Thursday, April 22, 2010

how do I get my boyfriend to understand?

Question 1
how do I get my boyfriend to understand?...  Ok, My boyfriend is a britte diabetic, and he continues to drink alchol. How do I get him to understand that he is killng himself. Everytime I say something to him he tells me he knows what he's doing and can stop anytime he wants to...I don't know what to do....I mean I want a future with him but I don't see how that is possible with him drinking and not really taking care of himself so we can have a future together.
Thank you all for your answers... I have sat him down and talked to him but it doesn't work....It will be hard b/c we've been together for 8 yrs but I need to do what is best for me if he's not going to take care of himself...again thank you all for the answers and to the first person that answered thank you for the website.

1)   I agree that he should stop drinking or cut back if he is a heavy drinker, but I'm unsure what complication your assuming will occur.

This may help, you. - curious21

2)   people who are asked about smoking cigs think that it lowers there life by 10 years in actuality its only 8 so people understand the risks of what they are doing to there body. He understands yet he doesn't want to stop. This is different from him being unable to stop though doesn't mean that he can stop.
Bottom line he knows what he is doing to himself. - Cactus

3)   He sounds just like my brother. He's also diabetic, type 1. He's an alcoholic and doesn't want help. Believe me, we've tried. We've tried telling him he's going to die if he keeps going about life this way, that going out drinking until 6 in the morning isn't helping his situation. He's been in the hospital so many times, yet, he continues to drink himself to death (literally).

Really, sit him down and talk to him. What about his family? How about you all sit down and talk about this and tell him exactly what you told us. Next time he says he can stop anytime he wants to, tell him to stop now. - soviet kitsch

4)   He's not the one who needs to understand, YOU are.

He is not going to change. You need to change your circumstances and find someone who would be a good husband and father to your anticipated future children. You are never going to get anybody to understand anything. The sooner you realize that, the happier you will be.

I wish you the strength to make the right decision.
Good luck, and peace. - DeannetheGreat

5)   If you really want to become a mommy this year then please think of the consequences of having a life with an alcoholic. Drunks always say that they are in control of it but they never are. My advice is to break up with him but if you really want to go through with this then try to find out what his problem is. And if there is no problem and he just does is for fun or some other bs then honestly find someone else, otherwise it's going to get pathetic. - ambar

6)   If he's not able to help himself, then you need to take action. If he drinks alcohol in an unstable condition that he's in, stating "he can stop whenever he wants," chances are he really can't. You need to do anything you can to get him help and get him to stop drinking. He's obviously at a level where he does not understand the risk of his health, and if you love him you should go to any means possible to tackle the problem. It sounds like his drinking might be coming from a source of a larger problem going on. I've always said "to solve a problem, find the source." Talk to him and don't let him control the conversation, seriously express your concern for his well-being, and let him know that this isn't a game, its a serious risk to his health. And you should tell him that if he can stop whenever he wants, ask him to stop right now. If this doesn't work, move forward to family and friends to all sit down and talk to him together about his problem. Again if that doesn't work, then there's nothing you can really do to help him stop. It's all up to him. - Dan


Question 2
Acne on my back won't go away?...  So uh, I'm 15, and like, there as been acne on my back for like a year now, they come and go, and like, I look sexy without a shirt on, but the acne totally ruins it. What should I do to make them go away?

1)   umm get neutrogena body wash.. - Mels

2)   There's body washed out there that contain salicylic acid, the active ingredient in most acne treatments, so it basically will gradually dry out the acne & eventually it goes away. - I Hate Miley Cyrus!

3)   You can get body wash thats made to get rid of acne, its like acne soap but for your body. Neutrogena makes one, not sure about other brands. You could probably also just use a mild acne face wash on that area if you can't find one thats a body wash. Also maybe mild exfoliating scrub or just a little extra [gentle] scrubbing with washcloth to make sure you get rid of all the dead skin and oils that could clog pores. - LORI

4)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Terro


Question 3
why are anti deppressants or psychotics not considered controlled substances?...  you can actually hallucinate on seroquel if you take enough of it i did and they all come with sexual side effects possibly suicidal tendancies and if you abrubtly stop taking them they can cause a mental breakdown i can't bilive doctors favor these over a simple xanax why cuz their addicting try withdrawing from heroin or coke withdrawing from anything else is and should be a non issue what gives with these sleazy doctors

1)   Please Google criteria for scheduled drugs.

It isn't about addictiveness as much as abuse potential. Any dr will instruct you not to abruptly stop most psychotropics. They aren't addictive, but they need to be tapered off so as not to affect your brain. Maybe you aren't following instructions very well. - ouragon

2)   sleazy doctors???

I have bipolar . Those ' sleazy " doctors have kept me from suicide for 15 years.

The definition of a controlled substance is whether it is a narcotic. Effects etc have nothing to do with it.

Do some reading: - Kelle

3)   Pharmaceutical companies will own the world soon and the government will make you take whatever they say you need or you will die in prison camps. You think it's bad now? - Scott


Question 4
Why is my eyeball bleeding?...  I just went to the bathroom and saw blood running out of EVERYWHERE!! We're talking blood spurting out of the corner of my eye. Does it have anything to do with the fact that Satan told me last night to slaughter a goat and shove its horn through my eye?

1)   you have ass cancer in your eye, that one is gone but we still have a chance to save the other 5 ... get a homeless man to pee in your ear and you will be cured

as for your imaginary friend issues ... no one can help you there, crawl back into the womb and await further instructions - edgeman

2)   i agree with edge man by experiance getting pee in your ear helps
and i think id be more creeped out by your imaginary friend

ok asside from joking gett that shit check out go to the hospital - Cleveland


Question 5
I am ashamed of what i did in the past years?...  from age of 17 to 27, i have had sex with so many women. Alot of them have been escorts. And some others have been from the internet. 7 times with no condoms. Last year i got tested for hiv and other stds and came back ok. I got tested 4 more times afterward and all were negative. I hate how i acted in the past years, not getting tested till ten years after having sex and just being with so many people. I feel like i deserve to have hiv even though at the same time im scared of getting it. I hear of cases of people getting hiv after once instance. I feel so bad im negative when other people arent so lucky. My friend who is a med school student, i told him about my history, he said "you can never undue what you did, you can just learn from your mistakes" He is right without a doubt. But what can i do to make up for all the stupid stuff i did? I hate what i did.. I feel like i should be hiv poz. But i still test negative. What can i do to help do whats right and try to make all the dumb stuff i did better?

1)   what can u do? learn from it and teach others not to do what u've did. don't feel ashamed. if u didn't do that, u would have never learn from it right? we all learn from mistakes. - Butterfly

2)   shit what do you feel bad about your getting laid ,their are 1 or 2 people ikno that are like 27 and are still virgins lol - Lex


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