Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My cats huge bump popped?huge hole and blable to look inside?

Question 1
My cats huge bump popped?huge hole and blable to look inside?...  My cat had a huge bump on his since saturday and he was sad usually just layed down while he had it and today when I came home from school he had blood all over and I picked him up and noticed there is a huge hole on his neck..you can literally see inside and see all his flesh and stuff ...he is really happy now and nuthing seems wrong...I remember when I adopted his mom before he was born she had a scar on her neck..exact same spot...could it be something he picked up from her? And will it heal on it's own like it did to the mom?

1)   best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Nancy

2)   just buy one of those acne creams. and eat a lot of coke. that should help. - yeahitsover

3)   It sounds like your cat had an abcess and it has now burst.

It was probably caused by either a grass seed, or more commonly a bite from another cat.

Bath it with warm salt water a couple of times a day until it heals.

I would suggest taking your cat to the vet but as you didn't when it developed the bump there is not much point now. The vet may give antibiotics. - Tarkarri

4)   I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - bocher

5)   i dont know but if you can try to get him to the vet because you dont know what it is, if you cant id keep it wrapped so no bacteria can get in there, i wouldnt put any neosporin on there because if its that deep it may not be good for it. but my moms cat is an outside cat and he has came home with SO many scratches, holes, etc. and he has always been fine, a lot of times cats know how to take care of things them selves with a little help from their owners, but id say if it doesnt look any better with in a few days, for sure try to get him to the vet. - dontmesswithheather


Question 2
can you get a cold if you have sex with a cold?...  my girlfriend has a cold!!

1)   possibly - Annette

2)   Yeah , you're gonna be kissing her and stuff, so I suppose so! - Hilarious Chick

3)   Good news... not from the sex
Bad new... if this is a question about something that already happened... it ain't a cold buddy. LOL - Smokey

4)   Of course; in fact, it's all but inevitable. Some cold viruses are so contagious, just a few individual particles (virions) need pass to another person for he/she to be infected. The particles can pass through the nose or even through the eye. The only way you would not catch the cold is if you had already had it, - DeannetheGreat

5)   Yep, according to Cosmopolitan magazine, missionary position can promote spread of diseases like colds. Haha.

check this out

I'd say it's a good chance to let her try the suggested position if you haven't already, haha. have fun. Colds aren't too bad. Now go make her some chicken soup :D - Rainbows


Question 3
I'm having an anxiety attack over this?...  I'm really scared/paranoid because all day I've had a weird feeling headache, like it almost felt like motion sickness, feeling really warm and then about 15 minutes ago my left arm started feeling weak/having dull pain in my upper arm. I got an ecg test today, could I just be panicking over that?

Yesterday my doctor said my blood pressure is normal, and the beats per minute is normal, if thats relevant.

I have depression and depression anxiety. Could I just be having an attack? Or could this be serious? Honestly, I'm really scared, and like in tears. :/ I'm only 14.
BTW. I've taken and Xenadrine diet pill. D:

1)   Calm down, you're just having a panic attack. You're fine, and you're NOT going to die. Just distract yourself somehow, and it will pass.

Good luck!... ☺ - Cartoon Head

2)   It's just an attack....get a paper bag and put it over your mouth.... - Felix

3)   Calm Down. I would trust what your doctor said is true. You are probably fine. And you may be just freaking yourself out. You know, your mind is extremely powerful. If you put your mind to it powerfully, it just could possibly happen. Try thinking positive thoughts. Thinking about the negative will attract the negative. - Beverly

4)   Can I tell u that your problem is the side effect of the diet pill? Initially I wanted to say panic attack but....seriously....diet pills?! - Angeleyes


Question 4
Why am i coughing up blood?...  I'm coughing up blood, it's like a bright red. My nose is all stuffed up, my eyes are watering, i've been getting severe headaches and i can't sleep and when i try to keep my eyes open for like 20 seconds they water.

1)   Internal Bleeding, it may be your lungs. See a doctor immediately as coughing up blood and internal bleeding can become life threatening. - Chun

2)   Any time you cough up blood it's not a good sign, You should seek medical help ASAP. - Ms.Franky

3)   I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Ashely

4)   You should definitely get it checked out, because it could be something serious. However, if you're stuffed up and getting headaches, maybe it's your sinuses. You could have a severe sinus infection. - Kristin.


Question 5
good pimple remedies?...  how to bring down swelling and redness fast?

1)   I recommend you see ---> http://www.all-home-remedies.com
I hope that will help you, keep using answers.yahoo.com - Ashely

2)   Aspirin mask - take a few tablet aspirin and crush, add enough water to make paste, put on face for 15 min then rinse off
Hemorrhoid cream is good to get rid of red and swelling
Witch Hazel astringent
Glycolic acid
Mandelic Acid - ~ Pussycat Doll In Training ~

3)   I would recommend Acneace!!!!
I used it, and after 2 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - Russ D


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