here - Andre

3)   don't panic yourself with NHL. it is a possibility, but there are many other causes of your symptoms. mono is just one virus, there are lots of other viruses that can cause this. i would definitely suggest you tell your doctor how you're feeling, ask them about the risk of NHL and other possible diagnoses. - miss H


Question 4
Noticed blood on swab at smear today?...  My son is one year old and today I had my first smear test since giving birth. I noticed that the swab was very red, although I have had no bleeding to speak of since. I should have asked the Nurse but didn't at the time, stupid! Has anyone else experienced this as I am getting a bit worried. Thanks in advance

1)   Perhaps it's an early period/leftover from a previous one? If you're really concerned ask your nurse, but if there was a problem with your swab being noticeably unusual then she probably would have said something right away. When she gets back to you with the results I'm sure you'll find out, so don't worry :) - Grey Haven

2)   Nothing to worry about normal for some swobs to be like this especially first one after having your son. - momof3

3)   Yes I have had it. The area around the cervix is still tender so can bleed when they have a good scrape around.
I have had the same on and off during my 40s/50s.
Nothing to worry about ( although we do )
Be prepared, if there was too much blood on the sample they may ask you to have it done again as they cannot get a good reading. - Kernow Lady


Question 5
do all beds have dust mites?...  

1)   yeah.. dist mites are in everywhere.. its part of our life.. dust mites comes from dead skin cells .. etc.. - Yuki

2)   Yes.

Putting on an allergy cover on the mattress and pillows will at least prevent more dust mites from getting into (or out of) those things, but even a brand new mattress or pillow from the factory already has some mites in it.

They're everywhere - even on you, at this moment, munching happily on microscopic flakes of your dead skin.

The allergy pillow cases and mattress sheets can be found at Bed Bath & Beyond, or specialty stores dealing with allergy items. - PoohBearPenguin


Monday, April 26, 2010

Calling all anorexics?

Question 1
Calling all anorexics?...  I just started today bein anorexic and I need thinspiration,tips and tricks, ways to hide it from ur family,videos sites anything helps also how good it works tell your story anything please no one with negative things to say

1)   I found the solution there. - Dert

2)   Do you want to kill yourself? You don't have to do that. Just eat healthy things.....You know you can eat as many vegetables as you want and won't gain a pound. There's healthy ways to lose weight, don't give up and do something stupid like this. I have been put in the hospital for this and I was so sick I would have rather been fat than feel like I did! - |[Eternity*]|

3)   My sister just passed away 4 months ago from poor health associated with anorexia. nobody should be that concerned with their bodies to hurt themselves, their family, or their friends to impress other. i'm sure you are fine and just have low self esteem due to being young. let yourself mature, you will love the person you grow up to be. - Hank

4)   Anorexia is a mental disease, not something that a chubby girl just decides to be one day.
if youre overweight, then exercise and eat PROPERLY

reported you btw ;) - Melanie

5)   Did it ever cross your bloody mind that you could be thin and hot with just a bit of exercise? Btw guys aren't into anorexic chicks; we do like them thin that's true, but if they are flabby, that's a no no, we like 'em firm! - Lex


Question 2 i going to get blind?...  it's been two weeks since both of my eyes burn and itch. they get super red and hurts a lot when i rub them because they hurt pretty bad. the inner and outter cornres hurt and get swollen when i rub them. also a lot of yellowish fluid comes out. it has a weird smell to it. in the mornings i cant see well because of so much discharge on both eyes. everything is blurry. i have a little bump in the inner corner of my right eye. i do not know what it is. i bought some eye drops but it burns when i put them on. they do take the redness away. what can it be? i am afraid i am going to go blind. in the morning i can't even open my eyes because my eyelids are stuck together with so much yellow discharge. i had never had problems with my eyes.

