I am a complete virgin in every way- can i have genital herpes?... hi! i am a virgin who has never had sex and never had sexual contact with anyone beyond french kissing and breast contact. for a couple of years vie noticed i got these tiny little bumps (very small- probably less than a millimeter in diameter) on corners of my lips- so small that no one else ever noticed them. being concerned with herpes, i searched online and was told that it was most likely a harmless bump that occurs from time to time in young adults or teenagers, (and that is apparently fairly common) and that these bumps should go away as i grow older. (since they were so small- the size of pin heads- i was assured it could not be herpes.) about 4 weeks ago, i was putting on underwear and noticed a bump on my upper genital area. fearing the worst- i immediately checked it out and saw a bump, probably 2 or 3 millimeters in diameter, that looked like a genital wart i saw in sex education classes. there were two other bumps in my genital area. the area was tender for a couple days before the bumps appeared. my problem is that the last boy i kissed was SIX MONTHS AGO- when the bump showed up i hadnt had ANY sexual contact for 5 months, and in my whole lifetime have never done anything but kiss (with tongue), and been touched in the breast area. i have never been touched sexually by anyone, and i have never touched any one in a sexual manner. is this herpes?? how could i have gotten it?? as i said- there was no kissing for at least 6 months before the sores appeared. they have no reappeared and im wondering how this could have happened. does anyone know??
i also wanted to add that ide prefer to avoid going to a gynocologist- i dont want the first person to touch me down there to be a doctor that i dont know, and since i am a virgin i dont want to have to explain to my parents why i am going to a gyno when im not even sexually active to begin with . . .
thanks for ALL the answers by the way they have been incredibly helpful!!
1) if you really are a complete virgin then you should not have genital herpes unless you like to rub nasty stuff on your vagina.
answer this.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100223202756AAYWusn - face.egbdf.
2) Technically you can, but you don't.
They are sebaceous glands that are out of place, totally harmless. I know because I have them and wondered the same thing. One day I stumbled on the answer. If I find the medical term I'll add it to my answer.
As a whole your skin can do some pretty weird stuff, that isn't necessarily bad. The only thing to settle the issue is to go to your OB/GYN or a dermatologist. But odds are you are fine. - Mr Answers
3) You can get herpes from saliva from a glass if that saliva was contaminated with teh herpez - A = A
4) You got a Cole Sore, they are from not wipping your mouth.. - Gahrili Krov
5) i believe you should go to the doctor and get this check out. I don't know anyway how unless there a freak chance that you somehow caught it off something other then std. I am very sorry for your misfortunes. - Peter N
6) the best answer is to go to your doctor! Since you havn't had any contact in your genital area, you def. don't have any STD. But herpes can be transmitted by kissing, so that may be an issue on your lips, but it dosn't sound like it. You prob. don't have a major problem, but again, ask you Dr, just to put your mind at ease...good luck! - danceconcepts06
7) I would suggest going to a doctor during your next outbreak;
With that said however, you can get either type 1 or type 2 herpes with little to no sexual contact - that is to say, sexual intercourse. Herpes does require touching however to spread, so someone will have to had kissed you and exchanged bodily fluids with you in some way for you to have gotten herpes. This does include kissing.
Cold sore blisters are the most common, and have been passed by causual kissing through relatives, friends, and lovers in the past so are less of a social stigma for people. The 'other' type of herpes appear as small open sores in the corner of your mouth -- this is the sexual type of herpes.
For more information, read the links below. - Keyboard Cowboy
8) Genital herpes is one of the common sexually transmitted disease which increases the risk of HIV infection because HIV can enter the body more easily whenever there's a break in the skin (such as a sore) during unprotected sexual contact. In addition, if a pregnant woman with genital herpes has an active infection during childbirth, the newborn baby is at risk for getting herpes infection. Genital herpes is acquired by sexual contact with someone who is infected. Genital recurrences after the first outbreak seem to be linked to stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, menstruation, and genital friction (new sexual partner after a time of no sex), although more research is definitely needed about this subject. Usually recurrences are more frequent in the first year after the initial outbreak.
