Fist time smoking weed?... if someone were to smoke MJ for the 1st time, how many hits from a bong would u need to take?
1) no one should smoke it anyways
God bless - ToxicBlondy
2) It's different for everyone,some ppl dont even get high their first time,but if you hit it hard and hold it as long as possible before exhaling,2 or 3 hits should do the trick - p.kr0281
3) one - live;laugh;love<3
4) if you was gonna do it i would say just one and see how it goes i wouldnt reccomend doing it like that the first time you do it try smoking it first - Treena
Question 2
does the 3rd cervical cancer jab hurt?... i am having the last of the three cervical cancer jabs tomorrow. i'm a bit worried because everyone that i know who has had it, says it hurt a lot. much more than the other two. the first one stung, and the second was relatively painless, and i know it's the same needle, but all the same i'm scared. is it true?
i know jabs a better than having to have cancer.. but still..
1) They are all the same, why would one hurt more? - ★Starkissed ★
2) For heavens sake, they don't hurt you. God help you if you are ever in real pain. - Dan
3) nah love, it wont hurt... i have had all three and didnt feel a thing! You'll be okay :) - ...Noddykins...
4) this may help you: - Vahid
Question 3
Is it bad of a removed ingrown toenail excessively bleeds?... I had part of my ingrown toenail removed on Monday, and it hasn't stopped bleeding since. It's not gushing blood, but the toe is covered in a pretty good amount of it. Is this really bad? My podiatrist didn't really give me much info on what it'll be like after wards. Please help!
1) The best thing to do is give your podiatrist a ring. Let them know it is still bleeding & see what they say. Its probably nothing to worry about, but best let them know. - Lyn S
2) Yes. Contact your podiatrist asap. - Dillan
3) about it you can get information from here - Migdalia
Question 4
Non-diabetics with toast and jelly?... I think and hope i'm non-diabetic, but i have some questions. When i woke up my blood sugar was low 70's, is this normal? I ate some toast and grape jelly, and a banana, and an hour later my blood sugar shot up to 130, is this normal for a non-diabetic? Does jelly raise blood sugar a lot? I haven't seen hot dogs or sandwiches raise it by that much.
1) It may be the combination of toast and jelly. Bear in mind that white bread (if that's what you're using) has carbohydrates that raise blood sugar pretty soon after consumption. - Benjamin
2) ahhh!!! you were NOT low, you were normal!!! low is under 60!!
130 is a normal spike for normal people. My glucose would have spiked to 300+ with that for food inspite of pills and insulins!
Jelly and bananas are both almost pure sugar! You might as well have been spooning sugar out of the bowl in the middle of the table except this had a bit of flavor to it. The toast is fully 3/4 sugar with a tiny bit of fiber to it. - Miz Lamb
Question 5
golf ball size tumor found in breast by mammogram, but can't be felt?... A friend of mine just found out they have a golf ball sized tumor in their breast that can't be felt by her or two other doctors that tried. Have anyone else heard of or experienced something similar? She hasn't had a biopsy or anything yet, so we don't know if the tumor is malignant or not. I have heard that breast cysts that are large can be hard to find my self examination.
1) Cancerous tumors are usually hard and firm, so she shouldn't worry just yet.
Breast lump or lump in the armpit that is hard, has uneven edges, and usually does not hurt
However, screening is very important...
“A screening test tries to find a disease before there are any symptoms. With breast cancer, there's a misconception that if you feel fine, don't have a lump, and have no family history of breast cancer, you're okay. The truth is that three-quarters of the women in whom we find breast cancer have no risk factors. So screening is important for everyone.”
Susan Greenstein Orel M.D.
--------SNIP-------- - Austin Semiconductor
2) A golf ball size tumor is really big to be not felt.but sometimes especially if the breast tissues are thick with fatty tissues its not easy to examine.what she has done,(mammography) is the best modality to scan even the thickest tissues of the breast.i would totally rely on the scan results if done from a reputable is not uncommon not to feel a lump in the breast either because breast itself consists of lots of nodes which feels like lumps. - pye
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