1)   Could be a possible infection. Rubbing your eyes won't help as it will irritate them further. This is something you should see a doctor about to prevent it from worsening. - Ed

2)   you should go to the doctor no question. I am so sorry that is happening. When I was little my eyes used to do that because I had so many eye-boogers since I cried myself to sleep. BUT NO QUESTIONS ABOUT IT HAVE SOMEONE ELSE DRIVE YOU, BECAUSE IT WOULD BE A DANGER DRIVING SINCE YOU CAN'T SEE, TO THE DOCTOR. - I am nobody

3)   Sounds like conjunctivitis. You should go and see your doctor as soon as possible for a course of anti biotics. If left untreated it could seriously affect you vision and yes, it could make you go blind. - Laura

4)   Don't worry. But you can't treat this kind of problem by yourself. You need to see a doctor. Most likely you will be given antibiotics and some topical medication for the eyes. - QKGS



Question 3
why am i throwing up blood?...  ive been throwing up blood for two weeks like off and on and idk why but my mom says its stress

1)   I think you might wanna see a doctor. I've never vomited blood when I've been stressed, doesn't sound like anything good to me. Any sort of blood discharge is never a good thing... - Ty

2)   I say screw the guessing and go the the hospital....throwing up blood is just not good. - Tia

3)   is your mom a doctor? if she isn't you might want to go see one - yahootroll

4)   stress?!?! Jesus you probably have pneumonia or some kind of lung-bleeding related disease... get checked, sucka!! - Alex G

5)   no offense but ur moms an idiot..... its either food poisanin or some else... u shuld get it checked out by a doctor - ilya


Question 4
What kind of STD can this be? GIRLS ONLY!!?...  Im a virgin.
And i know what your thinking "You cant get a STI (std) if you havent had sex!"
But seriously, i have this Phobia of getting sick, and ever since i found out about STIs
(im 15) i been soo paranoid! (Anxiety attacks) and even when i take a shower, i never EVER
looked...down there, nor touched down there (ONly really fast so i could wash).
UNTIL two days ago, i found some kind of bump thing.
Its not on my vagina, but by it. I was using the washroom and i seen this lump thing, it looks clear, but kind of with a dark spot in the middle, its not very big, and its hard, but it also hurts.
I dont know how to explain it.
But girls, you know what im talking about right? Like its right in front of the vagina, but not entirely on it. Guh! i dont know!

But help!! im really scared! im a virgin and im 15!
and my gran wont let me go get a check up until i start having sex, and i DONT WANNA START ANY TIME SOON! so who knows when i'll go get a check up! she says they do stuff to you (pep-smear...or whatever it is) and in the middle it looks like...puss, kind of, i dont know, it also looks like a pimple. HELP!!!

1)   if you are not having sex or are not at all sexually active it is not an STD, they don't just appear or jump onto you... it sounds like you have an ingrown hair or a pimple. nothing to serious, i would try to pop it and put some antiseptic on it, or just wait a few days and im sure it will go away... no biggie - Katie

2)   You cannot get an STD unless you've had sex hon.

I used to be exactly like you when I first learned about STDs. But don't worry so much!

Take a deep breath and relax. It may just be a pimple, cyst, or an ingrown hair. But it definitely isn't an STD if you haven't had sex.

Give it a couple days; if its still there then you have to tell your gran about it and get checked. - Jenny

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fluconazole. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Oralee F

4)   it sounds like a pimple to me
and it probably popped up down there because your scared to thoroughly wash it
it could also be a sweat bump, just be being sweaty - skittles baby


Question 5
Why does my heart hurt?...  My family has a history of heart disease, so I'm worried. I'm 22. It mostly hurts when I am upset. It also hurts sometimes when I am relaxing or walking.

1)   It may just be anxiety attacks and not heart but they come from the same general area. I would definitely see a doctor to make sure that everything checks out though. - 'Sunnyside Up'

2)   I think you should go see a doc about that, they can probably help you more than asking here.. - Jus

3)   I agree with Sunnyside Up. Go see a doctor and relax. There are so many things you can also do to get a healthy heart. Eating the right foods and exercise. I'm sure you've heard it all. This is the twenty first century and medicine has gone a long way. Worry is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Take care. ok? God Bless. :) - AmeliaBedelia

4)   you do need to see a doc. but in the meantime when it hurts chew 3 or 4 baby aspirin. swallowing regular aspirin--it has to go through the stomach to get into your blood stream. chewing baby aspirin goes directly into your blood stream. - older


What diseases can humans catch from cows...?