Genital herpes can be spread through direct contact with these sores, but it also can be spread even if you do not see a sore. Genital HSV-1 is spread mainly through oral sex with a partner who has a sore on the mouth or lips, but some cases may result from vaginal or anal sex. HSV-1 is much less likely to cause repeat outbreaks of genital herpes than HSV-2.
The virus is caused by the herpes simplex virus or the HSV-2 virus and is highly contagious. The disease can be transmitted via the exposed raw skin of the person to his or her sexual partner. Once you have sexual intercourse with an infected partner, the infection will start to manifest its symptoms three to twenty days after sexual contact. When it comes to genital herpes news, up to now there are no known cure for genital herpes. Up to this day, this is considered incurable but a manageable disease.
Practicing safer sex with a regular std testing at the std testing centers are the best ways to reduce the risk of infection. Local std testing centers offer accurate and reliable STD tests that comes in many ways. Make your health as a top priority, keep STD testing a habit. - Jason
9) The best thing to do is ask a doctor. I ran to the gyno once over a bump and it turned out to be a pimple, but I was totally freaked out at first. It was comforting to know it was just a pimple.
Most likely you have a simple pimple or other harmless bump. A nurse or doctor could most likely quickly ease your mind. It is VERY unlikely you have an std if you've never had sex. I have heard of rare occasions though, where an infant was born to a mother with an STD and unfortunately acquired an STD from their mother. This is very rare but does happen.
When I had a cold sore on my lip I was told to wash my hands any time I touched it, because rubbing my eyes after touching the sore could spread the infection to my eyes just by rubbing and touching. I have no idea if similar rubbing and touching without hand washing could transmit it elsewhere, but it is worth asking a nurse. - junebug21
Question 2
When should I go get tested for HIV if I performed oral?... I performed oral on a guy I didn't know, and I swallowed. He's said he's clean, but I'm still nervous. If I blew him today, when would be an ideal time to go get tested where the results would be 100% accurate?
I've never blown a guy before and I'm not sexually active.
I should've said I was NOT sexually active before blowing him, nor will I be afterwards.
But I don't wanna go test tomorrow only to have it negative, yet have it too early to show.
1) Right after you blow the person who answers below me. - Nestor M
2) ugh...go brush yo teeth - Ben
3) Sounds like you're sexually active if you sucked some guy off AND swallowed, but that aside you should really get tested as soon as possible. The longer you wait the worse it could get. - larry
4) HIV can remain undetectable for a couple months to years. I'd say get tested every 2-3 months if you remain active. And use protection.
And you may not have been active before, but if you performed oral on someone, that means you are sexually active now. - Shawn
5) well swallowing makes no difference. but i guess the answer would be seek your doctor asap. u never blowing nor being sexually active/inactive make no difference to the scenario. unless of course you had herpes in your mouth and gave them to him. i think that might be a little humorous. but seriously, seek a doc asap and let them know - Ian
6) To be tested you really should wait 6 months after suspected possibility of infection. IT is very hard to get HIV in that manor however and is very unlikely that you would have gotten it even if he had it. Still not a good I idea to do that with someone you do not know. - babie_racer_in
7) Many people are unclear on the risks associated with oral sex. Questions about oral sex and the risk of contracting an STD are very common in outreaches. Many people engage in unprotected oral sex, and are particularly concerned with the risks associated with not using protection.
Oral sex bring a lot of risk and become the main reason of STD infections to people. Herpes is probably the biggest STD risk during oral sex. Both strains of herpes can live in the mouth or the genitals, and particularly during outbreaks (cold sores, herpes lesions) can be passed from one place to the other. Many people have oral herpes, more than 50% of a random group of people will have antibodies to the virus (indicating some level of infection). Having oral herpes for most people is no big deal, a cold sore during times of stress or illness is usually little more than an annoyance. Genital herpes can be more complicated and uncomfortable, but there are treatments (see Herpes Fact Sheet for more info). Care should be taken so that oral herpes are not passed to anyone’s genitals. In general it is not a good idea to have unprotected oral sex while any lesions are present.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea can infect your throat, strep like symptoms, and are curable with antibiotics. These can also infect the eye, and though rare, eye infections can have serious consequences, so be careful with fluids.
