Monday, December 14, 2009

My boyfriend is really sick. The doctor said it was a UTI and that he only had 2 weeks to live. What do I do?

Question 1
My boyfriend is really sick. The doctor said it was a UTI and that he only had 2 weeks to live. What do I do?...  We had sex the night before.

1)   Start planning your funeral. - John Milton

2)   people don't die from UTI, in fact, they are pretty easily treated. So, if the doctor said he was going to die, there has to be more going on than you mention here. As for what you do? Nothing, seriously, there isn't anything you can do. - essentiallysolo

3)   Firsh of all sorry! and then you might want to prepare yourself for it. You could talk to his parents and family and make sure they know about it. The sex probley didnt help! but it probley wasnt your fault so??? - The lion felln love wit the lamb

4)   Your boyfriend is trying to fake his death to leave you. Condolences. - Liam

5)   Depending on the kind of UTI a antibiotics may help, or if it is something more serious you may want to get a subscription for intravenous antibiotics. If it recurs ask for an intravenous urography or an interstitial cystitis - Edwin


Question 2
This morning I woke up and threw up blood and stomach acid, but mostly blood what is some causes of this?...  
It was after I brushed my teeth. Right when I woke up, the back of my throat was hurting really bad, and then I brushed them and puked. At first it was all bloody and then it started to get more mucus and stomach acid.

1)   If I was you I would go to the doctor and tell him this, It could mean that you have a bleeding Stomach Ulcer and Need medicines to get to help stop the bleeding and the acid to stop coming up. Try to avoid eating spices and greasy things that may help some, but definately go to the doctor about this because it may be more serious than you think., Good luck with this I have experianced that problem before with my ulcers to . - Melissa

2)   You need to go to the doctor ASAP!!!!!! - ZaaZ

3)   If you're throwing up mean you are bleeding into your stomach which could mean you have a bleeding stomach ulcer..
You need to go to the hospital immediately..because if left untreated you could go through some excruciating pain..which in the long run would probably make you go to the hospital anyway..
Even if you have no insurance..the emergency room will still see you..
Vomiting is never good. - dela. soulchild

4)   You have stomach ulcer or some sort of tumer in your stomach which leaked and you thrown it,I suggest that you should go to your doctor and take ultrasound test and other test for your stomach so that your treatment should be started as soon as possible . - Muhammad Amin


Question 3
what can i say to my best friend her sister just died with cancer ?...  we all grow up to gether ,feel sorry for her family as well x

1)   Not much you can really say. Just be there for her and makes sure she knows you are. - Martin

2)   Tell her you are sorry, you know she is hurting right now, but whatever she needs you will be there for her. - Certain Stars

3)   Sorry, I am so sorry.....................
mostly be there for your friend and don't let them be alone..keep them in all the stuff they used to be in............. - richard t

4)   there's nothing to say, especially not those lame niceties that people say "she's in a better place; its for the best" just be there for your friend and listen to her. be her strength, keep her in touch with the world. u dont need to say anything in particular. - Me Fang You


Question 4
Please help.......medical problems?...  My tonsils have been REALLY hurting and i have difficulty swallowing...this has been happening for the past 5 days. I think it is tonsilitis... Can you please help. Like what should i do about this and also what are good foods to eat

1)   You should be going to your doctor and getting tested for bacterial infections. - Nah Z

2)   Well - DUH - go to the doctor and get some medicine. Antibiotics will probably have you feeling better in just a few days.

Drink lots of water. Drink lots of juice. Eat jello and soft foods. Popcicles are good. Take some vitamin C. - Mad Mama

3)   first thing i would advise is that please do not opt for removal of many persons do...then if you believe in homoeopathy then take 3 doses of tuberculin for not neglect it for these throat infections which we generally neglect are later known to be a root cause for many serious health rhematoid arthritis,rheumatic heart disease..or a chronic suppressed infection can even cause pneumonia or chronic as well gastroenteritis.....goodluck - dr.puppy

4)   When you know that this is medical case then you should go to your doctor if you are in problem,however You are advised to take homoeopathic medicine Belladonna 200,Barrium carb 30,Ferrum Phos 30 ( 3 - 5 drops from each thrice a day). - Muhammad Amin


Question 5
Head cold: How do you stop the itchiness inside of nose?...  I have a bad head cold and doing all I can to make myself better. What medicine stops the itchiness inside your nose. That itchiness that makes you feel like you have to sneeze every 5 minutes?

1)   Use a NETI POT to clean your sinus, and it may never itch again: - katydint

2)   holistic healing method may take 4 or more days....
you should avoid
`1. all milk products, namely milk,curd,buttermilk(chas-hindi),tea,coffee,horlicks,bournvita,iccecreams,etc. for two months.. should avoid all sweets made of sugar, gur,honey... should avoid all sweet fruits for one month(mango,sapota,papaya,etc)and cool drinks. should avoid all nuts--cashewnuts,almonds, groundnuts,pistha,peas,coconut etc
5 you should avoid blackgram and bengalgram can take all wheat and rice preparations,ragi java,...
7. you should take daily 400 gms of uncooked cucumber( or 100 gms of radish) and 3 betel leaves daily. should avoid smoking and alcohols,nonveg,fish,eggs for 2months
write me - KAK


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