I have a dent in my thigh?... I'm a teeager so it's not from old age.
Nothing happened to them cause I have it on both.
It's not cellulite.
Does anyone else have these.
Should I go to a docters or is this normal?
If it not what do you think it could be?
O it doesn't hurt. And isn't a bruis or anything
1) I would see a doc about dat. - Me
2) I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - jessica
3) Could be a muscle strainmuscle strain, stretch, tear of muscle fibersmuscle fibers. A "Grade III" muscle strain means the muscle tears all the way through. Either it rips into two separate pieces, or the fleshy part of the muscle breaks away from the tendontendon. Grade III muscle strains are serious injuries that cause complete loss of muscle functionloss of muscle function, as well as considerable pain, swelling, tenderness, and discolorationdiscoloration. A Grade III strain also causes a break in the normal outline of the muscle, often producing an obvious "dent" or "gap" under the skin whre the ripped pieces of muscle have come apart. Symptoms of Grade III strain may persist until the torn muscle is repaired surgically. Check with your dr. - syl c.
4) i knew a girl in high school, she had these dents on both thighs:you had these all your life?
the girl i knew, had these all her life.It was because she was born breach:with her bum coming out first and the Dr used forceps to grasp her and pull through the birth canal(vagina), otherwise she would been stuck in there:beach birth can be difficult, but ask your mom if you were born breach? - b_bardi99
Question 2
Am i throwing up on purpose?? Or not..?... sometimes when i'm really full, i throw up (sometimes it surprises me, i just throw up unconciously).
i think about before how full i am and how i wish i didn't eat so much, but i definitely don't think about throwing up
is this normal to throw up when you are full?
it's really hard to stop the throwing up once it starts...and afterwards i still feel full and bloated
1) try to avoid over eating. When your just about to get full stop eating and maybe that will help. - Bita
2) I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - james
3) eat slowly. it takes you brain 20 mins to realize you are full. put your fork down after each mouthful lol. I know how u feel... :) - Il Divo's Girl <3
4) about it you can get information from here http://webmd32.notlong.com/AA2Gcm9 - Eugena
Question 3
i have a muscular upper body and really tiny legs, how to make my legs bigger?...
1) Swimming is great for your legs and torso :) ! - Jaan
2) I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - james
3) Swimming or cardio.
My friend do competetive swimming and his freakin' calfs are muscular. Do some calf raises or squats with weights. My calfs are personally big naturally, but it's not as tone as people who do swimming or running. - Mr.Impossible
4) You should use tramadol, it is the best about it you can get information from here http://webmd32.notlong.com/AAWCC7I - Eugena
Question 4
my doctor wont give me a fast acting inhaler and i have severe asthma. how do i get one when i need it?... I live in Ottawa IL. i have asthma so bad that I'm usually left waking up light headed, and gasping for breath, it gets worse when i run or excersis, and sometimes out of nowhere. I've told my doctor, many times, how much my asthma acts up. but, Mr. Davey (his name is close to pronounced like that) still wont give me a fast acting inhaler, i've been close to dying many times from my asthma, luckily my friend gave me her inhaler because she doesn't often use it. Switching doctors isn't an option. and i believe that i've tried everything to have him give me one. any advice on ways to get one that actual works?
1) I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - jessica
2) Good Lord - apparently you need to be your own doctor. One wonders why this guy wouldn't give you medication for asthma. In lots of the world, asthma is seen as a psychological complaint - and perhaps he figures you will just "get over it".
You can go on the Net - type in the name of the medicine you know of works. Albuterol is used in many of those inhalers. And sometimes this stuff is offered for sale from Mexican pharmacies - and it's probably illegal to buy it, but lots of people do it. Give it a try. You can get many of the non-abusable drugs. Obviously they aren't going to sell you a drug which you might abuse - like morphine or something. But you can often get asthma drugs.
Otherwise, just put the word out on the street that you want asthma drugs - somebody might want to sell you some illegally. For those of us who have no insurance, we do what we have to. - Morpheus
3) Instead of trying to work around your doctor or using an inhaler prescribed for somebody else- why don't you ask the doctor WHY he won't prescribe one for you? Choosing a method to help control asthma symptoms and attacks isn't just as straightforward as giving you a puffer, and patting you on the head. There are sometimes other things that need to be taken into account. That's what your doctor does, when he is trying to choose a treatment for you. What helps one person might actually be dangerous for you, and your doctor may not feel it's worth the risk for you. I find it hard to think that your doctor would not be willing to treat your asthma with an inhaler if it were necessary. But if you really feel strongly about it, and don't like the answer he gives you as to why he won't provide one- then you will need to seek a second opinion. You might also consider that the reason he doesn't provide one is because you might be tempted to overuse it as well. It might be that he thinks it's safer if you have to come in the the ER for evaluation and treatment on an as needed basis, rather than risk you giving yourself a heart attack with an inhaler. - The mom
Question 5
DO I HAVE STREP THROAT?... Today I woke up with a really, really sore throat. But not that usual scratchy, coughing kind. Like everytime I swallow it feels like im trying to swallow a rock and it hurts so badly. Could I have strep?
1) yeah it sounds like it..i used to get it all the time
i would go to the doctor tho, before it gets worse.... - Krystina Shantelle [:
2) Yes, you do have strep. I had it when I was on vacation, and it hurts so much you want to spit your saliva out so you don't have to swallow it, right? If it's really that bad, SEE A DOCTOR IMMEADIATELY, (Yes I know I spelled it wrong) OR ELSE YOU WILL HAVE IT FOR AT LEAST 2 MORE WEEKS AND IT WILL GET WORSE. The medicine I took had no taste, and worked perfectly fine. - Elle
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