Can I receive an STD by receiving unprotected oral from a female? What are the chances?... I received oral and am wondering the chances for infection. I am a male and she is a female. We did not use a condom.
1) if she has one, a very good chance. - ladystang
2) Who the fuck uses protection during oral? idiot.
To answer the question though, does she have a herpes mouth? - amv12h2o
3) Yes there is a chance. If youre worried, go get tested - Stacey
4) Lets say this: if she's bleeding from her gums and there are open sores, you probably shouldn't let her near your junk, wrapper or no wrapper.
Comprende? - T.
5) yes you can get STD's the most common you can get is herpes, genital warts, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis a b and c HIV is possible, but does not run as big of a risk. - serenity
6) the chances of contracting a sexually transmitted infection through this said act is actually extremely low, but NOT zero, if its HIV/ AIDS your worried about, then you should refrain from sexual activity until your TESTED. knowing your status is one of the best ways preventing the continual spread of any disease. - Andrew S
Question 2
My body is itching me all over?... I haven't ate anything new or changed perfume or soap
1) its dry. cleanse your skin and use something with aloe gel or eucerin cream afterwards.
dont forget to drink water and milk and eat healthy foods. - honey
2) You may have come into contact with a chemical of some kind, without knowing it. (Lawn sprays, bug sprays, new cleaning chemical in a store, etc.)
If your throat becomes tight and feels like you are choking, go to the doctor immediately. If you can, get someone else to drive you. Can you take benadryl? It comes in tabs, gelcaps, or in liquid form.
I have to keep some with me because I am allergic to red wasps. It works for stopping severe allergic reactions, temporarily, until you get to a doctor. - GlennM
3) use gold-bond to cure it - Shanan
4) it could possibly be caused by changes in weather (known as winter itch- caused by dry air), but a diagnosis can only be correct if all symptoms are known.... is itching your only symptom? do you have a rash? how long has the itching persisted for? do you have any pets? you could possibly have flea's, or possibly scabies (more commonly known as bed- bugs). if i were you i would make an appointment with my physician. - Andrew S
Question 3
would working out or running take down blood pressure?... would working out or running take down blood pressure? im confused cuz if u do them things yur heart beats faster so then ur blood pressure would rise wouldnt it, see im not fat or anything but i do suffer high blood pressur im on a blood pressure pill so would it be safe to workout while on this pill
1) It will and is highly recommened to help control your blood pressure and can lead to a medicine free future!
Obviously, before starting your exercise program, get your Doctors advice. Depending on your fitness level, your Dr. can advise you the best place to start.
And eliminate salt from your diet - italia9923
2) i think it would raise your pressure - JONBOY456
3) You really need to ask a doctor or pharmacist about this question. It's not safe to take advice on your health and medicine by people who are not licensed to give this. - JC
Question 4
Is it possible to snore without tonsils?... I had my tonsils removed when I was 5 (I'm now 18). My roommate told me the other day that when I'm sick I snore lightly. Is this possible?
1) Yes, your tonsils have nothing to do with whether or not you snore. - Designer~Wife
2) Had mine out at age 30, and I still snore. So yes. It is possible. - umdbhik
3) Yes. actually what docotors dont tell you is that you actually have thousand of tonsils! And yes you can still snore. It wont make it stop. It may make it lighter but wont stop. My cousins had theirs removed and I can hear them in the next room snoring very loudly. - ~Music lover~
Question 5
Should I go to the hospital or not?... My glands in my neck swelled up last night. Now I thought the swelling would go down but when I woke up, the swelling hadn't gone down... Not only that but my ribs have been hurting for a while too. So I re-iterate my question: Should I go to the hospital or not?
P.S. Yes, my neck is still swollen.
1) You know, I would. I wouldn't let it go any further! There are so many things going around right now. It could be beginning stages of Strep throat, a sinus infection. Just anything. You may need antibiotic. - lover
2) call your Dr, mono, EBV i have viral syndrome laryngitis coughing aggravates your ribs u need moisture air Humidifier @ decongestant - Moped Mama
3) it may be caused by mononucleosis (caused by the epstien- barr virus) commonly known as the kissing- disease, causing your hilar lymph nodes to enlarge, and the pain may not be from your ribs, it may be because you have an enlarged spleen and liver, a common effect of the virus. this may be the case if you are also constantly fatigued and have an increase in your sleeping pattern. i would see my general physician if i were in your situation. - Andrew S
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