Is is true that if you are diagnosed with a disease, and you believe in yourself that you are going to...?... stay strong and make it out of it, and you do everything that you are supposed, god will make sure that you come out of it?
please no mean comments, this is a very hard time in my life..
thank you
1) 8====D - John
2) No but if you keep praying and get others to pray for you then you could live if thats what GOD wants! Don't worry about it thow! - Horsey girle
3) I don't think it's a guaranteed thing that you will make it through it... but it definitely increases your odds. It's proven that a positive attitude, with decreased stress, give a patient a much better outcome. Also, to have a great support group of friends and family will help tremendously. Stick to a regular routine of cleaning, cooking, going out... do the day to day things that you'd normally do, because this also is proven to be effective in coming out alive. - stixy_stixy
4) keeping a positive attitude can improve your health, it has been proven that if you have a healthy mind you have a healthy body. laughter releases happy endorphines which have also been proven to be body healing.
i dont know if this will help but i really wish you all the best x - Irish Lass
5) It is always best to keep the positive attitude going when things are bad. Good spirits and positive thinking can do wonders for a persons health and morality. - silky1
6) God doesn't promise us such things, He only promises that if we follow His word then we will live forever with Him in eternity. What happens here, I don't think He has much to do with, He lets us live as we choose, or die as we choose, it's how we choose that He is concerned with for He is considering eternity, not just this life.
A good attitude and a determination to get well, is proven to increase your odds of cure, it won't guarantee you will survive, nothing does that, but it definitely improves your odds. - essentiallysolo
7) A good attitude always helps. I have a friend with an early stage of prostate cancer, and he is convinced he's going to die. He's put off any kind of treatment since last June, and still hasn't seen an oncologist. With that attitude, he's going to have a lot harder time recovering. Every doctor I've talked to has said your attitude helps a lot. On the other hand, I have stage 3 colon cancer, and I know I'm going to make it. I had surgery 1 1/2 weeks after my diagnosis, started chemo immediately, I'm doing everything by the book, and there's no way I'm going to feel sorry for myself. The doctors are giving me really good odds. - crossstitchkelly
8) While there's no guarantee that positive attitude will keep you alive, there is most certainly a guarantee that if you feel you don't have a reason to live, or 'it's too hard' then you won't live.
You need a reason to live. I'm sure you have one. Friends, family, someplace you wanted to see or something that you wanted to do before you die. If your drive is strong enough, it might help. At any rate, it certainly won't hurt.
Try doing things you've never tried before to cheer yourself up. They say if you're happy, (or at least not sad,) the treatments work better and they'll be less pain.
I think there's something to that because when you're happy, your brain makes endorphins and other chemicals not present during depression. These chemicals might be what helps the treatment work.
Good luck. My thoughts are with you. - thisisonlyatest
9) We always think that if we have relationship with God (through Jesus) it will somehow benefit us tangibly... kinda like magic. The hard truth is relationship with God can benefit us in a palpable way certainly, but it mainly benefits our soul and our future; very valid and important benefits. It is indeed unknown to us why he saves some and not others. I wish I could say that as you pursue true relationship with God then he will heal you, but I can't. I do know that you can pray to Him for healing. You can also pray to Him for a closeness that will give you a peace about your situation.
Pursue a real relationship with God. While it may not heal you physically of your disease, I know you will find that it heals you in ways you could never have imagined. - Tim
Question 2
Can a high salt intake cause frequent urination?... Over the past few months I have been urinating more than normal. No pain, burning, or anything like that. Not even urgency. Just increased frequency, even when I'm not drinking a lot. I've even been waking up every single night (usually once) to go, which never used to happen. I had glucose levels and all that checked about 9 months ago and they were perfect, have no family history of diabetes, and am nowhere near overweight, so I really doubt it's diabetes. Also, I'm only 24, so prostate problems aren't really very likely either, correct? What I'm wondering is, I eat A LOT of salt. I read on another answer here that that can cause fluid retention, which can cause the frequent urination. Is that a possibility? Thanks in advance.
1) Eating the right food is crucial for your health. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss compound, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial available at I have been taking it for three weeks now and it's definately working!! - Norah
2) poor health choice. drink more water. cut down on salt, or pay forever with bad kidneys damaged by too much salt. - David
3) yes - Ice Twinkle toes
4) In short, yes. A high salt (sodium) diet can cause fluid retention and increased urination. It's also possible that a high sodium diet could also cause dehydration, and lessen the frequency of urination.
