my blood pressure has been running 162/90 to 184/106 for 3 days im not on any meds?...
1) I suggest you to see---->
It contains a lot of beneficial information about health
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - rendy
2) These readings are way too high. If you have taken then at the exact same time each day, after sitting quietly for at least 10-15 minutes and they still run high, you need to make an appointment with your physician to talk about the possible need for blood pressure medications because without treatment, you place yourself at a very high risk of having a stroke due to uncontrolled high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure should be under 120/80. Also, to get these numbers down, you need to consider starting an exercise program (walking is easiest), weight loss and a more healthy diet (all of which your physician is going to tell you). - J B
3) I suggest seeing your doctor immediately, as prolonged high pressure will lead to big heart problems in the future. - Nathan
4) Clearly there is something wrong, go to a doctor! have you taken any drugs or energy pills/drinks? They do that to you as well! - Stephany
5) I suggest you see a doctor. You could be in need of medication to control your blood pressure. - milton b
6) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use altace. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Noreen
7) You should see a doc immediately, your bp is dangerously high. - John L
8) go see a doctor and get a prescription for vasotec or some medicine that will get your blood pressure DOWN to 120/80. You might also take a baby aspirin daily to thin your blood a bit. Sounds like you need a serious exercise program... Also, check your diet- you might be eating way too much salt or soda or trans fats... - jammin7000
9) With your blood pressure that high you definitely should be on medication for it. If you are young your body can tolerate it for a short time, a day or two possibly with no ill effects. As you get older it becomes more critical that you do something about it. With a reading of 184/106 you need help NOW. Do not wait, get yourself to a doctor. The ER or a walk-in clinic. With that high a blood pressure you are set up for a stroke or heart attack. Good luck to you. - Bud
10) You should go to your doctor. A lot of factors contribute to high blood pressure (weight,genetics, etc.). It is one of those silent killers, so get treatment.
God bless. - elpi
Question 2
Why do we spend more money each year looking for cancer treatments and way less money to try and prevent it?...
1) If we found the cure we woudnt have to spend money on prevention and this will save money in the long term. - Krazy
2) The Cancer industry spends money on treating/managing disease not curing it. Its because treating cancer with radiation, mammograms, chemotherapy, pharmaceutical drugs, etc is a multi-billion dollar industry. There's no money in cures. - Chuck
3) Because cancer treatments can be very lucrative for the drug companies, and if cancer were to be prevented, then the drug companies wouldn't make as much money.
So, naturally, they concentrate on the treatments that they can charge you for, rather than the prevention that they can't charge you for, simple as that!
Good luck!... - Dead Man Walking
4) Everyone is blaming this on the Gov or pharmaceutical companies. It's not true, Cancer is so unpredictable. This is why they have to spend so much time on new treatments and possible cures. Otherwise, we would be doomed. Cancer isn't just one disease in a neat little package that will go away with treatments. No, cancer is many many diseases. It' starts with one rotten mutated cell that begin anywhere it wants and can go where ever it wants. It only takes one cell to start a lifetime of misery. One cell. Now you tell me, How do the scientist find that one cell. Where do they begin looking. In our DNA? Who knows. All I know is that I'm thankful that they are looking for new treatments because I don't believe there is a way to prevent it other than the obvious things people do like smoking, drinking, Those things have nothing to do with scientists, these are things that the people should know themselves, but we are not talking about the obvious, I'm talking about what you can't see. that's the problem, Not the Gov, not the pharmacies, It's us, and the unseen. Blessings - Memere RN/BA
5) Other than smoking and getting sun tans there really is no way to help prevent cancer. Plenty of money is spent on getting those messages out.
You can always tell those that have never experienced cancer, they say no one wants to find a cure because of the money involved in the treatments. - Mr. Sunshine
Question 3
how do I make the official diagnosis for asperger syndrom?... im gonna make an appointment with my regular doctor, does he make the official diagnosis to see if I have it or is it someone else.
Another thing if I do have AS(which im sure of) does it go on my record or something, so when I apply for a job does anyone have to know?
1) they check that DSM6 or whatever
then they guess and pretend its Science - Kurt
2) Try that quiz that may help, Also after your GP he will referee you to a pediatrician this may identify signs that warrant further investigation. This will require a comprehensive team evaluation to either confirm or exclude a diagnosis of AS. This team usually includes a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, speech and language pathologist, occupational therapist and other professionals with expertise in diagnosing children with AS - Kat
3) Its just another label like ADHD
You can move forward in life with or without labels don't let it get to you
It's not real science its just opinions.
people with that may stick out easily because of social skills problems but they certainly can improve their skills. no need to slap a label on it. - What about 666wilbur?
4) If your doctor suspects Aspergers, you will be referred to a neurologists, who will make the official diagnosis. If you work, they wouldn't need to know unless it affects your job in a way that they need to help you in some way. If you go to school (not college) they would need to be told because an IEP will need to be made up to help you in school. - LYNN W
5) Aspergers suffers have specific symptoms especially not using eye contact while talking, not understanding sarcasm or picking up on the jokes, rountine to name a few. I'll add a video of an aspergers sufferer. If you have these symptoms you just diagnosed yourself. :)
Aspergers symptoms part 1.
Aspergers symptoms part 2.
I will be on record in your medical file but unless your job requires that information no one needs to know...except they may pick it up eventually when you don't pick up their sarcasm :) - RєdAиgєℓ
Question 4
CANCER, CANCER, CANCER, CANCER!!!!????!!!????!!?... Does Hydroquinone cause CANCER? It is in Palmers FADE CREAM?
I want to use Palmers fade cream for my knees and armpits but it has Hydroquinone and I'm scared I might get cancer, I'm only 15. The cream has Hydroquinone and Octisalate in it.
Is it safe it says its only 2% Octisalate and 3% Hydroquinone.
1) I saw this on the Tyra show, and it's not safe. I'm sure you're fine the way you are, and research shows it's linked to cancer. - Missy:)
2) Here i s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. - Noreen
3) I suggest you to see---->
It contains a lot of beneficial information about health
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - rendy
4) If this was proven to cause cancer, it would not be on the market. The FDA regulates this stuff and if studies showed it caused cancer, they would not allow it to be produced or sold. - J B
Question 5
what is the normal count of WBC IN URINE?...
1) It can be anywhere from 0-5, sometimes without other positives on a urine test, a physician may tolerate 5-9 WBC's without treating. A lot depends on the associated symptoms that you have. - J B
2) For a male, 0-2, female < 10 - raymond m
3) 0-5 is normal. Sometimes if its higher and even if no bacteria is shown on the U/A, a culture will be done to make sure you dont have an infection. - melnrs
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