Saturday, December 5, 2009

What should I do w/ my super dry eyelids ?

Question 1
What should I do w/ my super dry eyelids ?...  my EYELIDS are dry. not my EYEBALLS
My eyelids are extremely dry in the inner corners -- & I don't knw why.
I used to put vitamin E on it every night , the kind that are in capsules you're supposed to drink (i poke a whole in it & apply it) & the last few days the vitamin E has been making it super puffy , red , slightly itchy in the mornings. By the day goes by the puffiness goes down but it's still very, dry.
It's dry to the point the skin is peeling & super flaky.

What should I put on it now ?
I haven't worn any new makeup on my lids for the past 3 months. This has happened before the vitamin e , when i had it before i tried the vitamin e & it helped so much , until this week it made my eyelids like this.

1)   Get some drops - heretic0011

2)   put eye drops on them! - melii

3)   try water - Kevin

4)   Need some come in them? - Chess

5)   Vit. E irritates some people's skin. Stop using it, because you are now sensitive to it or something else in the capsule. Try a small amount of cortisone cream, or a regular fragrance free, sensitive skin moisturizer. A small amount (very thin layer) of vaseline at night will help with the peeling. - mustlovedogs

6)   Please see a dermatologist. It's probably not a good idea to try and self treat or diagnose medical problems. - Ziona

7)   lotion. non scented! and be sure its for sensitive skin. - Saraahh

8)   use a moisturizer. especially right before you put on make-up if u wear it. also, if u do wear make-up, use a primer before hand(after moisturizer) - kittencrazy10

9)   sounds like you may actually have a small allergic reaction to the vitamin E oil. try an intensive lotion and see if that helps. avoid using makeup it will help dry your lids out and avoid any makeup removers that will seriously dry your lids out.
If those don't help speak to a dermatologist. - Warrior_soul

10)   You probably have an allergy. Take a couple of those pink benadryl before you sleep or when they start puffing up. That might make it a lot better.
Plus drink more water. - Carson

11)   Maybe you have Blepharitis : an ocular disease characterized by inflammation of the eyelid margins. Use Occusoft foam eyelid cleaner to clean your lids and prevent buildup of oil and debris in which Staphylococcus growns. - step885

12)   sounds like eczema maybe psoriasis...... stay away form anything with fragrance. especially smelly soaps... i use dove unscented. use some natural stuff and dont itch. get aveeno lotion and put alittle on the eye lids after your shower while your face is still damp. dont wipe let it dry up..... see if it goes away ! God Bless - Interguglielmi

13)   by any chance do you wear purple eyeshadow? I use to, and the red based dyes in it can cause that type of allergic reaction on the eyelids. I had to stop wearing it daily. I just wear it now and then and don't have any problem. For some reason it just happens with the purple tones. - ~Grace~


Question 2
Is vinegar bad for your skin?...  I bruised my ankle and its swollen and i heard from a friend that vinegar,ginger root and salt should help swelling go down if you apply it on the affected area. Is vinegar harmful to hold on your skin for a long time?

1)   ICE..not salt, not vinegar and not ginger (unless you're making salad dressing. use your brain) - Chrys

2)   YES!!!! its even possibly DEADLY!

DONT DO IT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 - _________

3)   Not really. It is acidic, so it may burn dry or cut skin. But it won't do harm in one sitting. - mustlovedogs

4)   What is wrong with you? You have a swollen ankle and instead of putting ice on it you put vinegar on it, what the hell man. - heretic0011

5)   NO! But the General Rule for Treatment is Ice Pack for the First 24 Hours, then a Heat Pack after that. - John R

6)   Keep it elevated. When I twisted my ankle I hung myself from my leg for an hour. All of the fluid came down from my leg and filled up my head. The bruise went up to my forehead and now I have a bald spot growing. But man, I can run like there's no tomorrow. Plus the bald spot cuts down on air resistance. - Raulian

7)   I've known people who served in Vietnam that would soak their feet in vinegar to kill off the jungle funk for a while. They didn't complain about it being bad.
Ginger root is good for the joints, just don't overdo it. - Hebephreniac


Question 3
going to pediatrician for belly button ring infection?...  I am 14 and got my belly pierced a few weeks ago, it has become red and warm to touch. It hurts a lot and it seems like the skin is getting hard around it. I am not taking it out because thats worse, the puss won't drain out properly. My mom is taking me to my pediatrician. What do you think she will do

1)   An infection to a piercing site is pretty basic- in other words, nothing to worry about. all the doctor will do is clean it out, bandage it, and give you some antibiotics to help fight the infecting (either a cream or pill).

Hope this helps, and your belly gets better - Nick

2)   Hi, I'm a doctor. I know it, it's very easy. All instruction about your question here. - Nolik

3)   You should use sumycin, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Jacqulyn

4)   probably make uu take it out && then give uu medication for the infection - melii


Question 4
How do you tell the one you love you have cancer?...  I am having such a hard time with this.I have known for 2 weeks and every time I try and tell him,I get afraid?

1)   better sooner than later - Dani D

2)   I would go for the humor approach.
Thats just me though.

Maybe right it on a cake? - RedSporks

3)   tell the one you love you have cancer -->> http://aba.answersq.com7AAnXQa - Lindy

4)   i say just pop it into a casual conversation. - felino


Question 5
Sudden onset of strange symptoms?...  I am 5"4, 100 pounds, and 18 years-old and in pretty good health. I had not eaten all day, just a couple cups of lemonade. I went out for a walk to buy a cup of coffee, smoked a few cigarettes, took barely a few sips of coffee, and felt fine. However. the moment I got home I was overcome with this strong debilitating sense of dread, dizziniess, nausea, shakiness and fatigue. I was so dizzy I couldn't sit up straight, I kept falling back, my vision was blurry everything was spinning and I was worried I was about to faint. i threw up, and lay on the ground for about an hour. i was really pale I was burning up even though it was freezing out, my hands kept shaking, and my pulse laying down was 105/minute. An hour later I ate a banana and I felt okay but still really dizzy, my ears felt clogged, and my back and neck hurt.

This has never happened before and I am a little worried. what could have happened?
if my blood pressure was low then wouldn't my pulse be lower? i've always had high b/p so I'm worried about that :/

I did eat a banana right after and I feel a little better, but still shaky and my head feels like its swimming

1)   eat food. this means that ur blood pressure is severly low. eat food. espaccialy rice or just meal! - emerald_queen

2)   Sounds like nicotine poisoning to me, maybe combined with a little too much caffeine. Not eating makes you more sensitive to the effects of these drugs. Plus, you're very small, which makes you more susceptible to poisons.

My advice: Stop smoking forever! And don't go without food too long. Only drink coffee with food and add cream or milk to it. - sleddog382000

3)   It turns out that food is pretty good for humans. - Jeremy T


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