Is the HIV virus detected as soon as you are invected?...
1) No, it can lie dormant for a long time - Becky
2) Why do you think you have it? - D Money
3) no the test is for the HIV antibodies you won't have antibodies as soon as you are infected, so if you take the test, they tell you to get tested again in six months to make sure the antibodies haven't showed up since your previous test. - Jimmy O
4) Naughty Naughty. - DecadantWolf_277
5) nope,it takes up to 6 months according to this page - gavan
6) I'm not sure about how to be "invected" but if takes about 5 days to 2 weeks after you're "infected" with HIV for it to be detected. - Rick James
7) well no. it usually appear later on once u exactly get it and they take ur blood they will see no signs of it. so no - TMZlover
8) No, i think it takes something like 3 to 6 months and they are certain after that amount of time - Dannielle
9) No, sometimes it can't be detected until about 6 months, though that is rare. After having sex, you should wait about 2 to 4 weeks before getting tested. This is when it usually shows up, at least for most people. But after that you should wait three months, get it done again, and then wait another three months to get it done yet again. After 6 months it's safe to say you don't have HIV. - Kitty
10) It takes 2-8 weeks after exposure to HIV for your body to build up enough antibodies against the virus for the HIV test to be accurate. See below attached website, hope it helps!! -
11) I think you mean infected... and it depends on the test... that's why they tell you to keep going back every couple of months if you are 'at risk'. unfortunately the more accurate tests seem to take longer. - Tara
12) Hey Listen,
These people don't know what they are talking about so you shouldn't ask health questions here. I know this because I once thought I had HIV and investigated myself with doctors. 95% of HIV cases are detected within 3 weeks after infection. The other 4.9% develop in that window from 3weeks to 3 months. If by the third month you have a rapid test and you show negative then there's a 99.999% chance you don't have it. - roloco p
Question 2
list of natrual ways to get rid of acne?...
1) sunshine - Kurt
2) get rid of caffene intake, eat healthy and drink lots of water, also some types of plants produce liquids that when put on acne will dry it out...good luck hope i helped:) - Dannielle
3) A vinegar and water solution is good at night. Rice water is a good toner to hold in moisture during the day and you probably have both in your kitchen. - Star
4) Drinking lots of water helps to clear your system of toxins, which is one of the causes of acne.
Also, tea tree oil works if you apply it regularly to the problem places. It's a natural remedy. - Leeny
5) i don't know, but you don't want to end up like this - Pazuzu
6) Exfoliate (sea salt is a great exfoliating rub) entire area, GENTLY.
Tea tree oil (diluted) applied to bumps/whiteheads only.
Apply heated washcloth to blackhead areas before exfoliating. - KatieMedic
7) uhmm? i dont really know what you mean by natural completely...
applying toothpaste helps dry out and bring down the overall swelling of pimples
ive heard tea tree oil also helps
applying lotions seem to make it more oily so try oil free lotions
uhmm, avoid touchinggg - Chloë
8) Tea tree oil is a good acne medicine. So is peppermint oil. Some people use Listerine mouthwash as a toner, because the menthol helps inflammatory acne. Crushed aspirin makes a good facial for acne patients, because of the anti-inflammatory action. Honey is an anti-microbial because of its natural sugar content, and it softens skin too. (I am using honey, it's awesome!) Also, oatmeal crushed up really fine makes a good facial too, because it softens the skin and relieves stress and inflammation. The list goes on forever, but these are the most popular remedies. Forgive me if I forgot one! - Future Dr. SM, AKIA
Question 3
what liquid do i use so blood wont dry up?... i got a microscope do view blood action but its dries up
1) hair die - Freakey
2) GASOLINE! - sasukefan012606
3) Add aspirin. It stops the platelets from forming a clot. Therefore, the blood won't dry up (right away). - Future Dr. SM, AKIA
4) try either rat poison or saltpeter. They are both anti-clotting agents. - Zach
Question 4
Can I take pepto bismol after i just took some tums?... I just took 2 tums for heartburn, but now i have a stomach ache...
Can i take a pepto bismol? I took the tums... maybe 2-3 hours ago...
1) yes you can - phydeaux2009
3) Yup. - Kryy
4) Yes
They are both mild medications and can be mixed.
Hope you feel better. - Sarah
Question 5
small lump behind right ear?... very very mild pain in the lump if it is squished down or poked. small right now.
what do you think this is?
if it is a lymph node how long should i wait to have it checked out / how long until it would pass ?
1) It sounds like a swollen lymph node. If you are not currently sick or do not have any other symptoms, I would see a doctor soon. But if you are sick or getting over a sickness, it is most likely your body fighting off the infection. -
2) your lymphnode is swollen. it just means you have an infection and your body is doing a very good job fighting it off. most likely the infection is in your ear. have any earaches, extra drainage, or your peircings could be infected. most likely it will go away on its own. but if it persists for more than a week or gets bigger you should go to the doctor and they will probally give you some antibiotics to help you fight off the infection. - dancedance
3) could just be cartalige - Soldier
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