Did Hitler Stick tooth rushes Up his Anus?...
1) I think he may have done =D - TATS
2) why do you care? - Blinky
3) yes they were the limited edition electronic spin brushes. - chest boner
4) Piss you off - manu
5) No, he stuck Wooties up there. - Zork
6) yes - I`m not mean, your just a sissy
7) hitler was taking 82 different drugs every day. there is no way to tell what a person might stick up their anus while taking 82 kinds of drugs. - Phil Deese
8) Yeah this famous toothbrush that he used for anal probing is awesome, i bought it on ebay 2 years ago and i still use it to this day, i had to wipe alot of fecal matter off of the brush of course, but after that it was amazing, my breathe never smelled so good...this brush took me across the universe and all the other places too, i think u'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything, shut up get on my horseeee - ☆Doɠ βoɳeş☆™
Question 2
what is sexualy transmited desease?... i know this sounds stupid but i forgot what it is so tell me
1) a desease for your genitals
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexually_transmitted_disease - Nxs
2) Diseases transmitted through sex, or some you dont even have to have sex to get them. - Alexandria
3) it is "sexually transmited disease" often abbreviated with "STD" and it is any disease that you can get from someone else through having sex with that person. The most commonly known sexually transmitted disease is HIV, which becomes AIDS.
HIV is a disease that wipes out your white blood cells and there is no cure for it, though there are meds to make the HIV take longer to wipe out your white blood cells. Your white blood cells protect you from all other diseases, so after HIV wipes out your white blood cells, you can die from pretty much any other disease and this is called "AIDS". It is a terrible disease.
Another STD is Herpes, and other one is Syphyllus, and so on. - Eric S
4) A disease that spreads only when you have sex with another person. Like Herpes or HIV. =( - keshii
5) Its a kind of disease that you can get if you have sex with someone who has the disease. it includes AIDS, Clamydia, hepetitis B etc - Nelly
6) Any disease that can be transmitted sexually. - Just Me
7) Er any disease that is spread by sexual contact. - Dr Frank
Question 3
What to do if my 2 yr old has the flu?... I'm on the downside of the flu but now my 2 yr old is coughing and sneezing. What should I do? What can a doctor do?
1) i'm no doctor but i would suggest that you see a doctor immediately. - Thomas
2) Take your child to a doctor. There are anti-viral drugs that may be helpful if used early. - Emily M
3) They can prescribe medication to help alleviate the symptoms.
And a doctor can determine if it's the Swine flu, which can be dangerous for a 2-year-old. - e w
4) You should take him to a doctor. - TeamEdward
5) Call your doctor - Beeinski
6) If he is not drinking he will need to be admitted to the hospital for IV fluids, also if his fever is 103 or higher he will need to stay as well. ut if he is drinking and his fever is being controlled he will be put on Tamiflu. So just call your dr because the Flu can turn very bad! good luck and God Bless - proudmom123
Question 4
how do you know for sure if someone has stds?... because i think this boy does but im not shore
1) Blood test.
Or you could do him. - C K
2) if you know some of his symptoms you can get on www.webmd.com and type in all the symptoms and see what comes up or just google what you think he may have..you never know for sure if someone has an std but just be careful with any of your partners - Kristin
3) You never know for sure. Sometimes people who have certain STD's aren't even aware of it themselves. That is why protection is so important. - Just Me
4) get them tested... std's dont have a face... but even if they are tested it may come back negative but there are over 30 std's that clinics dont test for.. thats a lot when you think about it - 46flavors
Question 5
If a person with HIV-AIDS gets H1N1 Swine Flu, would the AIDS help or harm recovery?... I think if the nature of Swine Flu is your immune system exhausts itself trying to fight a disease it has no immunity against, it is better in this case to have no immune system?
Wouldn't the AIDS person possibly survive the Swine Flu over the non-infected patient?
1) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://doctors5.notlong.com/2AAoiKL - Raguel
2) then the sickness would take over. - tim g
3) Of course the Swine flu is more dangerous for those who have problems with the immune system, such as the very young, the very old, and especially HIV/AIDS patients.
AIDS doesn't really kill people, it's the diseases that the individuals get because of their inability to fight them off, like pneumonia, TB, cancer, etc. - e w
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