Saturday, April 10, 2010

does sugar and sweet things cause diabets?

Question 1
does sugar and sweet things cause diabets?...  If not what are the main causes of diabet?

1)   Yes, but there is also genetics. - Marlene

2)   yes everything that makes you gain a lot weight causes it - Fett22

3)   Yeah its when you eat a lot of things with sugar like chocolate and such - usawin4evr

4)   No they don't, it's a myth. Look it up - I'm amazed at how many other answers seem to think it does. Sugar, though it's a problem for people WITH diabetes, does not cause diabetes in people without it. That's a fact!

There are two types of diabetes, type one and type two.

No one is sure how type one is caused, though people think it could be exposure to certain toxins, bacteria or in some cases damage to the pancreas.

Type two can be caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, getting older, not getting enough exercise and being obese. - badgerwings111


Question 2
i m suferng frm fever between 99 to 100 degree for more than 1 week... with severe fatigue..especially in legs?...  fever is continous...inspite of taking medicine.Typhoid test is negative..hb is 12..t.leucocytes11800 neutrophil 50 , lynphocyte 48, monocyte 01, ...what is its treatment??? and what is this due to?? m taking proper rest also

1)   You appear to be under treatment. I'd just relax if i were you. - Robert D

2)   You should probably go to the doctors if you haven't already, it is always important to stay in health. :) try Tylenol it is always a good thing to take with fevers in all my experience. - Derky the turkey

3)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - David


Question 3
what happenes if i apply alcohol on my acne? [ beside yelling akhhh and ayy ]?...  

1)   Alcohol will dry out your face. But it never really did anything to get rid of my acne. - tweird024

2)   It can dry out your skin and cause your skin to produce more oil, which can cause problems. Your best bet is to use a glycerine-based soap (neutrogena or clearly natural) and occasional applications of a benzoyl peroxide product. - John H

3)   I wouldn't. Alcohol is very harsh and very drying on the skin. I know acne can be frustrating but you need to treat your skin with some TLC. Bath & Body works carries a great line of skin care products for all skin types. Dermatologist to the stars, Dr. Patricia Wexler, is the creator of this line and it's the only thing that has every helped me. They have an awesome spot treatment for those stubborn pimples. The products are a little pricey but totally worth it. - sweetdjd87


Question 4
How can you treat a hickey?!?...  How can i treat a bad hickey? Its bad and kinda in the front so its hard to hide, what are the best ways to heal it asap?

1)   playerrrrrrr - The Condor

2)   Hi this is an odd soloution but always works for me, put toothpaste on it!! I'm serious, it does work, before you go to bed tonight put some on it, and when you get up in the morning wash it off, it may not completely disappear, but the redness will be brought down quite a lot - Lorna


Question 5
I have these bumps and I don't know what they are. Help.?...  I have these really tiny bumps on my hands that itch but when I touch them they hurt. There are a lot on the top of my left hand, one big one on my right by the bone of my finger and now one on my toe. I have been tanning so I thought they might be 2nd degree burns but they go away in 2 days. What are they exactly? Oh and they are like red bumps.

1)   Could be anything, go visit your Doctor - Hawng

2)   I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Jake


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