Friday, April 2, 2010

can a person with a std donate blood?

Question 1
can a person with a std donate blood?...  I don't mean like a person who has HP or HIV

1)   Nope - BuzzQuestions

2)   I don't believe so! - Kristin

3)   i hope not! it the person who has the new blood will also get the STD.... - Sam

4)   no duh, the doctors want to spread stds to the entire world through blood transplants. It's their evil plot to take over the world. - Lenny

5)   Can? Yes
Allowed? No - PurpleHeart


Question 2
is chicken pox herpes?...  is chicken pox a form of herpes

1)   nope, herpes simplex I is cold sores, and simplex II is the nasty STD

or you could just go on wikipedia, fool - vvvOOOvvv

2)   Yes and no. There is an ambiguity in the meaning word "herpes". Usually people use the word to refer to genital herpes. However, sometimes doctors use the word to describe a family of related viruses, of which genital herpes is one, and chicken pox is another.

Bottom line, the virus that causes chicken pox is a relative of the virus that causes genital herpes, but they are not the exact same virus. Dogs and foxes are related, but they aren't the exact same thing. - MagnusMoss


Question 3
Is this sun poisioning?...  Every summer of my life iv spen constantly outside, with my friends at the pool, walkin around town all 16, and last summer i got ALOT of sun..and i started breaking out on my chest..and it itched. and it lasted almost all summer.and then it went away in its summer again and i got sunburnt a bit and sure enough here the little blisters come do i have sun poisiong now? or what? cause i hate it.

1)   sounds more like you have developed an allergy to sunlight, yes people do, especially when they do as you have done and expose themselves at a young age and don't use daily protection. Suggest you find an SPF 30 sunblock cream and apply it often to exposed skin. The "30" in any SPF product means it gives you thirty minutes of protection, so one application a day is obviously not good enough. You are going to have to moderate your time in the sun, it's as simple as that. Wear a large sun hat with a broad brim, wear long sleeves and jeans, and minimize your exposure. You are heading for serious skin cancer later in life if you don't deal with this now. - essentiallysolo

2)   Sounds to me like you're burning, that's all. A sun burn blisters like any other burn.

Stay covered up or you'll be at the oncologist soon enough complaining that you don't know why you had to have skin cancer. t-shirt, hat, glasses and lotion. All the time. You're very young and your skin is delicate. - Metal Nettle


Question 4
Sudden Onset of Night Chills?...  Every now and then I will wake in the middle of the night with a moderate to severe chill. I shake as if it's minus 40. There is no related headache, fever, or sweats and it passes after a short while.

1)   do you drink alcohol a lot? might be withdrawels - Daniel

2)   If your not sick.Don't worry till it gets worse.Blah Blah clear to land.Contact ground point niner. - thresher


Question 5
Words of encouragement -- very ill with stomach flu, stomach HURTS, lots of vomiting, scared. help?...  I've been in intense agony for 8 hours. I've been constantly throwing up. I'm scared :(

I feel like I'm going to die or this will never end. I have nobody here to help me. Any help?

1)   I had it ALLLLL day yesterday. I know how you feel. I had a fever that made my back hurt so bad I couldn't sit still. I would liken it to back was awful. Just keep sipping water. I know it wont stay down but having something to throw up is more pleasant than dry heaving. And try to sleep. It will pass.

It may help to see your Dr. He can prescribe anti-nausea and anti-spasmodics that might make you feel better. I have never felt bad enough to leave the house in that state for meds but it is an option. I hope you feel better soon. :( - Erin

2)   I recommend you to see----->
a holistic approach to this problem is better
I hope that will resolve your problem
keep using - Dr Smantha


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