I have white blotches on my throat?... My throat has been hurting since Saturday night. I've head a dull headache. And I've not been feeling too great. Today my throat started to really bother me and I found white patches on both tonsils. It wasn't much, but do you think it could be strep or could it be something else?
I want to know your opinion before going to the doctor...because I really hate when they swab my throat!
1) Sounds like tonsillitis - it is best you go to the Doctor I'm afraid, that wont clear up on its own. - Enkidu:)
2) please dont ask me
3) you have tonsillitis at the least bit. It could be strep either way you should go to the doctor and get it checked. Anti-biotics are the only way to treat this. the white blotches are pus like you find in a zip its your immune system trying to combat the virus. - tech90
4) It may be serious.
got to a doctor and ask him all you need to know. - Roger Rodrigues
Question 2
In the past week my vagina has been irritated and itchy?... I know its bad.. I had unprotected sex about 3 weeks ago...but 2 weeks ago I went to go get tested,,and I was..negative..I shave my vagina..and everything but...alll of a sudden in the past week during my period (I wear tampons) my vagina lips started to get itchyy..so i put some vagisil on it..it didnt hurt to peee or anything..but i did scratche the opening alot..last night i looked i saw a redddish part near the opening of my vagina on the left side..did i irritate it by scratching it??b.c i peed and then it stinged..so i decided to not sleep with any underwear..and this morning it didnt hurt to pee. Do i have a yeast infection...? im going to the doctors in two days should i be very worried?
1) you might have crabs - hushed90
2) if a lump of hovis bread starts coming out, then after cooking it and eating a sandwich... go to the doctors ;) - Owned
3) I would not be worried, it sounds like a stubborn yeast infection. Anytime your PH changes in your snatch you are at risk for a yeast infection. Some women are more prone to them. I was never prone to them but I had this one dude that everytime we smashed I would get one a couple days later. It's God's way of keeping us away from some people I think. LOL
Don't stress out about it. I'm sure your fine. Is there any discharge? Google it - Gracie'sMamma
4) WHY ARE YOU HAVING UNPROTECTED SEX??? Please protect yourself from now on...It could just be a yeast infection. What you are describing fits the symptoms. It could also possibly be an irritation from shaving (razor burn). You can try to treat for the yeast infection but if it doesnt get better in about a week I would go back to the doctor and have them check. - lgbrlbatb
Question 3
Got burnt badly even though i was using very high protection sun cream?... I was applying high protection sun cream every 30 minutes was (30 degrees)
When i got home i noticed red marks all over my legs, back, arms and hands but they look like patterns it looks as if someones poured boiling hot water down me. The problem is i woke up this morning i cannot stand on my left leg every time i do i feel like my left side is going to collapse.
There are no blisters or skin peeling. Is it normally for my leg to being doing this after catching to much sun?
(i thought sun cream was suppose to protect you' Now i doubt! )
Its the nivea one 50 very high protection
1) Sun CREAM is an epic failure, they say it works better than normal sunscreen, it doesnt, sun cream is actually made to GET YOU TO burn. - Flame
2) you want sun screen with an spf of 50 at the very least - Liz
3) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ LMAO - skinslvr26
Question 4
my 19 yr old has orange yellow palms and is obese?... Her palms never used to be yellow but since going to uni she has returned with orange palms and has put on a lot of weight although she has always been overweight. She also has acanthosis nigracans
1) Has she been to a doctor? Skin turning yellow can be a sign of liver disease. - Bill M
2) Orange-yellow skin color limited to the palms is usually just a result of eating food high in carotene pigments, but it can also be caused by getting too much vitamin-A or by liver problems. Its not a medical risk as long as the color is not caused by a liver problem. Some of the lotions and creams used to threat acanthosis nigricans contain large amounts of vitamin-A, so that could be staining her palms if she is using this type of medication - no big deal.
If she cannot attribute this problem to eating foods like carrots or taking too much vitamin-A, it would be a good idea for her to see the doc to get a comprehensive panel of blood tests. - formerly_bob
3) I would check for diabetes as these are symptoms of an insulin problem. Diabetes however can be cured.
http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/simply-raw-reversing-diabetes-in-30-days/ - ƦєdAиgєℓ
Question 5
I have a huge ear infection what should I do?!?!?!?... i have a huge ear infection and it is killing me what should i do it hurts so so bad and the ear drops i have do not work please help!!!!!
1) Call the doc. - gazeygoo
2) Go to the hospital. - Roger Rodrigues
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