Sunday, December 20, 2009

My pug has some sort of allergy on his back, what can help?

Question 1
My pug has some sort of allergy on his back, what can help?...  My 6 year old pug has a horrible allergy on his back, his skin has turned black and rough. I have spent thousands at the vet trying to fix it but they have been no help. He scratches himself on the bottom of funiture til he bleeds and has huge scars. Any suggestions?

1)   Call your vet and he can prescribe medication! - Sam

2)   a bullet - Flossy

3)   Vets usuallly deal with that sort of stuff - J

4)   Maybe its a hot spot? Get hot spot medicine and put it on the spots. Everytime you see him scratching, tell him to stop, it'll get worse - Taiicakesz

5)   Have you tried giving him Benadryl? The tablets work nicely. He will drink more water but the itching will be relieved. Consult your vet about this first. - Savvy1


Question 2
is it safe to drink alcoholic beverages when you are treating an stomach ulcer?...  
the last answer did not make any sense

1)   Absolutely not. Alcohol is one of the worst things for an ulcer. - TJTB

2)   Absolutely not! - peaches6

3)   An ulcer is an erosion on the inside of the digestive system, and can be very painful. Ulcers can be healed, but eating or drinking certain foods and beverages---including alcohol---may slow recovery or undo the healing that has taken place

The inner layer of the stomach, the mucosa, protects the stomach from digesting itself and causing an erosion. When its size surpasses 3 mm, this erosion is called an ulcer.

Effects of Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages with low ethanol content (beer and wine) are strong stimulants of gastric acid secretion, the effect of beer being equal to the maximal acid output. Alcohol can also decrease gastric motility, and this can help lead to ulcers. In short, alcohol can promote the reopening of an ulcer.

Stress, spicy foods, and alcohol and smoking can aggravate the healing of ulcers.
These factors can cause your body to naturally secrete more stomach acid and thus quite detrimental to ulcers. Ulcers require bland diets to neutralize the acidity. - rosieC

4)   no, it aggrevates the stomach lining and acidifying your stomach and ph balance.
Dont so it - Bonoo Frombaha'i


Question 3
Why are my toes so itchy?...  Recently my toes have been excessively itchy, usually at night. I have a toenail infection and was using an over the counter medication - a liquid that I had to put on the nail twice a day. I stopped using it because after about a month of using it I saw no results and then my toes began itching. I thought maybe it had something to do with the medication, but I haven't been using it for over a week now and my toes still itch like crazy every night. It's only the toes, the rest of my foot doesn't itch, and it's only the tops of them that itch. I went to the doctor a couple days ago about this, and he didn't have much to say besides suggesting tree tea oil for the infection. But he didn't say much of anything about the itching. Does anyone have an idea of what might be going on? I'm going crazy!

1)   althletes foot - youasked!

2)   It could be athlete's feet. I recommend trying an anti-fungal cream such as Tinactin. Also, make sure you air out your shoes sufficiently every night and make sure they are dry before using them again. Wash your socks in hot water to kill anything that may be lurking in them. Wash your feet every day and dry them completely before putting socks on.

If that still doesn't work, I would go back to the doctor and ask about possibility of a bacterial infection. Doctors usually assume it's a fungal issue but it has been bacterial in nature for me in the past. They will know what to give you for that.

Good luck! - blissunknown

3)   It sounds like you might have Athlete's Foot. You might want to try another doctor and see what their opinion is. - Moochums


Question 4
PLEASE HELP- Have i had my drink spiked im aged 16?...  hello, yesterday i went to the pub with some lads older than me we had a few drinks i felt ok but stomach was burning alittle and had headach AND STILL IS NOW, on the night it was a house party i drank a few cans of 5cans of strongbow and 1 can of carling. Ive never been sick whilst drinking before however, i was sick i didnt even no i was sick it just come out i caught it in a cup 1pint of sick came out THE SICK WAS BLACK. Could it of been cuz my drink got spiked if it did? how possible is it PLEASE HELP IM IN PAIN MY BELLY IS BURNING INSIDE X

1)   your drink wasnt probably have alcohol poisoning. you need to go to the hospital in my opinion.

ps: what business do you have going to a pub and drinking alcohol??! you are just a little kid! your body obvioulsy isnt ready for that sort of crap going into it. - hotwheels122287

2)   Yes, I think someone TRIED to spike your drink but they were fooled. Probably some clown sold them aspirin and told them it was Spanish Fly. Very common. One of them dumped all that aspirin into your drink, it made your stomach acid go crazy, and now you have a bleeding ulcer in your stomach, which is why your vomit was black and you have a fireball in your stomach.

Go to a doctor and get some medicine, (He'll probably give you sithamethicone or Immodium AD)

then go find some rugby players to beat the crap out of those lads you were drinking with. - Young Master Ruprecht

3)   A lot of people when they feel sick from drinking will attribute it to drink spiking, but this is actually quite a rare occurrence. Usually when people do spike your drink it is drugs like rohypnol which will make you feel relaxed, drowsy and depending on dosage, make you pass out.
However If your stomach was burning from your first few drinks, then this suggests that perhaps you've perforated an ulcer in your stomach and your stomach was bleeding (explains the black vomit).
Your stomach will still be burning because the layer of mucus that protects the skin of the stomach has been damaged, which is why you are in pain. The acid of your stomach is eating your stomach.

Your headache will be because you are dehydrated. The best thing you could do now is to drink something like milk or water. Nothing with sugar in it because this will only promote the release of acids in your stomach.

Also, you need to see if doctor.

Lastly, listen to your body next time. Aches and pains occur for a reason - G00r


Question 5
plz 10 points for best answer thank you?...  Ok i went to the hospital with chest pain and lots of plem in my lungs well they told me i have acute bronchitis and the doctor listened to lungs and said it was good because they were clear but i want to know how do i have bronchitis if i am not coughing? and i am on z pak for it and i took the thrid pill today.How long does it take for this to go away? And what are my chances of getting pnemona with this i am so scared i will get ponemona but i am spitting everything out and i havent ran a fever plz help

1)   i had the same thing. if your not coughing that great! i was coughing for weeks. your spitting everything up? also good! As long as you rest for a while eat chicken soup and sleep you wont get phenomena. unless you go out and run around. rest until christmas. dont be scared really its okay. i understand your worried. but its GREAT your getting all the crap up cause if you werent it'd be thr for a while. rest up feel better<3 - Ashley H

2)   DOnt worry about pnemonia. I have a friend who gets bronchitis all the time and it doesnt lead into anything else. and coughing is not neccesarily a symptom of bronchitis all the time. can be up to 4 days before u see improvemt.
In the meantime, I would start taking some echinecea and goldenseal root (golden seal is bitter, so mix take in it a tincture , put 30 drops in tea and ad honey).
The echineacea is a natural antibiotic (as is goldenseal), but what makes it unique it that it helps your body build its on defense and new white blood cells while fighting the infectiong.
try getting a probitic as well to help replenish the good bacteria that the z pak killed off - Bonoo Frombaha'i


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