how many people have floaters in there eyes?... I have had floaters in my eyes for 4 months and the eye Doctor told me it was normal...
1) It is normal. Almost everyone has them. - Kathleen
2) Had it and it's weird. - Merlin
3) I do. They're annoying, but my eye doctor said just to ignore them. - rets2618
4) lmost everyone has them - PreppyCutieee10
5) Sometimes if you look at a clear blue sky, you can see them. I think it's pretty fun to chase them with my eyes. Nah, just kidding. They are normal. - Svarte Troner
6) It's very common. Normal floaters are the remains of the hyaloid artery, when you were developing as a baby. - PGM
7) I have one in my right eye. It's really annoying sometimes, especially outdoors.
But I mostly see it when I try to look for it - if that makes sense! - Riaan
8) I've had them for 5 years, but as well as floaters i have silver/white/gray spots just there all the time. Kind of when you look into a bright light then look away but mine are always there. - 42fs73eqg
9) Well, it's not normal but, it's the best he can tell you. What it adds up to is you have white blood cells fighting off infection and you can actually see them. I have about twelve, I put in a antibiotic and it reduces them down to two or three, then it starts all over again. I think this happens with a lot of people. - cowboydoc
10) Completely normal.
I am diabetic and have had this told to me many many times whenever i have had an exam for complications. - Johannes
11) When I first got them I was scared because I had never heard of them so I looked it up and was relieved to find out that they are normal. Annoying but normal. - Wilma S
Question 2
Can baby oil protect you from the sun?... I want to get a tan right now in my garden and I ran out of sunscreen, but I can't be bothered to go to the shops and buy some lol, would baby oil protect me from getting burnt? Need an answer asap.
1) Yep, its about equivalent to SPF 30. - Trollio Maxtroll
2) HAHA! NO! You will burn so much faster if you use baby oil. Who told you that? - rica b
3) No, it is just scented mineral oil. - ladyellei
4) no. you,re basting a chicken to roast. that,s about it. - David
5) SPF is the only product that can be applied on the skin and that will prevent you from burning. However, sunscreen or not, when you get a tan, it means that your skin was overexposed.
You should rather go with a spray-tan or tinted lotion to get your tan and be healthy. - Kat
6) No, it's nothing more then mineral oil, you literally basting your self for the oven. - cowboydoc
7) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Yvtdew Aasww
Question 3
Do i have an eating disorder!?!?!?!?... Okay so, Im rarely ever hungry, but when I am i can barely eat two pieces of toast. :/ I also get this achey feeling in my stomach, like my stomach wont open to let food in, and doesnt want to open to let the food into the rest of me. Its like its angry with me. :{
-Forgot to note that it makes me want to puke aswell. I have vomited before :\
Can anyone help?? D:
1) You most likely dont have a eating disorder, it could be to do with the way your bodie is, you should go to the doctor as soon as you can. - Coooooper!
2) you should DEFINITELY speak with ur doctor about this. not eating means your not getting any nutrients to ur body. you may need supplements like ensure to drink to help gain those nutrients you arent getting. - Desiree
3) you don't have an eating disorder but you may have body issues with is not good just remember we are all beautiful and you need to eat right, i should know for i DID have a mild case of anorexia dis-morphia i used to starve my self to the point of almost fainting and when i did eat it was the lowest calorie smallest thing i could find and i i felt i ate to much i would make my self sick. i am not proud of all of that but i am over it and i am happy to say i am no longer Anorexic. i got help you know being anorexic is not good and having eating disorders is not cool i actually used to think i was fat and ugly but i know no im not. - bannannaaaaa
4) It depends. If you said that you're "rarely ever hungry", then it doesn't sound that you are depriving yourself from food and that you're okay with it. And since you said that "it MAKES ME want to puke myself", I believe that you probably have something wrong in your stomach, not anorexia.
hope this helps! - +++
Question 4
Why wont my acne go away?... for the past 3 years i have had very painful acne and i have used so many products including clean and clear, clearasil, acne free, proactiv, st ives, dove, exposed and nothing has worked i would always break out on my usual time and my face would get very dry(proactiv). Then when i started using st ives and exposed my skin didnt get dry and it worked great for the first week but after that it seemed like i was breaking out everyday. I dont know what too do please help !
1) I've had the same problem.. I've tried a lot of things.. and surprisingly the best thing that has worked for me.. is cucumber. Just take a slice, and rub the juices on your acne.. I usually do it in the morning and before bed. I know it sounds weird. But IT WORKS! - Kat
2) it's all to do with age, and puberty, but it's still bloody annoying, if you go to the doctors they can give you tablets and they really helped me. And as far as products go, it's mega pricey but i use Decleor, its not conventional spot stuff, none of that actually works, it just actually cleans your skin, the aroma night stuff is amazing on spots, you wake up and you dont have any. - Apple.
3) Hey before you buy any acne products or follow other people's advice, please read the articles here first:
That is NOT MY SITE. And I'm not spamming.
That site contains really informative acne articles that has helped me get rid of my acne and pimples, and also with a lesser oily skin now! Best part is... it is FREE! Read them and follow the free advice. - Amari Thomas
4) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see pink color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Yvtdew Aasww
Question 5
what is a CARBUNCLE?.?... ?
1) One of those crustaceans that glue themselves to hulls of boats. - the_integerian
2) in between an abscess and a boil with more that one head - dumplingmuffin
3) It's an old fashioned name for an abcess. - Paula P
4) A carbuncle is a skin infection that often involves a group of hair follicles. The infected material forms a lump, called mass, which occurs deep in the skin. A carbuncle is a swollen lump or mass under the skin. It may be the size of a pea or as large as a golf ball. The carbuncle may be red and irritated and might hurt when you touch it - Ellen
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