Question 1
What diseases can humans catch from cows...?...  I'm just curious because I've been experiencing the following symptoms:

1.) Speech impdeiment.
2.) Inability to refrain from barfing.
3.) Lack of desire for normal activities like being on Y!A.

Is it possible that I caught something from a cow I might have interacted with?
I'm asking because I don't understand the diseases from cows or if humans can contract those diseases. Any help would be appreciated.
Don't be silly, I wasn't implying anything sexual. I meant normal, nothing to be ashamed of interactions...

What about just talking to a cow ans stroking it's hide...?

1)   You're retarded. - Lackadaisical

2)   ya tons of things... but they are from having sex with cows. did you have a crazy night? dude always wear a condom. - Trevor

3)   uhmm what kind of interaction were you having witha cow?

but you could have Mad Cow Disease - Miah

4)   Mad cow disease, Udder confusion, Methane gas emissions, bloated calves, Sour milk, Hay fever, the urge to chew on cods er.. cuds.

***LOL @ Trevor - Dr. Dekay Cynic

5)   retardification - alex s

6)   Wifeeetus? - back 2 normal...again!

7)   I cannot explain your speech impediment. Might have an anatomical or psychological origin. I doubt that what 're experiencing has anything to do with cows or any other type of farm animal. - TweetyBird


Question 2
prescribed meds for insomnia?...  My dad suffers from chronic insomnia so bad he has said he wants to commit himself! what is the best thing for him to get some sleep seriously!!!

1)   ambien - Kaylove;

2)   Sleeping pills. Take only as directed. - F

3)   I have used Ambien for 10 years. 90% of the time -- unless I'm really worked up -- they work just like magic: I go to sleep almost immediately, and sleep the night through. I highly recommend trying it. - PGM

4)   Zopiclone is great. No hangover feeling the next day. - softspot100

5)   You should use zolpidem, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Delcie

6)   I have been told that Ambien or Seroquel work very well. - brooklynbloom


Question 3
does using four condoms give you complete protection against AIDS?...  

1)   Assuming you are using them all at once... No. Multiple condoms will only rub against each other and wear down the material, making it more likely to tear. - BG

2)   No. Double bagging (triple or quad in your case) increases the chance of them breaking. - Scott

3)   is having sex with this person really work the chance of getting aids? im sure it cant be that amazing. why dont you find a nice girl with herpes - Trevor

4)   No. Using even two condoms at the same time increases friction between the condoms and doubles the chances of tearing. Using four quadruples the chances. - TweetyBird

5)   No. You actually increase the chances of condom failure. The condoms could become compromised by rolling down. Increasing the number of condoms could also cause them to break due to them rubbing against one another during the friction caused by sexual intercourse. Instead of adding more condoms it's best to use one condom, the correct way - by inspecting the condoms before use , by making sure you use the condom correctly, never reusing a condom & by using them every single time you have intercourse - CY


Question 4
Mono? Help please!!!?...  I had Mono for 3 and a half weeks and I'm just now getting better. Is it normal for my entire back, belly, and neck to be sore? I may be bed sore..anyone know if it's just after symptoms or somethin? Thanks..

1)   normal
be very careful not to come back too fast, because re-lapses are common with mono

So get plenty of rest - Dave87gn

2)   I had mono for 4 months two years ago, every once in a while my back and neck would ache, I found the back to just be bed sore, and the neck was because my lymph nodes were incredibly swollen. So just move around a bit sleep in different places when you're tired and try a heat pad for a while. It should make your back feel better. -

3)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Angel

4)   This is within normal for some one who has mono. Muscle aches, neck stiffness and soreness. Normal. It will pass. - TweetyBird


Question 5
how to get pimples away?...  

