How can i get rid of the pain from a really bad sunburn?... I have a really bad sunburn and its starting to blister. how can i get rid of the pain so i can atleast shower and get some sleep tonight?
1) aloe vera - Nicole
2) Cream! Try rubbing on some stuff with aloe in it, that's always helped for me. - Caroline
3) Try to put some aloe vera on it. It will relieve some of the pain. - Emily H
4) cold shower for 30 minutes and lotion up with noxema - betotron
5) I know just the thing its called corona. Its not the acholic drink its an animal ointment use to treat an animals cuts cause it has an antiseptic. It will help with pain and also help get rid of it! =)
ps it can be found at walmart or at a place like wal greens. - Beautful Panda
6) 1) Treat llike a burn--cool with cold water or ice:
2) Use over-the-counter NSAID medication like Naproxen (Alleve) or Ibuprofen
3) Don't pop the blisters--it could get infected. Ointments and creams (and Aloe) are unlikely to be helpful-you have a second degree burn, and these salves could create more trouble for you:
4) If the above does not help, go to your doctor for strong pain medications
5) Stay hydrated - andrew s
7) buy a bottle of Aloe Vera put it in the refigerator and once its cold apply as needed... it feels amazing. - calderde84
8) it sounds really weird to do this but use apple cider vinegar. it takes the sting of the burn right out. get a cotton ball or something simular moisten it with apple cider vinegar and then lightly coat the burn. - Kia
9) a. store bought aloe vera gel
b. find/buy an aloe vera plant, cut off the leaf, split down the middle (like cutting a pancake into two circles) and place directly on burn. Seal in plastic baggie and keep in fridge for up to about a week. - Iris00
Question 2
Acid reflux , GERD , problem need some advice ?... My doctor told me that i had gerd about a year ago and prescribed me nexium. i then proceeded to take nexium for about 6 months and the problem eventually went away. However as of right now, i think it may have came back because of the symptoms i've been having (trouble breathing , heartburn, feels like there's a lump in my throat, nauseous) . i also have been feeling tired and weak and im not sure if that's one of the symptoms of gerd. Also, what causes gerd? I dont eat a lot of greasy food so i'm kind of wondering about that. One last problem that i have is when i do a physical activity such as walking upstairs and when i sit down , i can feel my heart pound really hard and it makes me tired. The episode lasts for about 5 seconds and goes away. This has happened to me for about 1 year and i am still very young and not overweight. What is this? Anyways, if any advice or comments you would like to make to help me i would greatly appreciate it.
1) Nexium is not a cure thats for sure. The prescribed me prilosec, which would always help AS LONG as you take it. once you stop after a little while the pain comes back. just have to change your diet. - j0ker
2) You need to stay on the medication. Otherwise it will come back and it could damage your esophagus. - notyou311
3) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate
4) You may be feeling tired because you're refluxing while you sleep; this wakes you up, at least enough to be able to breathe (just like sleep apnea sufferers). I've experienced this myself; my solution was to get 2 regular old bricks. Place 1 brick under each side of your bed's headboard. This will elevate the head of your bed just enough so that gravity helps hold the acid down. It sounds stupid, but it works wonders!
GERD is typically caused, afaik, by an incompetent cardiac sphincter, which is a ring of muscle around the top of your stomach. It's supposed to squeeze shut whenever you're not eating, preventing acid & stomach contents from washing up into your esophagus. There are other causes for it as well, but that's the most common. There's not a whole lot you can do about this. :( Greasy food certainly doesn't help matters, but really anything can cause it. I've had heartburn brought on by drinking water.
The heart pounding & weakness is concerning. I don't think these are related to the GERD; it sounds to me like it's more related to your heart. You need to see a MD about these, pronto. Good luck. - TARDIS_Junkie
5) Did you have an upper GI series? (drink barium and have x-rays done)
Your bed should be higher at the head end.
I think you should write all of your symptoms down and take the list to your doctor. He can run tests and hopefully come up with a diagnosis. - Aunt Jayne
6) GERD is tough no manage. What Nexium does is reduce the acidity of your stomach so you don't feel symptoms.
