after making sex with my girl friend i got red acne in my tip of the pennie how to over come pl help?... this only happens when i had sex with longer time
1) Are you sure it's not a STD?
Be safe and get it checked. - JMitch
2) it could possibly be an STD i stronlgy recommend you get tested, it could get worse - Dehlila
3) go see a dr...this should have been a no brainer - sjt_tn
4) Dear friend,
Take baked Alum powder and apply it mixing with butter. I hope you will be able to over come the problem. - Ram
5) Meet to good Dr. - Dushyant
6) plese do encunmebrance then there would be no prablem. any how it is highly idiotic making sex before marriage - Lourduraj
7) Dont worry Brother.......
Have sex once more with the same girl.........May be it get cure......
If not then consult Doctor........
Be happy.............Always enjoy Safe sex..... - harshal29jain
Question 2
what do you think is my symptom?!?... when i woke up, i felt like vomitting. When i stand up, i feel a head rush and everything gets blurry.
I dont feel a different temperature. can someone please help me?
and when i stand up, everything goes white and i cant help but collapse to the floor.
1) probably just a head rush from standing up quickly after lying down for a long period of time. - nachosandcheese
2) Could be a flu, a hangover or just a head rush. How often does this happen and how long has it been going on?
_MM - Wonder
3) U may see a local chiropractor or an Acupressure/Acupuncture Therapeutist to identify the problem vis-a-vis the affected organs and for a lasting remedy too.
good luck. - Dr.dhananjaya
4) when i woke up, i felt like vomitting. When i stand up, i feel a head rush and everything gets blurry and when i stand up, everything goes white and i cant help but collapse to the floor. These are your symptoms if your asking what your illness is then I believe you may be suffering from external heat exhaustion or mal-nutrition. Sounds like you need some calories and a small glass of cool water. You didn't say it but if you are losing your hearing also then it's definitely one one of the things I mentioned. The guy who said the chiropractor thing was on to something if you've suffered any back or neck trauma it could be within your spinal column. - warriorbysword
5) I agree with what the previous answerer said, if you stand up too fast this could happen. Also, your sugar could be low. That could cause blurry vision, headache, and nausea. Eat/drink something with some sugar in it, like a coke or candy bar. - Jessica
6) simple: you are getting out of bed too fast. when we stand up our blood pressure drops. when YOU stand up your blood pressure drops rapidly. you have symptoms of feeling sick to your stomach, getting a head rush (dizziness, lightheadedness), seeing white, and collapsing cuz you were in the process of fainting and then did faint.
just don't get up as fast and you shouldn't have this problem. instead of standing right up lay there with your eyes open for a minute or two and then sit up for a minute or two and then stand up slowly.
if this persists then go see a dr so they can do a full physical exam and blood work to determine if there is something wrong and can fix it. - Indiana Jones
Question 3
Does fatty liver , grade 1, if untreated cause sever liver diseases and liver cancer?...
1) The treatment of a fatty liver is life style change. If the person keeps going on as they did before the diagnosis then yes they are looking at liver disease in the future and if they damage it too much even a transplant. Fatty liver is the first step towards liver disease but it is reversible, you just have to have the will power to change your life style. - Quietscherin
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Oberon
3) it is treatable. Then the question of severe liver diseases/liver cancer may not arise. If U are serious, You've to change Ur life style drastically for survival and good health.
Be optimistic to enjoy this most wonderful and beautiful Human life.
good luck. - Dr.dhananjaya
4) geyamala గేయమాల गेय माला - The answer is NO. Grade 1 fatty liver change is very mild. The most common cause is drinking alcohol (wine, whiskey, beer). If this is your situation, then if you continue with excess alcohol, it could progress to life-threatening cirrhosis with all its other complications. Very poor nutrition, especially with starvation will produce severe fatty changes. Rarely some chemicals can have a similar effect. Grade 1 fatty change is always reversible until scarring results leading to cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is considered to increase your chance of developing liver cancer. Limit any alcohol intake to no more than 3 ounces or 100mL daily, best taken with food. - norton g
Question 4
Question for type 1 diabetic: how do you control crazy numbers? (see details)?... I'm a type 1 diabetic on shots with lantus. I know my lantus levels are fine. All of the sudden when I moved home from school and my lifestyle changed and I am eating new foods/amounts of foods I am having trouble figuring out how much insulin to give. I have been super high with a few dramatic lows (the worst) for the past couple weeks now. Any advice? (The obvious to me would be get a more set in stone schedule to go by, eat less carbs (to make it more managable and safer in this tough time), measure better, etc. which I've been trying to do) Just seeing if there's anything I haven't thought of.
1) Your little picture looks like mine. - Sparky
2) You need to monitor your blood to see where your levels are. Do it 3 times a day so you can judge your numbers and make decisions on what you can eat. Good luck. - DAR76
3) You basically answered your question yourself. One Bread-unit is 12g of Carbs. Speak to your doctor about how much insulin you should be injecting before meals based on the Bread unit number (like just for example your doctor could say 20 IE for 2 Bread units). Once you get the hang of the math then eventually you won't even have to do it anymore, you'll know approx. how many Carbs are in certain foods you eat often and how much insulin you need. I'm sure you know how important it is that you keep your levels relatively stable, it means a more quality life as you get older. Also talk to your doctor about making an insulin tabel, like for example (don't use my numbers please) when your sugar is at 200 mg% you can inject 6 IE and so forth - Quietscherin
Question 5
my hemoglobin was at 5.3 now it is at 10.1 how bad is that?... i went to hospital got 6 blood transfusions allot more test to do allready been scoped every where camera pill next step. scared shitless
1) could be as simple as a stomach ulcer, i have seen worse numbers. key is to see if u maintain current level and how long it takes to drop, days versus weeks. blood transfusion r more common than u think. - risus
2) U may consult a chiropractor for second opinion on Ur ailment.
good luck. - Dr.dhananjaya
3) olivia - A blood hemoglobin of 10.1 grams per deciliter (g/dL) is a mild-to-moderate anemia, so much better than the previous life-threatening severe anemia of 5.3 g/dL. What is most important is for your doctor(s) to find out why it got so low in the first place and then decide the best treatment while continuing to periodically check on your hemoglobin. Different causes of anemia have very different ways of best treatment. Was the cause a great loss of bleeding, breaking up (hemolysis) of red cells inside your blood vessels, shut-down of red cell production in your bone marrow, or related to a severe lack of iron or exposure to any chemicals. Good luck. - norton g
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