does anyone know how to get rid of hiccups?!?... ive had the hiccups since 830 this morning its now 10:30.
ive tried all the typical things such as the water, holding my breathe, getting scared, holding conversation to stop thinking about it and trying to take a nap.
its starting to hurt my chest very bad.
anyone can help? :(
2) Get a glass of water. Lean over and drink the water UPSIDE DOWN! It feels really awkward but works for me every time without fail. - SniperBaby
3) I cough for about 30 secs to 1 min
I've tried holding my breath, drinking water while plugging my nose, but they don't work
Hiccuping comes from your diaphragm, so by coughing, I guess that I'm forcing it to react - cerbphan
4) Eat a big spoonful of peanut butter. - McLean
5) Get it checked out at the doctor. It's not normal if it has lasted for 2 straight hours. Nothing to be worried or scared about, but still see your doctor just to get it checked. - Aidy
6) get a glass full of water and drink from the far side on the glass while leaning forward untill you can drink it. - Tom M
8) It's possible to have the hiccups for years, so hopefully it stops soon. - Fuseek
9) i saw a documentary on tv about a guy who couldnt get rid of his hiccups. he had it for years!
im not saying that this will happen to u but if that guy tried everything and he couldnt get rid of them then i dont think there is a particular cure to hiccups!
anyways, its just a bit of trapped air tryna escape and once that happens ur hiccups will have gone! - David
10) This one seriously works:
Take a deep breath and hold it for three seconds. Then take another deep breath and hold it a long time, but squeeze your nose.
When you feel like you can't hold it anymore, then let it out. That first extra 3 second deep breath really makes a difference here. - sarah r
11) dissolve a full teaspoon of sugar (not sugar substitute) in your mouth and then swallow it. If it doesn't work the first time take a drink of water and try it again.....if that doesn't work its not going to....try something else....sugar works most of the time though! - Kunning Linguist
12) Suck on a lemon. If you have bitters, pour some of that ontop of the lemon wedge - Katie H
13) im sure if none of these worked for you i have a fulproof method. I SWEAR TO GOD THIS WILL WORK. al you have to do is concentrate as hard as you can, block out everything else from your mind, and think realllllly reallly hard about when your next hiccup is going to come, and keep thinking about it..nothign else, just when that next hiccup will come, keep concentrating on it....and it will never come!! works for me everytime, a wise man told me this once, and if it does not work on your first try you are not doing it right, relax your mind and think about just this. - Johnny
Question 2
does my dad has type 2 diabettes?... hey, ehmm my dad is over weight but not majerly big.hes does eat alot of crap but recently he has cut down. usually in the mornings we he makes every1 a full breakfast, he does but not for himself he jst has cereal. he also has bought alot of chlorestryl (sorry cnt spell lol ) yogurts andd has been rath sleepy and drinking alot more water.i also heard him on the phone to his friend saying tht he went to the doctors about diabettes an he has to see a specialised, but nothing as been said to me and there has been no more on it.i asked my mum why he was eating differently an she jst sed he has high blood pressure of level7 wen it should be 4, soo he has to loose weight but im not so sure she is telling me the complete truth as she seemed as though she was trying to get off the subject rather fast.(he also smokes but im not ment to know, has been probably for more than 16 yearss),, can someone tell me whats going on ?x
i said he buys chlorestoryl yogurts not he buys chlorestoryl :S.i dnt hv time to do spell check i jst want oppions, ehm an no i am not gongi to go exercise with him as im ot ment to know anything wrong with him tbh.
2) its diabetes - yung weezy 5395
3) How does anyone buy cholesterol?
Only your father's doctor knows what's going on. I would guess that he likely has high blood pressure and it's possible he has Type 2 diabetes which can normally be controlled by diet and exercise but it's also just as likely that the doctor is playing it safe and making sure your dad is OK.
Instead of being suspicious, why don't you be supportive? Don't eat crap in front of him. Encourage healthy meals and snacks, get him out for walks or even cycling. If he has an actual health issue, he'll tell you when he knows.
You do realize that Yahoo! Answers has spellcheck? It would make your question much easier to understand if it was spelled correctly and the proper grammar and punctuation was used. - Kathleen
4) no - carpdc
5) Eating the right food is vital for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss product, it is a superfood too. There is a risk free trial available at I've been taking it for 2 weeks now and it is definately working!! - Leroy
Question 3
What are some common baby deformities and their causes?... I'm aware that many babies nowadays are being born without thumbs, especially if an older sibling was killed in a freak accident.
What are some other baby deformities that you've encountered?