1)   get proactive. or wash your face everyday. or an old remedy put toothpaste on it. it dries it up for the most part and takes the redness away. - Kendrix

2)   clean ur face 2or3 times a day - Chamu

3)   Put some water on aspirin pills until its a paste and just leave on for about 20 minutes and keep repeating, but don't overdose cause it get get into your bloodstream. - Charlotte

4)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - Mark


Sunday, April 25, 2010

a bit embarrasing but does anyone know how to treat BO?

Question 1
a bit embarrasing but does anyone know how to treat BO?...  

1)   Deoderant? - Alec

2)   Deodorant. Axe body spray. - F

3)   Shower regularly and wear deodorant. - pink_giraffes

4)   daily showers and deodorant - yahootroll

5)   Sadly, it's a part of your life and will be until you are either dead or very very old. As far as how much/how strong your BO gets comes down to what you do (like activities), how often you bathe, and good ol' genetics. Your best bet is to shower regularly, wear clear deodorant, and wear loose shirts otherwise you'll get pit stains all the time - Joe

6)   well i asume you have tried deoderant. if not...try it. any who. try keeping a smell goody on you like perfume or spray, ya know something along those lines. keep a stick of deoderant with you like during lunch go to the bathroom and reaply. there was a short time when I had REDICULOUS b.o. issues and all you can do is wash every day and keep trying. - Rahl

7)   Alcohol (hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, Bacardi 151 if you like the smell of rum) will kill off any bacteria living on you at the moment and rapidly neutralize odors.

However, if you want to stay fresh and not smell like a frat party or a medicine cabinet, there is no substitute for showering at least once a day every day and some real stick deodorant like Old Spice. - Anonymous Viking Reborn

8)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Zseww

9)   Well if you're a really bad sweater, don't wear antiperspirant deodorant. It clogs the pores in your armpits and make you sweat more. I suggest trying a natural deodorant with no aluminum or antiperspirants. You will sweat through it the first couple of days, but after that you'll be fresh and clean and sweat less. - Emelia


Question 2
my dad vomited blood... should i be concerned?...  obviously... but he had been on an antibiotic medicine for a flu he was recently getting over. he thinks it was a side effect. he was also dizzy and had a metallic taste in his mouth. help?

1)   TAKE HIM TO THE DOCTORS OR HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY..........yes if could be a side effect but blood DOES NOT get into the stomach unless something is cut and bleeding which is very dangerous if his stomach sack is split open then accid could seep out and harm him something almost happened to me but luckily they caught it before my stomach split completely opened but yes take him to a doctor or hospital immediatley - mjedrummerguy

2)   Of course you should be concerned , I would call the doctor now or at least keep an eye on him,if it were mine I would call an ambulance or take him to the ER. Good luck and I hope he is OK - wild bill

3)   um chances are that he has cancer he should c a doctor but hopefully im wrong - Anonymous

4)   yes be concerned....... what was he doing taking an antibiotic for a Flu anyway. Antibiotics dont kill viruses.

have him stop whatever meds he is taking if he is still on them... if it continues with SLIGHT blood two more days go to Dr. if the bleeding becomes severe... go to hospital. - Squirsh

5)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Dee

6)   It could very well be from an ulcer. Don't delay treatment. - LYNN in FL (suspended @#*%)

7)   You should be concerned and if the next vomit is blood too (meaning the second vomit), take him immediately to the ER, no questions about it. - Greenway

8)   Yes you should be concerned. Obviously. It's not normal to vomit blood. He could not have been taking an antibiotic for flu. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections and flu is viral. If there is another adult you can call, do so. He needs to go to the ER. I can't say what caused the metallic taste because I don't know if that came before the vomiting or after. Blood can certainly do that and so can antibiotics. Call for another adult now. If there is no one else, call 911. - TweetyBird


Question 3
Painful Finger Bump! What is it?...  I have a very painful lump on my left ring finger. Its right next to my nail and its about half an inch wide. It seemed as if it just appeared out of nowhere. It really hurts. Its pretty hard to the touch too in most areas. It doesnt look like a wart or a hair folicle or even a zit. I am prone to cysts but those are on my arm pads and I take meds for them. Please help!

