Friday, December 25, 2009

What will happen if i take steroids?

Question 1
What will happen if i take steroids?...  Ive been debating for around 4 months now on weather to take steroids im sick of going the gym & working my ass off for small gains.Im thinking of taking anavar for a couple of months while not abusing it.What sort of side effects can i expect from taking it? Im 18 6 ft and 186 pounds dont drink or smoke & have a good immune system & no medical conditions.I dont want people answering this saying it will kill me and that nonsense because it cant kill you if you take it properly,I want someone who can tell me exactly what can happen when i take it properly.Thanks guys & happy christmas!

1)   Penis shrinks

Serious Acne

Liver Damages

Roid Rage


Stunted Growth

Cardiovascular Problems

and yes it will KILL U!

merry Christmas :]
Source(s): - -

2)   You will get a ton of acne(all over). Your penis will shrink(which sucks and is soo not worth it). You could possibly grow boobs. OOh and you could get too much testerone and you will be mad and violent all the time. - liquidluva13

3)   if you take it properly, you will get the gains you want quicker.

but you really have to be careful, the drug its-self isn't addictive, but the feeling is.

if you do too much steroids, your muscles will get to big for your heart to pump blood to so just watch what your doing.

i really advise against this.
steroids are all looks, sure mr universe looks ripped but show me how much he can actually lift...

theres a reason your not getting big really quick, your body doesn't want you to, you will get bigger when your body is ready to adapt. - Jozef R

4)   Your body will break down.

You will be surviving on medications in a wheelchair by the time you're in your 40's. - Eric

5)   im sorry but why ask that question side effects are:
smaller penis even if it is taken properly
out of control rage over small things
muscle build up
rash in some "AREAs"
will have a crappy immune system
loss of a girl friend no offense
true facts sorry there is no cheating without a down fall

6)   I guess if you are going to take an oral steroid.. which is never a great idea, then anavar is one of the least toxic. But it will give some of the least gains as well unless you take a large quantity of it. So I guess the question is if it is worth chancing the liver damage which is possible for minimal gains. In fact, anavar is not really particularly known for gains at all. - SethSpeaks

7)   Before you think about taking steroids, look it up on Web MD. They do not give answers to scare people. They give answers from scientific research.

You sound like you want only answers that agree with you. But you need truthful answers hat will give you both the upside and downside of taking anabolic steroids. There are all kinds of steroids for all kinds of purposes. I was prescribed steroids after eye surgery. They didn't give me big muscles. I took cortisone shots for a damaged knee. They helped the knee heal.

Some of the side effects of anabolic steroids which are used for muscle regrowth after surgeries and used by athletes to grow big muscles:

Acne on back, chest and face
Shrunken testicles
Increased risk of muscle strains because of excess muscle growth
Increased incidences of rage because of adrenaline charges

That is just the surface downsides. Brain damage and heart attacks are also associated with long-term use. Remember, the heart is a muscle. - Milton


Question 2
Suffering from cold and nasal congestion..please help!!!!!?...  I'm suffering from cold for last 4 days. It started with runny nose and sneezing. Then I visited a doc and he prescribed me some cold tabs for 5 days.Then gradually it goes down.Now its only two days i have taken the medicine..but today i'm suffering from congested nose. Please help me how can i come out of it??

1)   The only thing you can do for a cold is give it time.

For nasal congestion you can steam your head in the shower, moisture is better than dry air for sinuses. - Jen

2)   Hi..
for the congestion you could use some olbas oil or simply eucalyptus oil which is readily available in the drug stores or in the market.. use it and so inhalation by using a bowl of hot boiling water and just pouring 2-3 drops of the decongestant olbas or eucalyptus oil... take a large clean towel, place your head over the vapor followed by the towel over your head.. make sure that the vapor ain't escaping...inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.. do this for about 5 - 10 mins once a day for week... and to keep healthy try maintaining it.. take a habit, once or twice a week.. it will keep your nasal tract free and will prevent congestion.
Get well soon,
~Vandana~ - witty_girl

3)   Do some face and neck steaming...inhale from mouth and exhale from nose.
Take a spoon of honey..mix some turmeric powder...make a paste and eat it slowly.
Gargle with warm water + salt...and spit out the cough. - Dnut


Question 3
I'm allergic to the plastic in my $100 Dr. Dre headphones?...  I got Lady Gaga Heartbeats by Dr. Dre for Christmas and they burn and itch the outside of my ears (wherever the plastic touches). I took some benadryl and it helped. What can I do? I've been praying to get these headphones ever since Lady Gaga announced they're arrival. Help me!! HELP ME!

1)   Go to the doctor and verify that you really are allergic to the plastic. There may be some other reason why they itch. Just wearing headphones for long periods can make them itch, depending on the design and materials of the headphones. - Techwing

2)   1) the antihistamines you took & some hydrocortisone cream
2) try cleaning the plastic in case there's some chemical on them that you're allergic to
3) can you glue a little foam or cotton to the plastic to keep it off your skin without ruining the headphones?

If that doesn't work, you're kind of out of luck. - Fluent in French

3)   i suggest you
it will be helpful in resolving your problem.keep using - jew


Question 4
If you have changing moles dose it mean skin cancer?...  I got a mole on my back like months ans months ago, at it got darker and darker, and it looks werid.. normal, but if you look closley, it has a little bump in the middle.

I had a mole like right beside my breast since I could ever remeber, and I never really looked at it, but I see like black little dots in it, and different shades of brown..

Dose this mean it's skin cancer? I'm 13, so is it normal for this to happen?

1)   it doesnt mean skin cancer although it is a warning sign that those areas could be sensitive.keep them outta the sun - Morgan

2)   Usually if your mole changes shape or color it is a cause for concern. A skin cancer doctor can give it a quick look to determine what it is. My skin check took five minutes for my whole body and was painless. Tell your parents to take you to the doctor or tell the school nurse. - Jen


Question 5
Could this be skin cancer on my penis?...  Could this be skin cancer on my penis?

I haven't had anytype of sex with girl(Not like any girls want me anyway) so it can't be an STD. That spot is a little darker than normal. The texture of that spot doesn't feel any diffrent from the rest of it. The spot doesn't hurt or anything. It isn't raised at all. Does this sound like anything to worry about? My dad thinks it's just pigmentation discoloring or something like that. Does that sound right?
The spot is symmetrical.
The whole spot is blurry, It's kinda hard to tell the actual color.
It's not that big at all.
I went to the dermatologist to get it checked out and he just to keep watching it for changes. It's been there about a month since I 1st noticed it, I don't think it's chanced at all...

1)   Skin cancer usually occurs on exposed areas of skin, which normally would not include the penis. Additionally, skin cancer is rare in young people. Whatever it is, it is almost certainly not skin cancer. - Techwing

2)   Sounds like your a teenager, your body will go through a lot of weird changes in this time of your life, the penis is no exception. It is most likely just your skin growing and the pigmentation changing. Every mans penis isn't one perfect color, shape, etc.

I would just keep an eye on it and make sure the spot doesn't grow in size or becomes raised, itchy, changes a darker color, etc. If it does tell your father again and seek the advice of a dermatologist again, but until then don't freak out about it. - kjdela


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