I'm also 24, and I'm here to tell you that you're getting old. About 2 years ago (give or take), I started to have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate, and noticed that I was also going more frequently during the day. I don't have a high salt diet, and I'm otherwise healthy. I'm not overweight, diabetic, or suffering from prostate problems.
I would check your diet and see if you started consuming, or increased consumption of a diuretic (something that increases the frequency of urination), such as coffee, tea, soda, etc. - Clayton W
5) It is indeed a real possibility - and all that salt is playing hell with your kidneys. Knock it off, fer cripes sakes! It's also a profound abuse of your circulatory system, which includes your heart and lungs. Think you can't have a heart attack at 24? I had a patient who had one at 16! That's right, sixteen! And he was quite the athlete up until then.
It does take some getting used to, doing without all that salt. But there are good-tasting salt substitutes, including a "no-salt" compound, and Mrs. Dash now comes in several varieties. And if ya want "bite" in your food, sprinkle ground Cayenne on it - that'll get your attention!
No, I'm not trying to be funny. I don't like having to tell parents their son just died of kidney disease that could have been avoided or delayed for years had he not been so careless with his salt intake. But I have indeed had to do just that.
A word to the wise... - Doc Bill
6) Excess salt can put more of a burden on your kidneys, but I don't agree that high salt automatically means destroyed kidneys. However, high salt can increase your water retention and as a result increase your blood pressure. Fluid retention would most likely mean you have decreased urination - makes sense right? But keep in mind that a higher blood pressure could increase your urine because the kidneys do work according to the amount of pressure they receive from the blood. Prolonged high blood pressure can place excessive force on the delicate arteries in the kidney and damage them permanently.
I would first have your blood pressure checked to see if it is high. Even some thin people are highly prone to hypertension/high blood pressure. Also, is your urine typically foamy? This could indicate you have protein in your urine which is abnormal and often caused by hypertension. I would not freak out if you do, but keep it in mind when you see a doctor. The goal is to have a long term plan for controlling your blood pressure which can mean stress reduction, medication, or making dietary changes (reducing salt). Do you snore? Sleep apnea can sometimes lead to hypertension.
I don't think it is diabetes, but you never know. I also agree that prostate issues are unlikely. Hope this helps some. - Tiny
Question 3
fruits beginning with s?...
1) strawberry - stixy_stixy
2) Sex - Frank
3) starfruit. - Lizmari C
4) Strawberry
Starfruit :)
hope this helps! - TG!
5) Strawberry
That's all i can think of :) xx - @N$W3R$
6) squash - Matthew
Question 4
Can people with hiv live normally even though infected?... can they still work normally and go to the gym and participate in sports...stuff like that or are they sick every single day and are unable to do anything?
1) y? do u have HIV?? - ~SuperHero~
2) they can long and healthy lives with teh right care and medication - johnniespaceboy
3) If caught early the victims can have treatment for hiv and they can live perfectly normal lives.
The only catches are: they have to have this treatment on a continuous basis for the rest of their lives; they have the responsibility to not give the disease to someone else via sexual contact, blood, etc. - Norse-Chief
4) Not really. They can't have any sex without worries and they have to take drugs (don't misunderstand this).
greetings - Dinimami
5) HIV is the virus, AIDS is the illness. People live with HIV for a normal lifespan these days, if they take their medications and live a healthy lifestyle. If AIDS develops however, they do tend to sicken and die. What amazes me is that 56,000 people EVERYDAY are diagnosed with HIV in this country alone....are people stupid? do they think they can't get this disease? IT IS AN EPIDEMIC FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION, have safe sex always. - essentiallysolo
Question 5
what causes anal itching?... my butt has been itchy for 2 weeks and i don't know whats causing it. there's no rash. i use wipes everynight before bed, but it keeps going on, i don't know what it is.
1) Your most probably have worms, its nothing serious, you just to go get some medication from the doctors. - joeliii
2) that my dear is called herpes :) .
or siphiiliss, or cohnerea.
you should probally get yourself checked out sweetie ;) - Sydney
3) 2 words - 'NON HYGIENE'
Anal area is the most vulnerable to bacteria growth, clean it properly with soap, but before anything else visit a doctor! - Enigma
4) Sounds like a rash or an allergic reaction. It may just be the wipes that are causing it or even the brand of toilet paper you use. There are many products available at any drugstore for anal itching. - silky1
5) first thing that comes to mind is hemmorhoids, then there is the possibility of pin worms, and of course poor hygiene. So, try Preparation H, if that doesn't work, see your doctor with a stools specimen to find out if you have pin worms, easily treated with one pill. And of course be careful about washing down there, with mild soap and water on a daily basis. - essentiallysolo
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