Wednesday, June 2, 2010

really bad sunburn - can't lie down.. what to do?

Question 1
really bad sunburn - can't lie down.. what to do?...  Alright so, it was cloudy and not even that hot, didn't really think of putting sunscreen but holllyyyy crap i got burnt worse than ever.. I can't lie down, the heat builds up under me and it burns like crazy.. Any suggestions??

1)   Other than Aloe Vera, Vaseline works. - Matt

2)   Aloe Vera burns if you put it on now. I got some spray at the store that cools the burn and boy it felt so damn good. It was like a foam and just totally got rid of the pain from the burn. Also take some aspirin to kill the pain. - Ben

3)   lay on your stomach

Rub some aloe on it

lay on a damp cool towel

Put a fan on yourself. - Tyler

4)   LOL I am also badly burnt right now. Aloe vera works!!! - texas!


Question 2
What's the chance of getting an std from oral of neither of us have one?...  Neither my girlfriend or I have any type of std whatsoever. If she gives me or I give her oral, what are the chances of either of us getting any type of an std?

1)   If neither of you have an STD, then you can't give STDs to each other even through oral sex. - BabyBear

2)   watch out for cold sores, keep your junk clean.

you should be fine - Tucker

3)   Um, well if niether of you have an STD, than you couldnt pass it on to one another, the problem is being sure your both free of STDs, - Crissy

4)   STD means Sexually Transmitted Disease. If you don't have it in the first place, then you can't transmit it to anyone else.

Bonus answer: if you're immature enough that you even need to ask this question, then you're not ready to have sex, oral or otherwise. Hold off for a while. - OnTheCouch


Question 3
acne treatment tricks that you might have hiding up your sleeve?...  ok so i have mildly bad acne. but bad enough that makeup does not cover it completely. I have tried acne medications and different make-ups and nothing seems to be working. I have heard that tooth paste works?? or advil?? is this true..? and if there are any other methods that i can try. Mainly home remedies, not things you buy especially for it cause that is definitely not working for me. Thank you very much. OH one more thing, my skin is mainly not oily, just in the T area (btw).

1)   try putting rubbing alcohol on the pimples.. - padrino

2)   I have a little bit of blemishes.
Not terrible at all, just mainly red (think it's rozasia) I know I'm spelling that wrong.
But the redness makes it look worse then it is.
I have fell in love with the past 3 years this make up, it's called bare minerals.
I love it. I first heard about it, that Oprah uses it. So I looked online and I found that you can get it from or some places have a Sephora store. Such as I live in Southern California so we have the shop.
It's about 15 bucks and it works amazing.
I'm so much more confident!

I haven't tried anything other then proactive and neutragina when I was younger and they didn't work.
I also have got this mask from Macy's called 'out of trouble' it works amazing at cleaning my pores and when I feel a zit coming on (it doesn't magically vanish it) the zit still comes out but it makes it dry up and go away quicker.

Other then having belmishes my skin is pretty perfect. I've had a facial and the woman said I have really great skin since I don't really go out in the sun (or if I do I always protect it) so I have no wrinkles and she said I have no sun spots, I'm also not oily or dry just normal. and I'll only get oily skin if I eat something and touch my face.

I hope I helped?! Good luck though! - SemperFiMarineWife

3)   Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Rian


Question 4
What does it mean if I still have a tan from last summer?...  on my feet! my sandals left a part of my skin covered and that tan line is still there from last summer! my friends told me thats cause i have skin cancer!! is that true??

1)   If you wear the same sandals all the time, it may not go away

And no, you don't have cancer. They are just teasing you.

Everyone has a different skin type, maybe yours holds a tan better - Tyler

2)   it means your LUCKY!!! - texas!

3)   dude... that's not cancer, trust me... your friends are, what, twelve years old? they prob don't even know what cancer is. cancers are tumors. tans are not tumors. excessive radiation from the sun can cause melenoma tumors on skin, but having a **** tan just means that you have a **** tan. your feet are constantly being exposed to the sun, even if it's cloudy out, which is probably why your tan is still there. even if you don't always wear flipflops. tans last a long time sometimges E-E - I-am-not-Sheogorath


Question 5
Is it likely that I have lupus?...  I'm a 19 year old female. I was tested negative for lupus 3 years ago when I complained of constant fatigue and migraines. I still experience the fatigue and am slightly anemic. I also have the "butterfly rash" along my cheeks and nose. At first I thought it was mild rosacea, but I've only developed it in the past year. It isn't a severe red, but more of a pink that still heavily contrasts with my very pale skin. I also bruise easily, but that could be attributed to the anemia. I haven't noticed any thinning of my hair or any of the other symptoms. Is it possible I could have lupus? I'm planning on being retested, but was just wondering if I'm being rational or having a hypochondriac moment. Thanks for any help!

1)   It's never lupus. - I-am-not-Sheogorath

2)   Your tiredness is caused by your anemia. You need to take a iron supplement or increase your dosage if you are already taking one. You should also ask your doctor to put your on birth control. The most common reason for females to have fatigue and anemia is from heavy periods or just periods in general. If you can stop your period for a few months or just make it lighter you probably won't get as anemic, there for you will have more energy. You also need a healthy diet. If you are lacking in any nutrients, which you are since you are anemic, you will bruise easily, feel tired and have a slew of other symptoms including head aches. - Takikio


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