whats the best acne product?... Well Ive tried clean and clear, aveeno, and some treatment that my doctor gave me but I havent tried new and approved proactiv.....and I need my acne cleared up in like a month I have acne on my cheeks,chin,forehead, and a little on my nose and I need to know what is the best acne product?
1) im using proactive now and it still hasnt cleared up my acne and its been a month so dont waste your time. - H
2) I'd recommend looking at acne.org.....they've got a lot of useful info there, reviews and message boards and stuff like that - Mad Spinach
3) Proacitv,it works for me (:
Get lots of sleep and try to wash your face every few hours - PanicBuddy
4) You need to do is to get good acne skin product that will be suitable for your skin. There are many acne skin care products available in the market in these days and it's not easy to choose the product that will give you the best results. When choosing your product make sure to check that you get at least 2 months full guarantee. Some of the big names in the industry are:
ClearPores, Acuzine, Acnezine, Proactiv, Vilante and some others… You can find more information, reviews, cons and pros on the leading acne skin care products in this website: - Sope
5) well everyones skin type is different but neoutrogena is a REALLY GOOD ONE! it slowly removes acne like 2 months ALL your acne will remove but i also like to try honey masks everyday for 1 or 2 months it's really good try it!
Honey mask - Spread it all over your face then keep it on for 20 minutes (it should look less noticable but after 1 or 2 months it'll dissapear ^^) - OhMyDarling
6) I recommend use Acneace!
I used it, and after 1 months, my acne was COMPLETELY gone!
Hope it works for you.
you can get From Google Search Acneace Official site. Good luck. - C
7) There is this new popular cream that people have been talking about.
It prevents future and existing acne, diminishes scars, and lightens skin and blemishes. Fast results too! (It's been claimed that major results can be seen within a week and no later than two weeks)
Before and After photos are available at the given ebay site.
This person is providing 1-3 week trial samples (Only for ONE DOLLAR.. definitely a deal) on ebay at:
Search up "Cee En's Acne Solution" on ebay.
First 100 customers can get the item for $1 for one week trial and up to 3 weeks. Or you can purchase 1 month supply for $40, 3 month for $100, or 6 month supply for $150
It's expensive, but the product DOES work.
My sister and cousin who both have major acne have tried the product and they both give it thumbs up. I have also heard many great feedbacks about this cream.
I don't have a problem with acne, but it seems to have great results on my sister who has moderate to severe acne. Her acne swelling went away overnight.
check the seller's feedbacks on the cream
I hope this helps. =) - Guru
Question 2
How do YOU get rid of a pimple once it's been popped?... I had a pimple on my lip, and I popped all the white stuff out
*shudders* SO gross even talking about pimples...
But I have an important date tomorrow and right now it's noticable and coverup only does so much, the light still hits it so you can tell its there...
Any home remedies for overnight? All I need is too know how to get rid of the bump, I dont care if it stays red I can cover up the redness but the bump is big and I can't go out and buy anything. I have zit stuff but it's not a cream and it doesn't work well, any suggestions?
I know most people might say toothpaste but that just dries it out and gets rid of the pimple. Thats not what I'm asking. re-read the question
I don't have any asprin. Or tylenol. I don't allow pills into my life.
Honey? I have, but only on pimples with the whitehead. Does it work well with popped pimples? xD
1) then try honey? Do you have honey o-o? - OhMyDarling
2) Best luck I ever had was with a very hot wet facecloth repeatedly held against the offending zit. It made the goo still remaining in the zit liquefy and run out. This seems to make the whole deal heal up faster in my case. - Edg1
3) best way to get rid of acne and other skin problems
go to this blog
(copy n paste in browser to open it)
wen it opens u ll see orange color links
open them they will take u to the bestskin care tips website
and these websites also offers free beauty samples - Plink
4) I hate lip pimples. The only thing that works for me is to apply a topical cold sore medication like Abreva. - Shadow
5) usually when this happens to me, I squeeze it and it is still a bump..like what you have. So I keep squeezing until blood comes out. You need to squeeze out all that clearish liquid until the blood comes clean. Squeeze that sucker til its dry. Really, it does work. For me at least! It'll get sore but ice will help. Once you get all that crap out then put ice on it to make the swelling go down. And it will be barely noticable tomorrow. Then coverup will cover redness and you wont have the big bumb sticking out. I hate those little bastards, always popping up right before an important event, grr!! - melissa ann
Question 3
My first time getting sunburned, can anyone answer my questions?... how do i treat the itching sensation of the sunburn blisters? how long does it last? what are the stages? and i'm sixteen and filipino, and its my first time getting sunburned, what are my chances of skin cancer, should i be worried?
