Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Would you still be able to get an STD?

Question 1
Would you still be able to get an STD?...  If a guy at the age of 16 has sex with a girl at the at of 15 or 16 and they are both clean and both are virgins an both parents for each teen are clean.... Would the girl still me able to get an STD?

1)   Yes, not from you, but if she comes in contact with someone else who has something she can still catch it. - Kayla

2)   you can only get an STD (from sex) if the other person has one. - Steve

3)   No. And, getting an STD has nothing to do with the parents. - J B

4) can't get an STD is nobody has one.
She or you would need to have unprotected sex for a person who had an STD.
I'd advise using a condom to prevent any teenage pregnancies and STD's. - Bloke501

5)   only if she has one - trackstar


Question 2
what happens if you accidently scratch off a skin tag?...  Right now i accidentally scratched off my skin tag . Will i get Cancer

1)   What's a skin tag? - Chicken Joe

2)   You cover it with a bandaid and change the bandaid daily until it is healed and watch for any signs of infection. Nothing else will happen. - J B

3)   well u just did a surgical procedure called "skin tag excision".
if it is really a skin tag as diagnosed by a doctor or it just looks like the normal skin surrounding it only with stalk, then most likely it is not cancerous.
if it is just u who diagnosed it and it looks "different","suspicious" or "weird" , best is to bring it to a doctor to see it and histopathology of that tissue can be done to rule out cancer. - maggiemd

4)   no its temporarly removed it may grow back, use triple antibiotic cream on it, now i tied dental floss to my neck skin tag till it was tight and covered with a banaid it dried up and fell off and it did not come back yet its been 3 mos. - Moped Mama


Question 3
where did this blood came from in my ear?...  The past two days I got out of the shower I cleaned my right ear with a qtip and noticed blood on it. I looked and it seemed as if there was a minor pimple, yet im still a bit scared. i havent had any headache or anything.....wat could this be

1)   rubbing your ears with q-tips is actually not good for you, so it could be that. - extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeme

2)   The pimple either broke open and drained or you have scraped the canal of your ear with the Q-tip and it has bled a small amount. You should NEVER put Q-tips in your ears because it pushes the wax up against your eardrum and can cause decreased hearing. - J B

3)   Did you hit or bump your head against anything? Could be swelling from an injury.
Or maybe it's a bug bite; there is a possibility that something crawled into your ear and bit you (as uncomfortable as that may sound). Bug bites can look like pimples if they are tiny enough.
Is it only blood or do you notice a watery liquid? This may be pus which could indicate an abscess. Abscesses are not usually found in ears but it is still possible. For this, you may need to see a doctor about drainage.
Another possibility is that it is a cyst which are small pockets of tissue also filled with pus. These can appear anywhere. If it's painful, it could be a sign of infection. Some cysts disappear on your own, and other times, you will need to see a doctor.
I wouldn't diagnose yourself from what I've told you, so if you're worried please go see a doctor. - p. andres, MD

4)   You cleaned your ear too hard and bleeds the tympanum. - Mike Valencia


Question 4
I get tonsillitis a lot, is there a away of preventing it?...  

1)   tonsilectomy--seriously, go to an ENT (ear, nose throat doctor) and have yourself evaluated for having your tonsils out. I had mine out when I was 5. - Can't Control The Kittens

2)   Yeah just stop it - Alex

3)   I used to get tonsillitis all the time when I was younger. It only stopped after my appendix burst and I had to have a MASSIVE dose of penicillin. Although I wouldn't recommend appendicitis as a 'cure' for tonsillitis!

If I was still getting tonsillitis now, I would have them taken out. When I was younger it was 'out of fashion' to take out tonsils. Nowadays I would just insist that they take them out. Tonsillitis makes you too sick and miserable. - ejm

4)   get your neck adjusted so you your lymphatics will stop getting inflamed from having to deal with an overload of metabolic waste from your neck muscles which have nerve interference affecting their circulation. see an hio method chiropractor. - Mr E


Question 5
Exercise with ovarian cysts.?...  I have two ovarian cysts about the size of tangerines on my left ovary. I was doing some weight work with 3 lb dumbbells with some clients today at a rehab program. This seemed to really aggravate my cysts and they now hurt more than usual. Should I be worried I did damage?

I am a 21 year old female.
There is no reason to suspect cancer as they are simple cysts. They are only fluid filled with no solid materiel and I am only 21 years old.
I was just diagnosed with them last week and they want wait to see if they will shrink. In the meantime time, I have to live with them. Should I be worried about torsion?

1)   well my dr wanted to operate on my cysts the size of lg GRAPES too r/o cancer so why are you WAITING cancer does not discriminate - Moped Mama

2)   I'm surprised you haven't had them surgically removed.

I assume they have been tested for a malignancy.

Exercise should be limited. - Kelle


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