You could start taking nexium again or some anti-acids and/or pills containing domperidone or metoclopramide which strengthen the muscle on top of your stomach so the food doesn't come back up and make your stomach empty more rapidly. The domperidone pills also relieve nausea. You can also try and sleep with more pillows.
About the heart pounding, it is normal to feel your heart pounding a bit after performing such a vigorous exercise as stair climbing.
However, if this started at the same time as GERD you could have a hiatus hernia (part of your stomach in your chest cavity, which would mess a bit with your heart). You could get an endocospy to rule that out. - Ricardo
7) um - NicK
Question 3
How can I get rid of small pimples?... I have a lot of tiny pimples on my forehead And theyre not even big enough to pop ! but they're quite noticable, You know what I mean?
I drink plenty of water, And I don't eat a lot of junk food. I wash my face twice a day.
Any remedies or ideas that could help clear my skin?
1) pop them - nagboy92
2) use African soap, hope that helps - Slipp
3) Don't pop them. That leaves scars.
My friend told me to try crushing up tylenol into lemon juice and washing your face with it. She used to have a lot of acne, but now her face is all cleared up after doing that. I have yet to try it. - E
4) pop them - Victor
5) Dab toothepaste on them and they should dry up.
Remember not to touch your face w/o washing them 1st, so that the dirt/oil on your fingers doesn't get on your face initially causing acne. - Iris00
6) well i eat cucumber's a lot and they help but try using a q-tip and a little bit of rubbing alchol or some apple cider vinegar. i use apple cider vinegar for scalp treatments once a week and it sometimes leaks down my face not the greatest tast but it helps me some. - Kia
Question 4
PLEASE HELP! MY MOM'S FINGER IS GREEN?... about 8 years ago my mom, (who is now 48) had this strange green stuff growing on one of her fingers. i remember it sorta looked like moss. she went to the hospital and that's really all i remember. it eventually went away and about a week ago, she said her finger was itchy. her finger was red, and raised in some areas. she put some hydrocortizone on it but now its starting to really inflame and ooze. she's going to get it checked but these things going on with her finger is the same thing that happened 8 years ago (it only has yet to turn green). has anyone ever experienced this? the doctors 8 years ago didnt know what it was..... ANYONE?
and we already know that its something that she has touched that is causing this reaction
1) tel her to masturbate with the other hand - J R
2) Some kind of fungal infection or worse gangrene. - cynica
3) It sounds like an infection. With gangrene it's usually brown and then blue or black. Either way she should see a doctor and if he doesn't know try a different doctor. It's always better to be safe. I hope she gets better soon! - Mego
4) Get off the computer and get her to the ER! - ♥ αιя ♥
Question 5
Should I peel my sunburn? How long should it take to go away?... Well I got my sunburn a long time ago, Probably like a week and a half, and it really wasn't too bad, it hurt, but not too bad, and I was hoping it'd be gone before today, because I graduated. And It was, and it only started peeling like, an hour ago, and my whole shoulder is hot pink because it has peeled from me scratching it. I'm peeling like a damn banana and I need some advice. Should I peel it off? How long until my skin is not so pink? My burn is gone and its just a dark peeling tan. Help :[
OH, and ps, I'm going to poughkeepsie for a week and a half and were gonna be going to splash down and the beach and stuff and i'm gonna HAVE to be in the sun, how should I prevent this and should I not be in the sun? :\
1) Leave it alone unless you want to age your skin. - JT S
2) Don't peel it yourself, let it peel on it's own. It is pink because you peeled it. Also, you probably will get burnt some, but mak sure to apply sunscreen every hour. and Have fun!! (: - Maddie
3) Don't peel your skin because that causes your skin to tear and cause more damage. If you want some of the extra skin gone, use a (oatmeal based) scrub and apply it to the area gently. Once you rinse it off, put aloe vera gel or an aloe based moisturizer onto the area. To prevent if from happening again as you go to the beach, put sunscreen on the areas you are most likely to burn the most. On the other areas, you can put a thin layer of sunscreen or tanning lotion. That way, you caught some color without the burn and the peeling! :) good luck and have fun! - Jessica Villa
4) Do not peel it off, let it recover naturally.
Put on dry skin treatment lotion, the recovery would be faster.
Well, you are not suppose to expose yourself to direct sunlight, but if you could not help it, just put on sunblock... - vincencio_one
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