I feel very weak.... help?... Everyday i feel the same, weak, like some sort of horrible fatigue... i cant get this 'inertia' off my back.
I wanna do good at skl, but sometimes i cant even stay awake (regardless of the fact that i slept 8 hours). even at lunch, i feel extremely weak.
Is their any specific drug that can help me? or maybe something else?
Iv tried taking genko biloba recently...
1) Go to a doctor. I just learned about this in my health class. If you have been feeling week or fatigued for more than a few days, you should see a doctor immediately. I'm not saying there will be, but you could be facing something that could be hazardous to you. - NiteOwl
2) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aj5_rzmU3eBtiF3sZKVlWvzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100413192720AA2T7Ei - Ty G.
3) well you could use energy pills but only once a day don't take too much, are you familiar with enervon you could drink that if you like - trisha :]
Question 2
Gum sensitivity and canker sores.?... I just recently got a canker sore in my mouth and lately my gums have become extremely sensitive and sometimes hurt when i brush my teeth. I'm a little nervous this is happening and wanted to know why.
1) dissolve a table spoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gently rinse several times a day - swish the salt water around you teeth and gums.
it is not unusual from time to time it happens. - cosmicwindwalker
2) You may have gingivitis. Oral rinses (like Crest ProHealth, Listerine, etc) used before brushing might help immensely. My dentist recommended using a rinse each time i brush and it has eliminated gum problems. - formerly_bob
3) Your gum is sensitive from the sore go to the store and buy some canker sore relief by oragel it will help it heal - krazy4_coke2
Question 3
Could Cigarettes Be Found In A Drug Search?... At my school we have random drug searches at my school. Would the dogs find cigarettes if I had them in my backpack?
1) Possibly. They might not be trained to respond to tobacco. Then again, they might. - patheher
2) Depends what they are trained to search for. - Tarkarri
3) I recommend you to see ----> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Smith
Question 4
Is it possible to get allergic after birth?... Possible to turn allergic to something at age 16?
1) Yep - Basil
2) allergies change all the time, due to weather, climate, vacations. New areas produce new allergies. - Angie l
Question 5
I have a pain in my chest after a night of drinking almost every time. What could it be?... I have had a history of heartburn and GERD. The heartburn did not occur after becoming a vegetarian two years ago. But now I only get heartburn and indigestion after drinking almost all the time. The pain in my chest worries me. It can be described as a dull achy pain. I am nervous it could be lung cancer. I smoked for about 8 years from age 13-21 I am 26 now. I never have any type of cough or anything. My lungs sometimes feel a bit raw in the morning but it could be allergies. I work out almost everyday and walk fast on the treadmill and I am never out of breath. Please don't tell me to see a doctor I know I should but I need to get health insurance first. Thanks in advance.
1) Sometimes acid reflux can cause a dull, achy pain like you described. Alcohol is a big culprit for heartburn, which is why you might be experiencing the pain after drinking. As far as lung cancer goes, it sounds unlikely because you are young and are not having any other symptoms.
If you are not taking anything for acid reflux, I suggest that you try Prilosec. You can buy it at any drug or grocery store. You can also buy the generic version, omeprazole, which costs less and works just as well. Prilosec should be taken everyday to prevent heartburn, not just when you are experiencing it.
Hope this helps : ) - Amanda
2) spend the extra $3, get something better than them 40oz beers - Kurt
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