Thursday, April 8, 2010

is it possible to get bug bites in genitals or butocks area?

Question 1
is it possible to get bug bites in genitals or butocks area?...  

1)   Yes. - Kristin

2)   M - HELP...please

3)   yes it is and it hurts like mad - Noelle L

4)   yes it is possible...depends on what you were doing...if you can recall a scenario likely it might have happened then, if not than it is probably irritated razor bumps - Mel

5)   Yes it's called crabs - Wally Balls

6)   Yes many insects go for the warmer places on your body such as those areas you named. - *~Queeny~*

7)   oh but of course! if a bug can reach it, it will surely bite it, and then you will be in a lot pf pain, this can be avoided of course by wearing tighter underwear, but bugs are sneaky little fuckers - Jessica


Question 2
My father smokes 3-4 ciggerettes a day?...  As you can imagine i'm very worried about him. He is about 100 plus pounds over weight and doesn't even try to eat healthy. For what my step mother says the last time he has an xray of his lungs they weren't bad. How is that possible? With all honesty being 52 years old being that much overweight and smoking like a chimney, how much longer will he have with us? It's funny how your parents worry so much about you and then their becomes a point in life where it goes full circle and you are the worrying about them:(
Anyone can relate or can offer advice?
I had a type, I ment packs:( 3-4 packs.

1)   the lungs isn't the issue, its the heart. Very high risk of heart attack. You need to tell him how much you love him and that for you he should quit. tell him "if it's only 4 a day, you should be able to quit easily" (which isn't true but he still should). - mike s

2)   3-4 cigs a day... that's your definition of smoking like a chimney?

3-4 cigs a day isn't bad at all for a smoker... I know smokers that go through 2 packs a day(40 cigs) - FailingIdeals

3)   THATS NOTHING! trust me.. my aunt smokes a pack a day and shes doing okay.. and has been doing it all her life. 4 isnt that much. as for weight, that will affect his heart not his lungs. - Skyler M

4)   I found out recently that surplus weight is not constantly due to surplus fat, a load of additional weight is basically lying around in your pipes. I tried a new diet supplement that is taking the population by storm, it flushes out your pipes. I don't know how it operates nevertheless I know that I melted away 17 pounds and four inches off my midriff! There's a risk free trial at - Damion

5)   To be honest 3-4 cigs is not smoking like a chimney... I've seen people go through MORE than a pack in a day. - blitzcrackunders


Question 3
Im confused about Herpes...can someone explain how you get it...?...  No i dont have it or think i do...i just like knowig about things to have better understanding of with that being said...if you have a cold sore does that mean you have herpes? or if you have a cold sore but dont have herpes and give someone oral sex can they get herpes?? see i really dont know nothing about it....i came across questions on here about it and really dont understand how someone gets herpes..and how the person can get it would really help if someone could explain it to mi...thxxx...and this is a serious question

1)   You should use acyclovir, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Brigette

2)   The easiest way to get it is having sex with someone with open sores. It can be oral, vaginal, or anal. You can still get it if they don't have a breakout, but it is a very low chance. - Jessica

3)   cold sores are a form of herpes but its not like warts and all that. i dont know if you can give it to someone that way but i get seed warts on my hands... which are also a form of herpes and my bf never got them and he does now... so i imagine by sharing body fluids and such a person may give someone cold sores from giving them oral sex but a lot of people have cold sores and its not like warts on your genitals. - Jessica

4)   Herpes gives you cold sores, you can give it to other people, but cold sores are not always herpes. - MatthewBC


Question 4
herpes in the mouth...?...  so like, last thursday.. i gave oral. and the past couple days ive had this bubble/bump kinda thing in my gums right inbetween two of my teeth and it hurts really bad. and when ive been brushing my teeth itll start to bleed really bad like to the point where im spitting out blood in the sink. is this some sort of herpes or something? and if it is, what do I do? like, do I have to treat it or go to the doctor or something, or will it just go away on its own?

1)   Herpes stays with you all your life, it comes in rounds, it will come and go, and the longer you have had it, the least often it recurs and the least bad it is. You can take medication so it isn't as bad and so it doesn't transfer to other people. In its recurrences it will also give fevers, pains, ect.. - MatthewBC

2)   Matthew is right, herpes never goes away but you could just have an ulcer. - Whitney

3)   well if you can talk to the person you gave "oral" to, if you're comfortable with that, and ask them. if thats not an option, go to your doctor. but it seems like it could be herpes. they usually show up, if it is in fact herpes between 2-12 days, usually 4 days.

symptoms include...

Pain, burning, tingling, or itching occurs at the infection site before the sores appear. Then clusters of blisters erupt. These blisters break down rapidly and, when seen, appear as tiny, shallow, gray ulcers on a red base. A few days later, they become crusted or scabbed and appear drier and more yellow

In people in their teens and 20s, herpes may cause a painful throat with shallow ulcers and a grayish coating on the tonsils.

The gums may become mildly swollen and red and may bleed. - CapriRise

4)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Brigette


Question 5
how do u get a blood clot?...  

1)   this is a hard question to answer. many things can lead to a blood clot.

birth control pills
lack of exercise
certain medications
clotting/ blood disorder
hip surgery, etc... - Apple

2)   You could get a blood clot from sitting too much. Also right after an operation there is always danger of blood clots. - emile

3)   Usually blood clots develop when someone sits in one position for long periods of time. Inactivity in the large muscles of the calf and leg result in pooling and thickening of the blood . That is why it is so important to walk when on a plane trip or a long drive. Blood clots can also form after long surgical procedures where immobility is necessary. Good hydration to keep the blood thinner and the action of the long muscles in the legs help blood to move up from the feet. - Mama Mia

4)   You should use altace, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Evelin


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