How would i know if i had vertigo, What are symptoms and are there any websites with good info or tests?!?...
1) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Dr
2) My daughter suffers from vertigo and she describes it as the feeling you get after you´ve spun round and round,the room spinning and you spinning with it. She also loses strength in her arms and legs and has a tugging sensation as if something is pulling her eyes back in her head.She sometimes gets a cold,clammy sweat.
Your doctor will test and diagnose you. - debbie in spain
3) I have never had vertigo, but I think you have a feeling of dizziness, sometimes with nausea. It is a feeling like you have been spinning around. You have to be careful not to fall when you get the spells of dizziness.
I would just go to "vertigo' online. From there, you could probably find other websites that can offer helpful information. It is important to find the reason for your vertigo. It is often benign -- just a middle ear problem or infection. But occasionally the cause can be serious. Find out the cause! - Mary C
4) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Gyles Aston
5) Hello-- Absolutely check out
Actually I too was just seen for having Vertigo, I was so scared I had a brain tumor or something, my head was just spinning when I would role over or getting out of bed, walking, etc. It was really starting to scare me, so then I called my neurologist and he said that it sounded more like vertigo and to see a physical therapist. But also, its only a few Physical therapist (rehab therapist) that treat for vertigo , so what you would first need is to get to your family doc and get a request from him/her.
When I first saw my therapist they put this set of goggles over my eyes and have you look at this camera. They take all sorts of test. Then they laid me back and out me in all kinds of positions with my head and I totally got so dizzy. And I said OMG im dizzy....and she said, ok don't worry, well now we know that you don't have a tumor , you have the vertigo. (Because I was so worried of a tumor or something serious) . She said Im going to move you in different ways and what this is going to do is put what is called "Crystals" back in place" and after they did that, and a few more treatments again , I was back to the research about it on mayoclinic and that has it all has well. I hope this helps and I hope you get better - stylist25
Question 2
Is this an STD?? PLEASE HELP?... Ok so like five minutes ago I noticed a strange red, raised bump beside the Libya. I looked at it and its got a tiny little hole in the center that makes it look like a bug bite. I don't know though. I'm not sexually active and I haven't seriously masturbated for a few weeks. I was touching myself earlier on though.
Please help me with a mature answer. You're help is greatly appreciated.
1) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use fluconazole. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Gertrude B
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Gyles Aston
3) I recommend you to see ---->
I hope that will resolve your problem, keep using - Kate
Question 3
What's the best way to get rid of congestion?... What's the best way for a 13 year old to get rid congestion?
1) saline solution spray. All it is is water and salt. You can get it at any drug store. Spray it up your nose and it will clear everything up - D - Cav
2) gargle with saltwater and half a capful of hydrogen peroxide. You can even inhale the salt water if the salt to water ratio is balanced correctly. It will not cause pain. - Ramond
Utility--- removes toxins from the body, more so from the mouth, gums, teeth, stomach, cervix, uterus, lungs, nose, heart, liver, intestines, ears, brain, etc., etc.
. However, U may use sun flower oil, ground nut oil or til oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, etc.Procedure: Every morning, in an empty stomach, take 2 tsp of cooking oil.
[saturated fatty acids and oils should not be used, like, Dalda/Vanaspati, coconut oil or ghee] and put it in Ur mouth and rinse it for 10 minutes; until it becomes white liquid. Spit it out and then rinse with luke warm water and then brush Ur teeth
Utility—Blocked energy + toxins shall be moved from all Ur internal organs to purge in the normal drainage system, i.e., urine, feces, sweat, cough, menses[ladies], vomitting and all the organs shall function upto optimal levels.
With ur thumb, press ur/his/her palms and soles, wrists and ankles on both sides. Suppose pain is felt while pressing a particular point in the palm/sole, u have to press the surrounding area—just like u r pumping out air from that painful point. The blocked energy in any internal organ, be it lungs, nose, heart, stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, etc., shall be released along with toxins if any. As a last point u must press middle part of each palm/sole; so that toxins, if any, shall be excreted/purged through urine without affecting the kidneys.
It should be done in an empty stomach or after 2 hours after meals. With this, all the endocrine glands and their hormonal secretions shall be regulated. All internal organs shall function up to optimal levels.
With best compliments. - Dr.dhananjaya
Question 4
i have mono for about a week now i felt like crap(usual symptoms) for a few days now im COMPLETELY fine?... WHEN could i maybe kiss again lol
1) You probably already gave it to him. Once your symptoms are gone you wont be contagious. - PAstudent
2) The virus that most commonly causes mono is Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). You still have the virus in your respiratory tract and saliva. There's no possible way to predict how long it will be there. Could be 3 months, 6 months or a year. Therefore, there's no possible way to predict when you will be able to safely kiss again, either. - TweetyBird
3) And in a few days you might feel like crap again. Mono will do that, one day you feel good and a day or 2 later, you can't drag yourself out of bed. Don't worry, if it is someone you already kissed, they have already been exposed. - SouthernRose
Question 5
does tea tree oil shampoo really reduce dandruff?... alot of people are recommending tea tree oil shampoo for my seborrhiec dermitititis, before I purchase it I'd like to know does it really help or is there something more effective that I can buy?
1) yepp it works! - CGC
2) You should use salicylic-sulfur-shampoo, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Gyles Aston
3) Tea tree oil is an thin oil with antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal properties. It is a very effective first aid remedy against countless skin ailments, infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites and skin spots etc. It is effective against nail fungus, ringworm, athlete's foot, dandruff, acne, blackheads and many types of infestations including lice, mites, scabies and mosquitoes etc..
Tea tree oil is not just soothing and disinfecting, it is capable of penetrating into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, analgesic (pain-killing) and cicatrizant (wound-healing) qualities. - doorhingeorange
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