Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Can anyone please help me with this? I'm really freaked out right now!?

Question 1
Can anyone please help me with this? I'm really freaked out right now!?...  A little while ago i was looking in the mirror, I saw there was something on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw this weird mark. I don't know where it came from. I haven't done anything to that shoulder, nothing has hit me there. I'm just really puzzled right now. Please help me?

Serious answers only please? I'm freaked out of my mind!
It's smooth and not bumpy. It doesn't hurt. I've been wearing loose clothing all day. I carry a tote slung onto my arms. I haven't started taking any new medicine. I feel absolutely fine. Just the shape of it scares me, I don't know what it is.

1)   Probably just a rash. - lakerfan

2)   Probably just a rash... - Sam

3)   Im thinking thats a bug bite. Maybe a bed bug while you were sleeping. Or it can be a rash, or a ringworm. I dont know exactly what it is but if it spreads out and gets worse see a doctor. - curtis

4)   It could just be a surface bruise from laying in one place for an extended period of time. Like an impression from the wrinkles in your shirt... - smrttpnts_1990

5)   i think its a Stretch Mark
google it - D'man

6)   What if a spirit tried to enter your body! - Alyak

7)   paranormal activity - Peacelove

8)   Definitely looks like an impression mark from something like a too heavy book bag or a funny fold in the sheets. Without knowing more, it'd be hard to say, I mean, does it itch or burn? Is that area more sensitive to touch? Do you feel sick? Are you taking any new medications or recently had a medicine dose increased? Did you stop taking any medications recently?
If it doesn't go away or you start feeling sick, see a doctor about it. - MichelleM

9)   You could have been hit or bumped into something and not know it, it has happened plenty of times in my life I know. I looked closely at the image it looks a bit odd, and if it is a welt or a acne patch it would explain some of the swelling and redness.
It looked a bit bumpy and the welts were a little uneven as if a backpack or purse or heavy item with buckles were carried on the shoulder. - scatterbrainedgenius

10)   You would have to go to a dermatologist to find out exactly what it is. Right now it doesn't look like there is any swelling, so I would watch it for the next 2 to 3 days. If you notice it swelling or if it gets larger or starts itching, you need to tell your mom (if you're living at home) and try to get to a doctor. Don't get yourself worked up too could just be a rash of some sort or an allergic reaction to something. Post to let us know if there are any further developments that could help with a diagnosis. - reedera4


Question 2
My room worsens my sickness..?...  Every time flu season rolls around I've been getting better at recovering at faster rates, but I'm just curious as to why my room makes my illness worsen. i.e. I make some noticeable recovery throughout the day, eating healthy, staying warm, etc, but when I wake up the next morning after sleeping I feel (almost) as bad as I was the morning before.

70% sure it might be my sheets, but why does that work? Also getting tired of replacing em...

1)   Washing your sheets frees them of bacteria, germs and lint...

and besides... the cleanliness leaves a fresh, sweet scent. - Britney's Good Twin

2)   it could be dust or the sheets. Plus most people feel worse when they first wake up in the morning. I know I do - p_borino

3)   Most likely it has nothing to do with your room and everything to do with your body responding to the illness. If it were your sheets, it would affect you when you weren't ill as well.

EVERY person feels even more crummy after a night's sleep when sick. The fever will be higher. The aches will be more pronounced. It's not your room - it's normal. - FaZizzle

4)   Its probably because sicknesses always are worse at night and in the morning. That is the way it is with me and everyone else I know. I dont think its your room unless you are running a fan or the air conditioning. - Lila

5)   Maybe it's not your room.... It could be the way that your body is reacting to being sick while you're asleep. Try sleeping somewhere else for a night (living room, different bedroom, friend's house) and see if you feel the same in the morning. Otherwise, it could be the position you are sleeping in, or the posture that your bed is causing you to sleep in. - Cg13


Question 3
Could I have been infected with mono after this?...  Okay, so I'm basically freaking out.

I went out with my friends today. One of my friends had mono and just got over it about a week ago probably. She DOES NOT have it now. She was drinking hot cholocate from those Dunkin Donuts type of cups where you lift the little flap on the cup and drink out of that little opening. Now, I wasn't thinking and I removed the cap and drank from the same cup as her but on a part that her mouth had not touched. It was towards the end of the drink so there wasn't much that I drank. I only drank a little but I'm so scared that I got mono. I kinda had a bit of a panic attack before I got so scared. Please, tell me whether you think it's likely that I contracted it. Please help me.

1)   You'll know in 4-6 weeks. It takes a while for mono to actually start showing symptoms. But just because you didn't drink from the same spot she did doesn't mean a thing. The ENTIRE cup could have been infected. I would go ahead and get a multivitamin to help your immune system out. - jonathan s

2)   I have known a few people in my life that have had mono, and none of them ever knew how they got it and none of their family or friends every got it from them, so I wouldn't worry about it. My sister had mono years ago and we always ate and drank after one another. I never got it, nor did anyone else she was in close contact with. - Anna E

3)   Mono is highly contagious, so people who are contagious are told to stay away from other people. If your friend is up and about and allowed to be around people, then she's probably not contagious anymore. Also, though mono can be spread by sharing drinks, it's unlikely that you could have contracted it after she got better and by drinking from different parts of the same cup. I'd advise you not to worry too much, stress can make you more susceptible to getting sick! - krdavis91


Question 4
Do i have hiv? I am in fear right now.?...  i had sex once with a person. We did use condom. After that i felt sensitive down there. And after 10 days everything went back to normal. I did not get sick or anything after that. Did i get hiv?

1)   no genius you didnt your "shooter" just slid out the gushy stuff. - Balooga

2)   haha balooga... hilarious. - Mal

3)   hahahaha yeah your fineee(: - Matdy


Question 5
how to soothe red cracked stinging hands?...  My hands are red, starting t ocrack and they sting when i put hand cream on them. I work in a doctors office and my hands are in hot water all afternoon..and it is winter here so that makes it worse. I have tried some natural handcream that was olive oil based and it stung, vaseline stung... i am trying polysporn and it seems to help a bit but it still stings.
Does anyone know of anything that i could use to put on them overnite? its hurts alot. I think i need to buy some cotton gloves and sleep with some sort of cream on them...but the 2 creams i haev tried makes my hands sting. can anyoen help?

1)   It's weird how you said your hands sting in Vaseline. Maybe your sensitive to some ingredients or Fragrance. I would try Aveeno or Gold Bond lotions. And try washing your hands in warm water instead of hot, usually around cold weather and frequent washing, it drips your oil glands away. Good Luck. =) - Gzp

2)   Urea Cream, say 15-20%. Ask at your drug store pharmacy counter. This is over the counter. I had a prescription cream for the same problem, that was urea, but the OTC works also. Don't remember the name of the RX. Maybe pharmacist can help you with this name. I'm an RN and must wash may hands excessively too. - mildred f


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