it's not hurting at all, it just itches like crazy
1) it will be ok. get some aloe to put on it. it will make it stop itching and it will feel better. - HI:)
2) it depends on how bad it is. 1st degree is nothing! you get that from being out in the sun for like all day. second degree is pretty serious, but its likely it wont lead to cancer. its fine, everyone gets it. just be on the lookout for any unusal moles or bumps on your skin over the next few days or weeks. dont scratch it... and put lotion with aloe vera on it (u can buy it at walgreens for like 2 bucks) your fine... - Brian K
3) Put some aleo or whatever they call it on it and stad infront of a fan. this takes the itch out. If you still have pains Mix vineger and water together (half a cup of each) and put it in a spray bottle and squirt it onto the burn. it will sting but only for a second. it takes away the pain. THen put on lotion (any kind even baby lotion) and dont itch it. I have a severe sunburn right now and it hurts like hell and im about to use this technique :).
ps the vineger and water will smell but it 100% works - Aubrey
4) use aloe vera Gel. It over the counter. It helps cool the burning and itching
1Leave the blisters intact. Do not lance or pierce the blisters or scratch them off. Instead, leave them intact to rupture and open on their own.
2Apply medicated first aid spray frequently. Apply a spray such as Solarcaine or one of its competitors, to the sunburn blisters at least twice a day. This will help treat the pain and itching that accompany such blisters, while also sanitizing the area.
3Apply antibacterial ointment to the blisters once they begin to rupture and display the new skin beneath. This will help keep infection from developing.
4Wash the area daily and dry it with clean towels.
5Treat any pain with over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium or acetaminophen.
6Avoid the urge to scratch the affected area. Doing so may cause an infection to develop.
If your sunburn causes blisters, it means that it was relatively severe. Consult a dermatologist to make sure the damage wasn't too severe and avoid prolonged sun exposure in the future or take measures to keep from getting burned so seriously..If the sunburn blisters seem severe or involve a great deal of pain, seek medical attention. - Christy R
5) G'day Wanttolookbetter,
Thank you for your question.
The best thing would be to put aloe vera or Vitamin E on it and avoid exposure to the sun while healing. It can be associated with cancer but not in most cases. I would be careful though especially if you live in the tropics.
Regards - Keith O
Question 4
Is rabies common or rare?... When you get bittenn by any animal in the philippines or some other countries is it 1 out of 1000 people?
1) yes - Liquid
2) It's common in some places. I live in western usa, never seen or heard of a dog with rabies. But, it could be different in the philippines. Depends on the area and how many strays there are, how many vets, how clean it is, etc. - Sierra
3) that depends on ur own defenition of rare and common. if by common u would say 8 out of 10, then no rabies is rare. but rabies is NOT like one of those SUPER rare things where like 1 in a million people/animals get it. - Becca
4) Do you mean are? Rabies is common among zombies though. - Joseph
Question 5
i have red bumps that have liquid in them? on my calves what are they?...
how do you cure them?
1) They could be allergic reaction, or just infected hair follicles. When a hair follicle gets infected it acts like a zit almost, but really the only thing you can do is exfoliate regularly. - Lizzy
2) mite be altheats feet try gettin some epsons salt from the store and soke your feet in them for like an hour if they ich its probly what i sed and they mite even burn if you scratch them too much - fisher_123
3) I think they are blisters . Get urself checked by a doctor . A skin allergy can be really irritating ! Get Well Soon ! - Varun
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