HIV can be passed through unprotected oral sex, but it is more likely to be passed during unprotected penetrative sex. The infected semen/precum or vaginal fluid must enter the body through a cut or sore in the mouth or esophagus. The virus is unlikely to be passed from a person’s mouth to another person’s genitals.
To reduce the risk of infection during unprotected oral sex, limit exposure to sexual fluids and ensure that no cuts or lesions are present in mouth or on genitals. Use barrier methods — though many people feel that barrier methods detract from oral sex. Lastly, have an STD testing regularly at Local STD testing labs to complete all the preventive measures. - Jason
Question 3
should i be worried about hiv?... Okay so about 2 weeks ago i had sex with some girl unprotected for about 30 seconds. im a 17 year old male and this was my first time unprotected. After i had sex with her everyone was taking the piss out of me, telling me that shes a total whore and sleeps with a lot of people. Earlier on tonight one of my friends made a joke that i might have hiv. this has been on my mind for the rest of the night. I'm not experiencing any hiv symptoms as of yet, and she told me that she's pretty sure that shes clean of any sti's. im too scared to get an hiv test though, because im so worried that it'll come back positive. anyone got any advice? it's 4.30 in the morning and i cant sleep cos i cant stop thinking about it.
1) Anytime you have unprotected sex with a girl who is not a virgin, you are at risk of contracting an STD. I understand you are scared. You and this girl should get tested for HIV because it is a very serious disease without a cure!
If it comforts you, two weeks is a long time, so you probably would have had some symptoms by now if you contracted the virus. Still you NEED to get tested. Do it and you will feel better.
Also, don't always listen to your peers. Try listening to your conscience instead, especially when it comes to something serious like having sex. - Michael
2) It can take years for someone to test positive for hiv or aids. I wish you luck. And next time don't be stupid! Wear a damn condom! Go get tested for everything else though, just in case..So when you do sleep with a girl you actually care about you don't infect her with something horrible. - Luna Rain
3) there is always a risk when practising unprotected sex. for peace of mind get a HIV check carried out. the disease can rest unnoticed for up to ten years before suddenly erupting in some individuals but more often than not will show signs much earlier. stress and no sleep will lower bodies ability to keep its immune system up and by lowering Your guard make You potentially susceptible to problems including infections. worry won't solve anything, action will. go get tested. - chris at hornchurch
Question 4
How Can I Stop Sneezing?... I have been sneezing a lot lately and I want it to stop. How Can I Do This.
1) medicine? :D - Mike
2) Kissing other men and sucking big dick - ken
3) to stop a sneeze tactically... Open your eyes as far as the go and try not to shut them while sneezing, this will stop the sneeze dead in its tracks. other than that you might have allergies, in which case i would consult a doctor, or you might just be prone to sneezing... bummer! - Alex
Question 5
i have a problem with my penis!!?... i have noticed redness in the head of my penis!
what can this be?!
i masterbate so can this be from irritation?
i have also noticed that my pubic hair is not growing as fast as it used to! why is this?
i have had sex once with a girl but it was only for about 2 minutes!
she told me she didnt have any stds!
1) seeing as you said masterbate and not sex, youre a virgin. so unless you fucked your dog i wouldnt worry about it... gross hymen - SirBloopes
2) The redness is most likely from irritation from masturbating. If you are having any skin peeling around the tip, just apply some lotion gently and try not to jerk it. Also, try to refrain from masturbating for awhile until it goes away and you should be fine.
With your pubic hair, you have nothing to worry about. The hair is probably reacting to being trimmed, so it just doesn't grow as fast. Look on the bright side, this means less maintenance!
Just as a precaution, if you experience any urinary problems, go see a doctor because redness in any area is from increased blood flow to that area, which is sometimes the sign of infection. Be sure to keep an eye on it. - Michael
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