1)   H.I.V. - koolkiidhektor

2)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use cox-2 inhibitors. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Tatyana

3)   You could of been bite or stung. Do you have a entry wound?. It would be best not to probe it leave it for 24 hours see if it subsides. You could try some insect bite cream to help ease it. - Chris

4)   If it is warm or hot to the touch it could be a staph infection. I got one of those one time from the nail salon and it hurt like hell until I finally popped it. It is probably hurting because the skin is stretched really tight and it's going to hurt until the fluid inside comes out. Try a warm compress...either really hot water from the sink on a washrag or get a rag wet and pop it in the microwave for a few seconds (careful it will be hot) and then let it sit on it. Keep doing it for a couple hours. It will draw the fluid to a head and then with a sterilized needle pop it. Make sure that when you do though that you use cold water to wash it because hot will burn like hell peroxide to disinfect, and then use some antibacterial stuff with a bandaid on top to keep it all healthy. - Brenda

5)   You should use Tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Dee


Question 4
Is it true Canada has found the cure for cancer and it's just not allowed in America?...  I heard Canada has found the cure for cancer, and American pharmaceutical companies just don't allow it here due to the fact that it would slam medical profits into a hole. Is this true?

1)   not true at all. dont believe everything you hear. - Squirsh

2)   Don't think so. - naenae0011

3)   NO, not true. Cancer is an umbrella term for almost 200 different diseases. No cures yet, but researchers around the world are seeking new ways to prolong lives and defeat cancer in its many forms. - BSherman

4)   There is NOT EVER GOING TO BE A DRUG CURE FOR CANCER. There is way too much money in not finding the cure. Each cancer patient is worth somewhere between $300,000 and 500,000 to the medical community. The research is geared toward prolonging life with cancer, not a cure. So far it is failing miserably.

DRUGS are not the answer, but part of the cause. In fact, cancer is the only disease in America that uses a 5 year survival rate to claim it is cured. No other disease uses this criteria. It is used because it allows great manipulation of the statistics. The 5 year survival rate is calculated from when cancer was diagnosed. So "EARLY DIAGNOSIS" is being promoted heavily. That way when you die after the 5 year mark, they can say "You were cured" even though you died of cancer. Clever eh?

Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the only methods accepted as a way to treat cancer in America. With a 2 - 3% survival using these methods that is far less than the 30% placebo effect used in most diseases. The truth is that if a person does not get cancer treatment, they have a far better chance of surviving a lot longer. There are many alternative treatments that are being used that do cure cancer, but these are NOT legal in America because there is no money in it.

Clinics set up in Mexico, like the Gerson Clinic have had thousands of success stories, unlike the U.S. medical system. All you have to do is find an honest doctor in the U.S. that deals with cancer and ask them if they would get chemotherapy or give it to their own families if they were diagnosed with cancer and they will tell you they wouldn't. Money is a big incentive and since it is the only way they know how to deal with cancer, it is what you get.

good luck to you - onlymatch4u

5)   Lol, they wish!

OnlyMatch, you better hope you don't live long enough to get cancer. You're gonna be in for a wide eyed slap down and a very rude awakening!
Call me when it happens!! - april


Question 5
my boyfriend and i has had unprotected sex but he never came inside me,?...  my boyfriend and i has had unprtected sex but he never came inside me, he would always do the "pull out" method. i had my period before me and him had sex back in febuary we had sex for the first time in march and its now almost the ending od april and my period is no where to be found. I have had the sypmtoms of my period like a back ache or breaking out, but during the mornings or depending on what i eat i become nauseated and the other day i started spotting this isnt normal for me @ all, my concern is pre-come. . .i have taken 2 pregnancy tests and they were negative but could i be pregnant?

