Saturday, February 6, 2010

How can I help my husband survive colon cancer?

Question 1
How can I help my husband survive colon cancer?...  He has stage III, possibly IV, colon cancer. He has had a portion of his large intestine, along with the cancer removed. However 6 out of 10 lymph nodes in that portion contained cancer. Also the cat scan showed something in the liver but he is to get an MRI to determine if that is cancer or not. He will be receiving chemo. through a port, 2 days every week for 6 months. Are there any alternative or additional treatments available?

1)   just follow the drs orders and hopefully everything will be fine. - azprincess

2)   I am not a doctor so I am not aware of any treatments...I am however pretty sure there is nothing you can do, yourself, for cancer.
However if you help your husband, support him, comfort him.
Cancer is a very stressful time, for yourself and especially for him. Just care for him.
I pray for an all clear
Emily xx - Emily Jane

3)   Give him all the love and support you can. Above all you must be strong for him. My boss had colon cancer and it had spread before it was found. He had all the treatments and they gave him three years. A doctor told him to drink all the green tea he could everyday. It went away! It was over ten years ago and it hasn't come back. I watched him get sicker and I watched him get better. You might try it he has nothing to lose. Bless you both. - William K

4) Please read the dietary alternative treatments in this article. Very interesting and worth consideration. Good luck to you both and I hope you find your miracle. - Mickey for President!

5)   It sounds as though you are as on top of the situation as it is possible to be, and that is excellent! Naturally, you need to follow all of the directions about medicines at home and food very carefully. Food issues are huge, and if you deviate your husband can not only NOT get the nutrition he needs, but also have some really messy accidents which will embarass him beyond belief! There will probably be a few accidents anyway -- just toss things into the laundry, throw the occasional "can't get clean" stained stuff away without comment, and get him some fresh clothes. My sister went through this, and her husband and I dealt with it with no comment beyond "I'm sorry. We'll do better next time. Now, put this on -- it's comfortable and looks nice on you!"

I am not aware of any alternative and/or additional things you should be doing, but I would urge you to check any of them you may find very carefully with the oncologist before jumping in! Some herbs and other things have been shown to interfere with standard treatments, and that is very, very serious and must be avoided. Also, you will, of course, NOT give up or stop any treatment recommended by the oncologist. DO ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS! The oncologist, the nurses, and the pharmacists all have a wealth of information and experience to offer.



Question 2
i have greyish-white bumps on my fingers. what could that mean.?...  
ok so they don't itch and they have been there for about a year now. i havent really paid them that much attention but last week i decided to go to the doctor and they could figure out what it was

1)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Cristy

2)   It can be anything. You should see a dermatologist to know for sure. - ♥ || ♪♫ Br0wn Eyǝd G!rl ♫♪ || ♥

3)   you have small pox - zach

4)   If they itch and this is no lie it could be a form of herpes. Google herpes on your fingers. I am not giving you a smart ass answer but it is true so look it up. - Karen

5)   It could be water boils or it could be a rash due to dry skin. Wait for few days but it it bothers you you can always consult a dermatologist. You can view some home made cures here
If you want to view some answers by experts / dermatologist you can always view them that that article store. It has expert advice in addition to mine.
Good luck
I would worry about it too much for now - spacemonkey


Question 3
How do I get tested for high cholesterol, and if I have it, what steps do I need to take to stabilize it?...  

1)   Your doctor does blood work on you. If you do have elevated cholesterol a change in diet can lower it. Cocoa - cocoa

2)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Jacke

3)   Your doctor will order blood tests called a lipid panel which will measure your total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and HDL. A change in diet is the best way to lower your numbers (except for HDL--you want that to be high): - ExeneC

4)   do a lipid profile in empty stomach(morning), if it is high life style changes and use of statins as medication is suggested provide with the help of a consultant. - aziz


Question 4
Do i have Hypothyroidism?...  i have some symptoms of it..
feeling cold
kind of lifeless hair
heavy periods

and im sure i have diabetes lol.. im constantly thirsty and obviously go to the toilet a lot because im drinking a lot, im constantly tired.. really tired to the point where i could fall alseep anywhere lol, and i feel pretty sh*tty a lot.

any ideas?
i having been to the doctors because my mum keeps saying oh, your tired cus your a teenager. oh its just stress from exams.
im 15 btw. this tiredness is unreal, seriously, no matter how many naps or hours sleep i get im still tired. and tbh im not stressed about exams at all lol, i couldnt care less tbh, im pretty smart and i know even if i dont try im gunna get good grades so i dont stress about it (im a pretty laidback come and go type of person lol)
i havent been to the doctors*

1)   go to a physician. there is a lab test that can diagnose it and treatment that can cure it. usually diseases aren't completely fixable, this is. - Freddy M

2)   What are your blood test results, both the thyroid tests and the glucose test? - Lisa A

3)   I suggest you to see----->
I have solved many health issues using this site
I hope that will resolve your problem keep using - Jacke

4)   Go see your physician. He/she will do some blood work to check your blood glucose (for diabetes), check your thyroid levels (for hypothryoidism), check your iron level and cbc (for anemia) and check your hormone levels. Any of these conditions can cause some or all of your symptoms.

And go, don't put it off! I made excuse after excuse for not going, I took care of everyone else, but not myself and before I knew it, 2 years had passed by! I finally went, figured out what was going on and now I feel great! Now I look back and wonder, "why the heck didn't I do this sooner!!!"

Best of luck!! - Heather


Question 5
Is it possible to contract HIV from a lap dance with only a pair of jeans in between?...  Is it possible to contract HIV from getting a lap dance where your boxers have "failed you", so the only thing in between you and the strippers genitals are your pair of thin jeans and her small g-string?

1)   did you share fluids? of any kind? - yucaribbean

2)   Absolutely not. Cannot happen.

Thanks, - Stops

3)   unzip them and have sex with her - mbw

4)   No. You wouldn't have contract HIV if you didn't have sex.

I would recommend you stop going to strip clubs. most of those women do have STDS that could be shared that way.. - aam1206


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