-Occult Consultant
1) Different trisomies are one of more common causes of deformation. It is when one of genes carry and extra copy and it interferes with normal cell development. Down syndrome is another type of trisomy. Many of the others are usually fatal in early life.
Deformities are not common. They happen in a very small percentage of births and typically have a genetic explanation. - Mary
3) What does an older sibling dying have to do with malformed babies? I have to ask this to answer this question. I'll come back and try to answer in a little bit
here are some photos of abnormalities that babies were born with. - WS killed by a cat!
4) Gril Babby not fittin on riet. Legs danglin inna coles. - Sips Other Fist (((Zilla)))
Question 4
█▓▒░█▓▒░Could this be a Heart Attack (MI) ▓▒░█▓▒░?... Hi My names Ben.. Im getting chest and shoulder pain it seems to becoming from the heart im 18 years old ive had multiple EKGS done ECg And Echo i eat healthy and exercising 30 minutes a day but *and this has happened before but today its real bad* Im having trouble breathing a little it feels like i can't get enough air or being restricted i feel like callin EMS im having a sharp chest pain that comes and goes and comes and goes and feeling very TIRED even though i just woke up and my heart is pounding i feel very warm to the weird thing is it hurts right where i think the heart is at and ive already been checked for this before but its like a burning sensation kinda comes and goes comes and goes comes and goes should i call EMS?
2 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Please tell me as many cases of chest pain i know the basics about Heart attack numbness Severe chest pain but sometimes no signs SMI or pain that comes and goes comes and goes i just took my anxiety medication could it be a heart attack i know 18 year olds can have them? i also have pain in the arm but that comes and goes and it hurts just a little could it be a bad case of heart burn could it be an infection
1) It's vital to eat effectively to stay in good health. Colon cleanse is an amazing suplement which keeps you in good health and also has the bonus of assisting you to lose a pile of weight. There is a free trial going on at the moment at , why not try it, what's the worst that could happen? - Immanuel
2) Chest and shoulder pain can be a sign of a heart attack. You can have a perfect EKG and have a heart attack the next about it from someone who had a heartattack from a blog website. Have your homocysteine level tested...this is a major indicator of your risk of having a heart attack.
Homocysteine levels for your age should be between: 4.6 - 8.1µmol/L...although i would aim for 4.6µmol/L. Every 3 points over 6.3µmol/L increase the risk of a heart attack by 35%. I had chest pain and was feeling very tired due to vitamin B12 deficiency. B12, B6 and folate are essential to lowering homocysteine levels. I'll add a few websites to check out. See your doctor as soon as possible. - RєdAиgєℓ
3) You should just call EMS... better to be safe than sorry!! - bayy.♥
4) San seem to have either a cardiac situation (perhaps an angina pectoris = pain attack to the heart muscle without a real obstruction of blood flow and no local necrosis - word for death occurring to blood depleted heart cells) or an acute symptom of gastritis due to a recurring reflux in your hiatus hernia
In the former case, it'll be easily diagnosed via a blood test, in which a particular enzyme - produced during a heart attack - is found. The second case - a hiatus hernia and a reflux damaged esophagus - although you are young for that case scenario - would be detected via an ultrasound, an opaque substance X rays of the region or - better yet - an esophagoscopy (where they insert a Polaroid CCTV inside and peep!!).
You are young and have lots of strength. Do not take too seriously. Just investigate further. I would go to an specialist (cardiologist, not just a MD) and find out what is the reason and the need for your "anxiety" medication.
Doctors like to prescribe crap they wouldn't take with a 10 feet pole! - 120
Question 5
If someone had a really bad asthma attack and needed to be put on a respirator, would they be sedated first?...
1) If they had become unconscious/unresponsive due to the attack then no, there is no need. If they were alert then yes, makes it easier for both sides. - gazeygoo
2) Conscious people are always sedated when intubated for ventilation. It's very necessary to prevent harm to the patient. The natural gag reflex and fear makes it impossible to get the tube down so sedation is just the best way. - MisMischievous
3) Neither are used during an attack itself. Mechanical ventilation is not required because lack of effort of breathing is not the problem rather that the bronchii are heavily narrowed and sedation wouldn't be indicated either. In a life threatening asthma attack epinephrine (adrenaline) is administered which dilates the bronchial airways in addition to the supplemental oxygen. Adrenaline is also the "fight or flight" hormone which in fact has very much the opposite effect of sedation. The mechanical ventilation would be used (with sedation to prevent gag) if the attack progressed to respiratory failure (i.e the patient has stopped attempted to breathe) but this is a secondary consequence of the attack and not itself what characterizes the attack. - Tiziano
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