1)   Mrs.Mcfarlane, why don't you just consult a professional. Seeking an answer from yahoo answers won't do you any good. - Curious College Student

2)   there is always a chance you can get pregnet and even thou he pulled out some sperm still went in u - toni

3)   You could. Pull out method is not a method. you can certainly get pregnant that way. You need to visit the Dr. and get a professional pregnancy test drawn. - SethSpeaks

4)   The pull out method doesn't work very well due to precum. Men can feel their orgasm coming on, but they still start to ejaculate before the big release of semen.

If you have been impregnated you will have to give it some more time before you can test with other the counter testers. Only a blood test can confirm right now if you are or not pregnant. - Lucixir

5)   If you had intercourse back in march and took the pregnancy tests recently, then you are not pregnant. The tests would pick it up by now. You probably just missed a period, it happens.

But if you have continued to have intercourse in the same way since march, then its more difficult to say for sure.

If you didn't do a pregnancy test recently, do another one now.

And you should not rely on withdrawal as a means of contraception. Use protection from now on, such as condoms, otherwise you are going to go through this anxiety every month, and sooner or later you will end up pregnant. - Doc Julio


I just found out my dad has cancer?

Question 1
I just found out my dad has cancer?...  stage 3 prostrate cancer
he is having an operation and the doctor said that he should be ok
im really scared though iv been lookin up on the net about stage 3 and it says that it means it has started to spread but the doctor said that if he gets the prostrate removed it will be fine
im confused and worried that my mam only said the doctor said it would be fine to not upset me

1)   Hopefully, the doctor is right.
Just have faith in yourself. I know its harsh, but you can hang on through. - Simrandeep C

2)   No prostate = less ejaculatory power, less chance sperm will survive on its way to the womb, and slightly less bladder control.

Not life-changing in my opinion but obviously still risky. - Edward

3)   The best thing to do in these situations is for everyone to stay extremely positive. The mind is a very powerful tool, think only positive thoughts, especially around your dad and encourage him to remain extremely positive and visualize that he is healthy and well....Take Care! - kasner


Question 2
In one cardiac cycle, when the ventricles are in systole, the atria are in:?...  A) systole
B) systole followed by diastole
C) Diastole followed by systole
D) diastole

anatomy take home test is really hard. can anyone help?

1)   Diastole. - Mike

2)   Diastole = relaxation.
Systole = contraction.

Therefore when the ventricles are in systole, the atria are in diastole, allowing blood to enter from peripheral circulation. The mitral and tricuspid valves close during ventricular diastole to prevent blood from the ventricles regurgitating into the atria. The answer is D.

Good luck! - Chris

3)   I recommend you see --->
I hope that will help you, keep using - jake


Question 3
My blood pressure is 188/134?...  I am not overweight (110), 19 yrs old, and have hist of kidney problems. Should I be worried about this bp reading? Within the past month my diastolic has never been under 110, and my machine reads other peoples bp around the normal 120/80 so it's not the machine either.

1)   That is dangerous, especially with the history of kidney disease. Get to the ER today and let them get it down. Over 180 on top or over 120 on the bottom is a high risk for stroke even at your young age. They can get it down at the ER, please go now. - SethSpeaks

2)   Your blood pressure is high and you need to see a doctor.

Classification of blood pressure for adults Category systolic, mmHg diastolic, mmHg
Hypotension < 90 / < 60
Normal 90 – 120 / 60 – 80
Prehypertension 121 – 139 / 81 – 89
Stage 1 Hypertension 140 – 159 or 90 – 99
Stage 2 Hypertension ≥ 160 or ≥ 100 - Chris


Question 4
Blue lips from kissing?...  How long do they take to heal?
Will ice help??

1)   You must have been kissing a lot, lol.
Put some ice on them, and no more kissing for a while.
They should heal up. - Kelly

2)   sounds like you have been doing some commercial kissing - Alecs


Question 5
what do doctors ask patients with elephantiasis?...  When people( who have elephantiasis but don't know it) go to the doctor, what kind of questions does the doctor ask them to see what disease they have ?

1)   Clearly you don't know what doctors do.

They diagnose patients with blood tests, urine test, stool samples, CAT scans.. etc.

They use these tests [and others] to narrow down what the problem is [or disease the patients have]. - Sarah
