Can I have a STD disease??... Can I have a STD because I was shaving my vagina and I notice a cold sore now I was a virgin @ 18, but now I am 19 I had sex @ 18. But one ma ex had a STD n he touch me. What are symptoms of a STD?
1) Idiot... this is why teenagers need to be educated before they shave their vagina. - Demi Despair ♥
2) There are different symptoms for different STDs. Any time you have unprotected sex you risk getting anything - including AIDS. - Knowitall
Question 2
Why is there blood in my poop?... I'm 20 and I gave birth to my daughter almost 10 months ago and ever since I've been bleeding when I poop. I have bladder issues already (I only pee once a day and I poop maybe 2 times a WEEK). My mom says I need to drink more water to take care of it. I have mentioned to my OBGYN and she only gave me a cream for use outside my rectum. I haven't seen her for 4 or 5 months so my check up is coming soon. But any ideas before I see her about why I bleed when I poop?
1) it ok to bleed it happens to 80% of women all the times - Wombrand
2) You might need to go to the doctor as soon as possible because it might turn serious - Nushrat
Question 3
show me a diet that diabetics who take insulin can use?...
1) There is no special diet, no forbidden foods. The important thing is learning to count carbohydrates so you can give yourself the corresponding amount of insulin. However, while in theory you can eat what you want as long as you give yourself the right insulin, the reality is that the more carbs we eat, the more insulin we have to inject, which makes your insulin absorb unpredictably, makes blood glucose more unstable, and encourages weight gain. So it's best to keep your carbs at less than 30g per meal most of the time. It will help you maintain a healthy weight and control your BG's. Focus on meats, eggs, green veggies, nuts, lentils, berries, diet drinks, and sugar-free puddings. Minimize potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and non-berry fruits. - dingding
2) The question of the ideal diabetic diet is an excellent one but unfortunately no one has even developed a precise diet. The American Diabetes Association 'exchange' diets have been in usage for many decades. The ADA has changed their diet repeatedly and most physicians do not typically use this diet. Referencing a search engine for a 'low glycemic index' diet is a good suggestion but perhaps the easiest way to answer your question is that the best diet for a diabetic is a common sense diet that could be recommended to all people. Many would say that this should be a modified vegetarian diet but most people will not find that any easier to follow than an ADA exchange diet. The diet should be designed to keep your weight lean which means a body mass index (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared - if you type 'body mass index' to a search engine you will find many sources that calculate this for you - I will be happy to do so if you send me your height and weight - bear in mind that my comment assumes that you are age 25 or older) of 25 kg/M2 or less. No added salt as the body does not need this. Limited caffeine intake. Low fat low cholesterol diet. Limited refined carbohydrates or 'sweets' with an understanding of the difference between refined and complex carbohydrates which is the basis for the glycemic index. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Limit processed food. I follow this advice myself although I am deficient in the area of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is true that you must take into account that some fruits are higher in 'sugars' than others. Also do not believe commercials. One company advertises that their can of raviolies is the equivalent of a serving of vegetables. Others that their drinks are the equivalent of servings of fruits and / or vegetables. All of the medical research is based upon fresh fruits and vegetables. There is absolutely no reason to assume that processed food offers the same advantages. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I wish you the very best of health and may God bless. - john e russo md facm faafp
Question 4
STD from Dog is it possible? help...?... my 16 year old son came out positive for it's the Clap (Gonnorhea, for the scientific) and now I just want to know, is it possible he could've caught it from the family dog? it's a Mixed Lab-Terrier and I see my son all the time with him, and I've even caught him with penut butter on his you-know-what and the dog at him.
should I take him to a doctor, or vet to get checked? what would you do if you were in my position?
1) my first genuine LOL of the day :) - The Doyen
2) You can't get sick -- which includes STDs -- from your pets, unless it's bacteria from certain amphibians. More here:
If you son is messing around with the family pet, you should get him some counseling. It's a sign of something bigger... like bestiality, zoophilia and paraphilas. - citizenkrans
Question 5
omg !!!! surely not copd .advice please?... I am 45 with nasal polyps which r being treated by steriod drops and present. i have no sense of smell and mouth breath owing to polyps .i do suffer with nasal drip and yes until recently i was a smoker.A few weeks back i had a cold and since then i have coughing alot.i also get wheezy and a little breathless. ( I always assumed this was due to polyps) i did go and speak to my gp about my cough etc, next thing hes sending me for lung functions tests looking for copd ???/// surely my symptoms are related to my sinus problem and the fact i have had a cold ???
1) Your symptoms are more of allergic rhinitis and asthma. COPD may be present with asthma. Lung function test will clear whether it's COPD or Asthma. - dragon77
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