Question about HIV...............................?... Ok, so if you have sex with someone who MIGHT be HIV positive. how long does it take before you know. or symptoms. or anything. thanks everyone.
1) lol, might wanna be a little more careful next time. - My Name
2) see a doctor!!!! Use condoms!!!! - Dannygirl
3) You may not, for years, or you may know in a month. It all depends on how it would work in your body.
The only way to be sure is go and get tested. - Vern86
4) HIV blood test--quick ones in the doc's office now. BUT, just be aware that HIV may not show up in the blood for 6 months. - Cooker
5) You can do the first test after 2 weeks until 6 months. But don't worry not likely to happen from one time. - Tamim
6) Some people never have "symptoms". They generally say to get checked often for the first 6 months but 2 years is optimal. Sometimes it takes quite a while for you to start getting sick easier. Over half of the people diagnosed since the disease was found in 1981 have died. So that right there tells you how quickly it works. In 30 years over half had died. But, there are advanced medicines(cocktail) now that can drastically slow down the process and keep it from advancing as quickly as it could.
P.S. Treat EVERYONE as if they MIGHT be HIV positive - JENNIFER M
Question 2
Why does people's face turn red when Drinking?... I noticed many people who are drinkers to have red or orange faces, almost like a cartoon.
At first I thought it must be national thing. However, soon after I went abroad I met other people who suffer from the same thing.
I once saw this guy, his face was completely orange, including his neckline, he looked like his was covered in food colouring. It looks sick. He also had a Rudolf nose (bright red), his nose was big too.
I really like to know why people's face turns red, and anybody explain the science behind it..
1) it raises your blood pressure - beautiful_but_broken_86
2) Alcohol dilates the blood vessels. When dilated more blood near surface of skin turn it red.
he first step is to understand exactly why your face turns red when you drink alcohol.
This phenomena is usually referred to as Asian Flush or Asian Glow, and researchers have found that about 50% of people of Asian descent experience a red face after drinking alcohol. Asian Flush, or Asian Glow, more technically referred to by scientists as Alcohol Flush Reaction, refers to the body's inability to properly break-down alcohol that has been consumed by our body.
The reason behind why a person who experiences Asian Flush or Asian Glow has trouble breaking down the alcohol is primarily due to them having an inactive enzyme called "aldehyde dehydrogenase 2" (ALDH2), which is typically responsible for breaking down "acetaldehyde", which is one of the byproducts of the process the body uses to metabolize alcohol.
Acetaldehyde is toxic. Therefore, as a result of your body not being able to properly break it down, it builds up and causes the red flushing that we usually refer to as Asian Flush or Asian Glow.
Whilst the red face reaction is probably the most commonly reported symptom among people who experience Asian Flush or Asian Glow, other symptoms often experienced are dizziness, nausea, headaches, and an increased pulse rate.
Here is link with further information. - Rick Shaw
3) alcohol is a drogue... didn't anyone ever tell ya? and people, as it is considered a drogue, have many different consequences like red face skin or going to the toliet just after drinikng. - ®ł©Ħα®Ð
4) Severe flushing is caused by the inability of the drinker to produce an enzyme called Aldehyde Dehydrogenase.
Without this enzyme, the alcohol in the body cannot be efficiently broken down. A deficiency of this enzyme can result in flushing reactions after consuming alcohol. - Sunny Krockett
5) blood pressure is high because there thinking is in a agressive state - Wild Dice
6) Alcohol thins your blood and causes vasodilation of capillaries, basically it means more blood is being transported to the surface of your skin, and we all know what colour (oxigenated) blood is.... - flyingmonkey
Question 3
Gained alot of weight recently and have noticed some shortness of breath?... I have recently gained alot of wieght and i am constantly having shortness of breath?
Constantly feel short of breath after only walking up steps or taking trash out(have to walk about 1/2 a block to take trash out) but i quit smoking about a year ago and gained about 50 pounds since then, Im 5'3" and 215 lbs, could it be from my weight or could it be something else? i go to the doc tommorow but im really worried, i also have some tingling in my right arm but i thought that was from a car accident i was in 2 years ago and ive h ad the tingling in my arm since then....
1) Asama ....? - PoLkA DoTz101
2) Do you take birth control? Maybe that has something to do with it. - lemonpie
3) i think those are the effects from quiting smoking... not to be mean or anything, but the more fatter someone is, the more harder it gets to breathe because your body is running out of space. - »[xBabeex]«
4) I think you already know the answer to that loose the weight and youll be back to normal i know how you feel weight takes a toll on our bodies i cant even where heels anymore - cricelia
5) It is most likely from your weight. 215 lbs on a 5'3" frame is a lot to carry around. It is important to have that tingling in your right foot check out cause it could be very dangerous if it's a clot. - "Talk di tings dem"
Question 4
What are these red bumps?... I woke up this morning with rash-like red bumps in between my legs on my thighs. I went swimming yesterday and I don't think it was the chlorine (I've swam there a bunch of other times). I'm not allergic to anything. They're not incredibly itchy, but I do scratch them from time to time. What the heck is it?!
1) sounds like razor burn...or could be prickly biggie either way - beautiful_but_broken_86
2) Could they be razor bumps? When you shave certain areas, you could apply rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab (or cologne with alcohol).
Shower with a good medicated sulphur soap.
Rub down with regular salt and rinse off - Susan
3) Heat RASH from lying on that area for a period of time the area sweats and being that your lying on that spot for a long period like sleeping there in no were for the sweat in that particular area to escape causing a red bump like rash. This area of sweat will not even be noticeable by you but your sensitive skin will be. This will eventually disapear on its own - Wild Dice
Question 5
How do I treat my heat rash? It keeps came back.?... I first got it in the end of May.. I used
- St. Ives "Oatmeal & Shea Butter" Body wash & Lotion
- Cornstarch Baby powder
- Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion
When I used those products, they got rid of it after 2 weeks ( beginning of June )
Now, it came back ( at the end of June ) & I want to get rid of it because its the end of the school year and I want to look clean as possible ! The affected areas are on my face , my neck & upper back . Should I discontinue the use of the products & see a doctor or try something different ? thanks .
1) That area obviously doesn't stay dry enough. Keep using baby powder or gold bond. If you are fat, you losing weight will keep you from having so many crevices to get heat rash in. - Chris
2) The best treatment for heat rash is to provide a cooler, less humid environment. Keep the affected area dry. Cornstarch dusting powder may be used to increase comfort, but avoid using ointments or creams-they keep the skin warm and moist and may make the condition worse.
Showering with good medicated sulphur soap (2 times a day or as recommended) should do the trick within 2 weeks.
You can try:
a. A good B Complex vitamin
b. Bob's Best Oxy Supreme
NOBEL PRIZE - Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1931 for his work in the elimination of anaerobic and diseased cells in the human body through increased oxygen production in red blood cells. He spent the rest of his life formulating and testing oxygen respiration enzymes.
INCREASED OXYGEN - THE KEY TO HEALTH? - Increased red blood cells equate to increased oxygen in the body. Oxygen gives the body a boost in both energy and memory. Oxygen has been shown to diminish virus and bacteria proliferation.
RED BLOOD CELL FUNCTIONS - "Red Blood Cells" circulate within the bloodstream, carrying fresh oxygen from the lungs to the body cells. They also collect and transport the waste product "carbon dioxide" from the body cells back to the lungs to be breathed out thereby eliminating the toxic by-products of respiration. - Susan
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