Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I have a lump on my armpit....?

Question 1
I have a lump on my armpit....?...  I am a 17 year old female. This morning I realized that I have a lump on my left armpit. It was not there yesterday. It isnt painful but it is tender and sore when touched, kind of like a bruise. It is probably about the size of a pea. It feels hard too. It isnt red or anything either. What is this? Should I be concerned?

1)   I'm not a doctor, but I get those occasionally too.

Mine can be due to an enlarged lymph node or it is a small pimple received through shaving of the armpit.

Keep an eye on it and if it gets bigger or more painful, tell your parents and get seen by your doctor. - palmyrafan

2)   it could be a swollen lymph node. if it doesnt get better you should see a doctor - crazydee

3)   its common for most who shave there pits. hot pack it wash cloth, it will fester up with puss probably, ingrown hair will get a hard spot. blind pimple. but infection is possible keep neosporin bactracin on it you don't' want MRSA staph to start it is a lymph node filtering infection soo just try self help if it gets worse see DR. - Moped Mama

4)   do u drink a lot of caffeine I get what's called caffenine lumps and when I cut down on it they go away but plz keep an eye on it show it to your mom and see what she says - sshhorty2


Question 2
the Dr. found a tumor in my ankle, i was wondering if he could remove it as an out-patient procedure?...  I think removal from the ankle would be less invasive, then, say the brain. Maybe they could do it as an out-patient procedure? I don't know???

1)   Most likely. A lot of surgical procedures are now done on an out-patient basis. Your situation sounds like it would be a candidate for such surgery. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be less invasive than you are imagining. I had knee surgery and they did all that with a scope. - RebelYankee


Question 3
What could cause these symptoms?...  Hiya

I have been experiencing periods of headaches for about 4 years now, and the gaps between these periods are decreasing. I often feel sick at night, and have had a few dizzy spells, where I suddenly feel really sick and it feels as though I might faint. I also have problems with my arms and hands at night, they often fall asleep or feel tingly and numb. Also, I have been sleeping very badly, mainly because I get myself into a right state, because i'm so worried! I have visited my JP, been to physiotherapy and a neurologist, who said he didn't think there is anything wrong. I'm 16 and just really really worried, whoever I tell thinks i've got a mental issue and am getting these symptoms because I am so worried. I seem to have convinced myself I have a brain tumor and they think this is making me get the symptoms. Are there any mental illnesses that can cause symptoms because of fear? Or is there anything else that causes these symptoms?

Please please please help, I'm very scared and I would appreciate any views on this!

1)   Anxiety can cause these symptoms and there are medications to control anxiety. You might consider trying some. Your family doctor could prescribe this for you. And when having a headache, taking some motrin at the onset and lying in a quiet, dark room can often stop the headache. Why on earth would you jump to a brain tumor conclusion just for a headache? Many females have headaches, especially close to their time of their period. This is normal. Headaches are often a way of life for many, many people and is not caused by anything serious. - J B


Question 4
What can i do about really bad dandruff?...  I have had dandruff in my hair all my life..I don't why..but all through my life it has come and gone..Right now its really bad and I don't know what to use.I have african american hair...I tried Head and Shoulders.but the dandruff only stay away for two weeks..Thats when i do my own hair..when i go to the hair salon it stays away for months..I don't know what they use..Right now i can't go to the hair salon and need to wash my own hair..what can I use on my scalp that can get rid of the dandruff for a longer time? Im very short so people automatically can see the dandruff ..its so embarrassing

1)   Go to the doctors and they might give you a special cream for it. Or look in pharmacies or something. There must be a cream for that.

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apw7z5.bQmj36uRVd1DbIBHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091229082527AASraDD - cRAZY_dude


Question 5
is there any way to test if a food as e.coli or not?...  its for a science experiment, is there any other way of testing other than using an api-20e kit?

1)   The SMART-II Rapid E. coli O157 Strip Test is a rapid, non-culture diagnostic assay that can detect the presence of E. coli from a food sample. There's also a home test kit and I'll give you the link which includes ordering info:

http://www.exit15.com/instant-food-test-strip-kit-for-salmonella-and-ecoli-p-1360.html - TweetyBird


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