Would you tell someone what kind of surgery you are having done?... In conversation you mention that you are having surgery, people ask you what you are having done. Do you openly discuss your surgery with them? Would you discuss it if you were having haemorrhoid's removed or something equally personal?
1) I would but that's just me. I don't get embarrassed when talking about clinical stuff like surgery. But if you are the kind of uncomfortable talking about it than you don't owe anyone any type of explanation. Just flat out say that you don't want to talk about it and don't. - Jennifer
2) I wouldn't mention I was having surgery done if I were having hemorrhoid removed. - virtual insanity
3) If you know ahead of time you don't want to tell someone about your surgery, I just wouldn't even tell them I was having any kind of surgery because you know they'll ask. I find it kind of rude for someone to say "Oh I'm having surgery", and then when asked what kind they say "I don't want to tell you, or I don't want to talk about it." What's the point of mentioning it then? - Bravo
4) I think I know how you feel. I have had rheumatoid arthritis since I was 15, and I'm 22 now. On the outside no one would know I have this problem. I am going to have to have surgery on my shoulder and have a hip replacement soon. The simple answer to your question is that It depends who is asking me what surgery I am having done. Family and friends I am honest with because they love me for who I am and don't judge me. However, its tough for me to discuss it with my co-workers at my job. The year I have worked there they have had no idea of my disease and I am uncomfortable discussing it with them. I really don't know what I will tell them when I have to take weeks off and they start asking, but I will probably just tell them the truth. If it was an acquaitance asking me such questions though, I would make something up or make out like it wasn't a big deal just so I wouldn't have to talk about it. - blossom
5) If the type of surgery would require that people around me be aware of my condition I would share. Like if I would need help with lifting or if there were activities I should avoid or if I were going to be 'fragile' in any way. If the subject came up because someone else had the same condition/surgery and I wanted to compare notes, get advice or commiserate, I would share. Otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up at all. If someone asked about the surgery or the condition which lead to it, I would admit to them that I was having the surgery but details should be kept to a minimum. If someone is rude enough to ask after you have made it clear that you do not wish to discuss it further you are within your rights to make something up. "I'm having my umbilcus (that's your belly-button but umbilicus sounds more exotic) removed/straightened/enlarged" or how about "my Organs of Zuckerkandl are being lanced" (those are present only in newborns and disappear within a very short time). Or you could borrow a line from "Willy Wonka" "I'm sorry, I'm a little deaf in that ear" Then change the subject. BTW Good luck with your surgery and I hope you have a speedy recovery. - Fritha Grey
Question 2
Is it true that people who swear have lower blood pressure?... Being the mole that I am I recently read that people who swear have lower blood pressure. What do you think of that one? Sh*t, f*ck and dammit all! Sorry about that.
1) Sometimes. Swearing also reduces the pain by 50% - UrlolstoriesAnswers
2) lol hope this is a joke.. if not then ur dumb.. thats like believing that masturbation makes ur penis small - KL
3) I don't know about that, but the people around them have high BP. No one wants to listen to that. - notyou311
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Question 3
what kind of creams do you put on for really bad eczema in the bends of your knees?...
1) Calomine lotion. - Norma
2) Florasone Cream - it's wonderful - Hannah S.
3) I use DiproBase. It was prescribed by my doctor and isn't like the usual one GP's give you. It's not strong but does wonders, mainly on stopping scratching which is the main reason eczema get's bad and stays bad. I am now itch free and only use the DiproBase to make my legs look less dry, as an everyday moisturiser :) - Kate1996
Question 4
what are some ways to treat my sunburn?... i went to the beach and got a very painfull sunburn. it is on my chest, but it really hurts from my shoulders to my lower back. what should i do to make it heal or feel better for the moment?
1) sudocream may work or vasilene. And don't step one foot into the sun again:)
Hope I helped a bit:)!! - J.A.S.
2) This may or may not help you, but someone I know has a homemade remedy that I don't use but he said works. It's painful but when you take a shower you take your scrubby and you scrubyour sunburn hard enough that the sunburn doesn't hurt. It's confusing but when you get a sunburn it kills the top layer of your skin in that area so if you were to scrub it off, your skin would still be red like a sunburn but it doesn't hurt anymore. The kid who told me this like to fish and does a lot of it so he gets lots of sunburns so I guess he knows what he's talking about. Hope this helps you. - Jimy0panda
3) Get a cool shower and try to use as less soap as possible because soap will stip your skin of its natural oils, which are essential to healing your damaged skin. and use aloe based moisturizer or real aloe just get a small peice and squeeze. drink lots of water. try to wear more loose and gentle clothes and don't touch it a lot. - Luvie
Question 5
What is wrong with my ear? I think it is slightly leaking something?... My right ear has a crusty lobe almost every single day...it's worse in the morning so I think when I lay down during the night it is leaking something? It feels crusty inside too and smells a little foul (gross I know).
What could this be?? Do I need to see a doctor about this or is it something that I can treat some how?
1) I think you have otitis media... yes, you should see a doctor, but no, it's not deadly.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otitis_media - mimi
2) it could be an ear infection and you should probably see a doctor
but to treat the symptoms you can put a little hydrogen peroxide into your ear and wait for 30 seconds, then lay with that ear down on a towel and let it trickle out - Hammi NUT
3) Yes you should see a Doctor, sounds like it could be an infection. A few things you didn't mention, does it hurt? what color is the liquid? does your ear "pop" how old are you? - peace
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