Sunday, April 11, 2010

how long is the swine flu vaccine good for?

Question 1
how long is the swine flu vaccine good for?...  i had my swine flu shot 6 months ago is it still effective? how long does flu shots last? is it 6 months or 1 yr?

1)   It lasts for as long as you're alive. The reason you must get new ones is because the flu is a constantly mutating virus, and the shot you got last year won't protect you from the flu viruses going around today. But if you came into contact with the same flu as you were vaccinated for twenty years ago, you'd be fine. - Biohazard

2)   it's a year i just got one like 2 weeks ago - Lilly

3)   It's supposed to keep you immune from it for the rest of your life, but I don't believe that because you're immune system deteriorates when you're older. - Bat-Man

4)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - David

5)   They are supposed to be effective for one year, but the flu season is drawing to a close anyway so you would be probably be protected even if they only lasted for six months. The spring and summer are a good time to build up your natural immunity.

There are many natural remedies that will raise your immunity to the Swine Flu and other viral and bacterial diseases. Many people do not have immunity to the current strain of Swine Flu. This is not unusual because most viruses alter as the virus season goes along. Most people will not become sick because the issue is not the virus but SUSCEPTIBILITY.

Viruses will not multiply in a healthy body. We constantly have Streptococcus in our throats, yet we rarely experience Strep Throat. The same is true of this Swine Flu and other viral strains. Exposure will lead to disease only if the immune system is suppressed and if the vitality of the person is weakened. Do NOT suppress mucus. It is important to let the body discharge toxins.

Most viruses become less aggressive over time because they want to spread and not to kill their hosts. If they kill their hosts, they die as well. The viruses that do survive --the ones in humans with strong immune systems-- become less virulent so that their hosts, us humans, go to work, shake hands and sneeze on others to continue to spread the virus.

Using herbs, homeopathy, and vitamins will increase your health and reduce your susceptibility.

Some say that the flu "begins in the gut and ends in the gut". This means that if you have good digestion, you will increase your resistance to this and other flu strains. Take a probiotic daily. Live probiotics are available in natural food stores, and probiotics are now more widely available in grocery stores, in yogurt culture and even in chocolate.

The homeopathic remedy Anas Barbariae is made from the liver of migrating geese. Because they travel the world, they build immunity to many viruses years before humans do. Be sure to get the 2009 version by checking the expiration date. It has been found that the remedy Ferrum phos is effective in treating the early stages of the flu, when used in the first 24 hours. Also the remedy Influenzinum can be taken as a prophylaxis. This remedy is made from the same disease strain as the CDC uses to make each season's flu vaccine.

1. Get Plenty of Sleep
To improve your resistance to any disease, the most important thing you can do is get enough rest. Your body knows how to heal, and it does this best when sleeping. Get adequate rest on a daily basis, and if you begin to feel fatigue during a time of increased stress to your immune system, take naps, get into bed earlier, relax and let your body do what it does best: restore and rebuild.

2. Hydrate
Our bodies are 80% water. Drink plenty of water each day to stay hydrated and to allow the body to flush toxins from the blood and the liver. Drink pure water, not soda or juice, for best results.

3. Exercise
Exercise increases your resistance to disease. It stimulates the cleansing blood flow and increases your natural stress reducing hormones. Exercise doesn't have to be strenuous to be beneficial. Science has shown that walking daily is good for your health and well being.

4. Spend time outdoors
The healing benefits of nature are yours and all you need to do is step outside. The fresh air cleanses your lungs and the vitamin D from sunshine is great for general health. Even on a rainy day or at night, the fresh air is beneficial.

5. Exercise
Exposure to nature and the great outdoors helps healthy emotions.


1.Echinaea--Echinacea is best taken in advance of getting sick.
2.Olive Leaf
4 Adaptogens
Adaptogens are plants that have the ability to resist chemical and biological stressors and to pass that ability on to humans. Eleutherococcus research has shown a 30% to 50% decrease in influenza in Russian workers. Shisandra has long been used in Chinese medicine to improve immune function through its healing action on the liver. In recent research, Shisandra proved curative to the viral hepatitis. Codonopsis is another adaptogen used in Chinese herbal medicine. It increases the red and white blood cell counts and strengthens the immune system.

1. Vitamin A is one of the main components of the skin. To strengthen the skin's protective ability, take vitamin A daily. Vitamin A also increases the white blood cells that fight disease.
2. Vitamin C --Research has shown that vitamin C improves resistance to disease and prevents flu symptoms when 1,000 mg doses are taken every six hours.
3. NAC is an amino acid that has been shown to raise immunity to the flu in clinical trials.
4.Probiotics. Healthy flora in the gut supports immune function.

By improving your lifestyle, your diet, and supplementing with natural herbs, homeopathy, and vitamins, you can improv - RE


Question 2
how can i get rid of acne in less than a week?...  

1)   If you drink heaps and heaps and heaps of water over 48hrs it will go away dramatically. - sirdday

2)   use benzoyl peroxide! clean&clear persa gel is what i use, but other brands make it too
it can make your skin really dry though so get a good moisturizer too. - Mabes

3)   Hello, I'm a doctor. Use accutane. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Cythia

4)   Benzoyl peroxide. - malo


Question 3
Small bumps on penis shaft.?...  There are small bumps on my penis shaft. Like goosebumps. They don't itch or hurt. What are they and how do I get rid of them?

1)   maybe u got pimples or something on there or an std or something idk - Toff

2)   shaving rash?
hide it with a condom - sirdday


Question 4
pilonidal cyst, no insurance!?...  i have a pilondial cyst, and it's not too severe, but i may want to get surgery either way. i don't have medical insurance. how much would it cost to have the necessary surgery?? also, what else can i do if i can't get surgery?? thanks.

1)   wait for obamas national health insurance its free here in england - John

2)   A pilonidal cyst can NOT be lanced, the best option for you is a warm compress if it becomes aggravated. Other things you can do would be the hottest bath you can stand. Make sure you don't burn yourself.

Surgery costs will vary depending on where you are, and what kinds of hospitals are in your area. A teaching hospital will always be less expensive, but you also run the risk of complications later because students are involved. It isn't always the case (kinda rare, actually) but does need to be considered.

The only info I have on cost is from medical bills reviewed in my mothers paperwork after she died. When going through the paperwork, I found a bill for this procedure for a little over $1000 USD. Surgery was performed at a teaching hospital. She didn't die as a result of the surgery, btw. The bill was about 15 years old. - A Yahoo! Answers User


Question 5
Am i really allergic to Red Meat?...  I enjoy eating Red Meat, but if i eat too much like everyday i get itchy & get rashes. But when i eat it 2 or 3 times a week i do not get anything, i feel normal. Am i really allergic or not?

1)   Eating the desired food is vital for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial offered at I've been taking it for two weeks now and it is definately working!! - Kelsie

2)   Eating red meat everyday aint such a good idea as it increases your risk of getting Athritis, we tend to ignore these things but regret them later, I don't really know for sure if ur allergic but doing it everyday, isn't good at all :) - fearless


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