What disease has fever, chills, sweating, headaches, body aches, and vomiting?... May not be known.
maybe some nausea.
1) The Reaver virus. - Malcolm Reynolds
2) That would be called the flu - Katie
3) possibly the flu? to be honest, if your experiencing all these things at once, i'd go and see your doctor if it hasn't cleared up soon and they can diagnose you
good luck sorting it out! :) - Loveinlife24/7
4) about it you can get information from here http://webmd19.notlong.com/AAVNKTp - Shala
Question 2
how do you get HIV when you have sex?... how do you get HIV?? i mean i want to know when you are having sex do you get it by using a condom or if the condom breaks or do you get by just not using a condom???
1) do it with someone who has it - James
2) fluid transfer - jsplat
3) You should use cialis, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd16.notlong.com/AA0oJEg - Valeria
4) You get it through bodily fluids, I suggest you always use a condom or get you and your partner tested - yuyu
Question 3
Is the lupus rash considered eczema?...
1) If you put this same question in search answers you will get lots of information about lupus and it's related problems. - Rene
2) http://www.lupus.org/webmodules/webarticlesnet/templates/new_empty.aspx?articleid=376&zoneid=76
I just read the article above. It describes the symptoms etc very well.
This article describes eczema.
The two don't appear to have much in common other than they mess with your skin.
Read both articles, see what you think. - Chris
3) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use diphenhydramine. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> http://webmd15.notlong.com/AAnf9LI - Valeria
4) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Ftdew
Question 4
My daughter has bloodshot eye for the past 4 days should I take her to the DR?... I would like to have her eyes checked, what kind of doctor do I need to take her to?
she's 5..............
1) the eye doctor - what goes down always comes up
2) this is a little vague. how old is she, what other symptoms is she having??? a bloodshot eye could mean anything from a pseudomonas infection in her eye, to smoking pot. - Elsie
3) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://webmd11.notlong.com/AAEmggi - Shala
Question 5
I don't have health insurance and I think I have testicular cancer! Am I going to die? what options do I have?... I feel a lump on my right testicle and I'm reading that is something that has to be check and it might be cancer. Now that's some serious stuff and I don't have insurance. I lost it when I lost my job 2 years ago. I'm really depressed and desperate.
1) move to canada ... good luck man i wish i could help more - Inlightend too the world(0)
2) You should see a family doctor. Tell them you don't have health insurance when you make your appointment. Do that as soon as possible - you'll probably have to pay in excess of $50 for that initial visit.
Honestly, reading the internet websites is not particularly helpful. See a real physician before you try to self-diagnose. Nine times out of ten, you'll misdiagnose based upon what you read on a site like WebMD. - Paul
3) If you don't have insurance and make a minimal amount of money, there are usually clinics that you can find that bill based on income. You can check with your county health department for the locations. Or you could pay for an office visit to a general doctor, although this will add up quickly if you need any tests run.
You should get this checked out as soon as you can, but try not to panic. Yes, it could be cancer but it could also be something like a cyst. Good luck to you. - Stephanie B.
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