Thursday, February 4, 2010

How can I get rid of scars and redness on legs? (from minor rashes or cuts)?

Question 1
How can I get rid of scars and redness on legs? (from minor rashes or cuts)?...  My legs are almost polka-dotted, with red dots everywhere. Most of them are from a minor condition I had, but none of them itch or hurt anymore. They're just flat areas. A lot of them are actually from cutting myself while shaving or scratching a bug bite. But they shouldn't all still have stayed there through the winter and left such an impact, right? Are there any over-the-counter creams or treatments I can use to get rid of this?

1)   Look into this website, they have some excellent treatments for your problem: - Mekiii

2)   I have many scars and what works great for me is natural vitamin e oil. You can get it from any local health food store. Put it on a couple times a day and it really works. You don't get fast results but it really helps. I also use cocoa butter. Hope this helps. - mflower_10

3)   Try Mederma - Bean

4)   bio-oil should get rid of the marks its specially made for that kind of thing or a concentrated vitamin E cream or gel should work - Volvo73


Question 2
Prayer request for Rodney, 2nd brain surg 2 days ago, not waking up, swelling, only occasional responding,?...  not breathing on own, 3 kids need him. GBM recurrence, only 55. Good guy. Needs urgent prayers, Thank you very mucy.

1)   Here's to a quick and complete recovery! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless - Andrew

2)   My Husband and myself just prayed for Rodney and look forward to the praise report! - Paragrine

3)   Rodney has our prayers, as do his children. We will pray every day.

Praying for you as well. Hold on. - conanthebarbie


Question 3
Does anyone else have this condition?...  I have Gay-Dar senses, its my sixth sense. I think i was born with it.
Everytime my gay friends come into town as soon as they come into county boundaries i get the image of a tremendous penis in my head.
Also when i get within ten feet of a gay then it goes off and i get the same image.

Does anyone ever experience this?

1)   I have a similar condition, as soon as a gay intrudes my 50m radius i start running, if not then i say. FUCK YOU GAY!!!! GO FUCK YOUR FATHER CHODESTROKER. I then proceed to vacate the area. - Thomas

2)   I'm pretty sure you've been misdiagnosed. You are exhibiting signs of Dickwadodia. I suggest you go see your physician. - fiona


Question 4
prickly/tingly, and almost going numb feeling in my body..?...  i always get a prickly feeling all through my one half of my body depending on which side im laying on. also in my back when i'm leaning on something, and in my legs when i sit differently. i always have to shift around for a bit to get comfortable and make it stop tingling.. it always does it right away too or a few seconds after. im sitting with my knees up right now and it's all in my knees and calves.. what could this be?!

1)   Hi, you sound just like me. My feet and left arm tingle and my muscels in my legs feel tired and weak. I went to the dr today and she did a lot of bloodwork and told me we will go from there when the results get back. My problem is I go on the internet and type in my symptons and all these diseases come up and I end up having a anxiety attack. I just want to feel normal again. Let me know what your dr says. Take care - Ennovy

2)   if i were you i would ask my doctor - Max M


Question 5
My sister has cigarettes?...  How do i adress her? I dont know what to do!

1)   Well, you haven't really given us a lot of information. Like whether you're the younger or older sister, or what age she is. If she's at the legal age then it's her own decision.
If you're older than her, then it's kind of your responsibility to look out for her, so just be straight up and honest with her that you know she has cigarettes and ask her why she has them. Don't be judgemental or close-minded, because she'll just become defensive and won't listen to you. If you remain understanding and nice she will more likely listen. But this sounds like something that would be better taken into your mother/father/guardian's hands, so maybe you should tell them. If she's old enough to smoke though, then it's her decision, not yours.
Good luck! - Ariel

2)   Hello Koko:
It all depends on her age if she is 18 or over you leave her alone since at that stage she
is a adult. If she is like 12 tell her that you think it is stupid to smoke and that she should
wait till she is a adult. and if that does not work go talk to a adult like your mom or dad or
grandparent about what to do to help her. You sound like you are very upset to the ideal
of your sister doing something that is not good for her.
Good Luck. - Carol


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