Monday, February 8, 2010

McDonald's is really so unhealthy ?

Question 1
McDonald's is really so unhealthy ?...  I dunno how it happened, but now I'm more concerned about my health than my body :-D I just wanted to know if McD's is really so unhealthy. I can't believe it ! It's not about getting fat or anything, but can I really die or have cancer because of it ? I'm only 15 , I'm from Europe, but in America everybody eats McD's and you didn't get cancer of it ! What's the truth ?
And what's the stuff with arteries ? How can I unclog them if they get clogged ?
What means " moderation " ?
1-2 times a week is okay ??

1)   I don;t believe you can get cancer from it but it is rele unhealthy!! - Nicole G

2)   Yes it is. If you want to eat a healthy diet then eat mostly veggies and fruits, lean meats and seafood. Stay away from processed food and friend food. - Bubbles McGee

3)   You'll get fat as hell if you eat MCD, their food is boring and small. Everything on the menu tastes plain and they put a bunch of salt on the fries. Try Carl's Jr. that place is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than MCD. - Danny

4)   All things in moderation. - amnesiac

5)   Do some research. I don't know where this cancer story came from, but McDonalds is unhealthy. The food is low quality and has a lot of additives. Always remember, eating unhealhty foods isn't bad, so long as it's done in moderation. - Bert

6)   It's obesity! Durr!

The Americans who eat Mac-crap all turn into lardar$es. That's why all the car companies have made their small cars bigger! To fit fat Yanks inside them. - Corvinus

7)   You won't die from eating it. The only way you can get really unhealthy from eating it is if you eat it everyday. Watch a film called Super Size Me, it's about how unhealthy McDonalds really is if you eat it everyday, like some Americans do. Of course, if you eat anything everyday for every meal it'll become unhealthy for you. - hi0

8)   If it wasn't for McDonald's some people (not you or me) would never eat lettuce, gherkin or any salad at all...

A wise person once said that too much of anything is not good in the long run..

Balance is the key.. - Where is my mind

9)   i don't think having a McDonald's is going to give you that , but if you eat anything often enough that's not good nutritional value it will eventually have an effect on your health - Sparkling Water

10)   Next time you go to McDonald's, take a look at the Nutrition facts. McDonald's is very unhealthy if you dine there frequently. You could die from complications caused by a high fat diet, etc. You'll also notice that in America, a huge portion of people are obese. - j

11)   Not everyone eats McDonald's food. I've been off it since 2005.

BE Sure to Rent or See the documentary Super Size Me.

/Jabril - Jabril

12)   You probably won't get cancer, but the food is really unhealthy, and if you eat it often enough then you will experience major health problems. And yeah it's definitely not the best place to eat if you're on a diet. I mean they do claim to have healthy food on their commercials, but honestly if you look up the nutritional facts about any of their food it's really clear that they're just trying to change their image from "heart attack food" to healthy food.....Lol it's not really working.... - Anna


Question 2
should i smoke weed or not?...  hey there guys, im going to a house part in a week and my mates are bringing some weed. i really want to try some. but im not sure if i should. my mates are not putting pier pressure on me to do it. its my own choice! and also since it would be my first time smoking weed, could anything bad happen? thanks guys! :)

1)   Not.
Duh. - Callie Joy

2)   if it's skunk or strong stuff steer well clear. - Sean

3)   No. Don't do it. - MPB {My Pet Brain}

4)   Well you will feel good about yourself for approx 5 minutes.....then your penis starts shriveling and all this wierd stuff starts occuring and next thing you know you are laying in a ditch naked while a meth attic is butt fu@king your's happened like 9 times this month....maybe you shouldn't smoke weed your obviously already retarded and you can not spell peer right - andrew

5)   If you have any problem with respiratory disease (see category for this question) then it is a really bad idea.

Otherwise, don't try to do anything sensible for several hours after! (For example - no driving.) - steve_loir


Question 3
How to prevent a cold?...  I feel as if I have a cold coming on. I'm just starting to feel a bit congested and I have that almost-getting-sick feeling in my throat. Any way to combat this before it strikes?

1)   take some Echnichea, Oil of Oregano capsules and Olive Leaf Extract capsules.
vitamin C.

/Jabril - Jabril

2)   I would say that your best bet is to make sure that you wash your hands often and drink lots of fluids. That way maybe you will flush it out of your system before it really hits you.

Good luck! - StawberryBlonde

3)   i dont know my advice is not eat ice creams and dont drink cool waters - sanju

4)   have lemony things. - Vicky


Question 4
How to get rid of acne super quick?...  I have an interview wednesday morning and have some seriously bad breakouts that I need to go away! The interview is for a big company and I'm a little nervous so I want to make the best impression possible. Which means I want to look professional and not like a 14 yr old kid. I just need to clear up the really bad spots one on my cheek, and then on my chin and neck. What can I do to tone it down? Help!

1)   Proactiv refining mask will dry them out fairly quickly. - seeingred

2)   well, you could get some make up....even guys wear it all the time...just make it look natural and it will be fine.....hope it helps
...Lilliann Brooookee!! - Lilli

3)   Exercising helped me to tone up a lot when I incorporated it along with taking colon cleanse. I acknowledge they say that pills won't work, but they sure worked for me, and they've been featured on CBS News too. There is a free trial happening right now at , why not try it, what's the worst that could happen? - Broderick

4)   ive heard of tooth paste lol but id use clean and clear - Tyler


Question 5
What is wrong? This is different than other times.?...  So I've been throwing up these past two days, which I don't think much of because I get sick when I eat certain foods or too much food to fast.

But this time the first time I threw up I didn't eat to much nor did I eat any of those foods that get me sick and also I only had the urge to throw up when I'm too hot so I kept myself cold. And also when I'm too hot I get so dizzy I can't walk.
this also only happens at night. other times I had the flu or something it would all day every day till it went away.

1)   Seee a doctor asap! your probaly anemic or are hypogleucimia - yu know D

2)   Eating the correct food is important for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it's not only a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it's a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at I've been taking it for 3 weeks now and it's definately having an effect!! - Elisa

3)   I think it's bubonic plague! - Corvinus


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