My gf has aids !! should i get checked !???!?!??!!?... =)
1) GET CHECKED!!! A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!! - Zezima
2) umm yeah? - Justin
it should be a little frowny face :( - I LOVE KEI~CHAN!
4) dumb ass - PISS
5) N o dont o it they rape u and give u HIV - Chris
6) Of course - TOMORROW! Did you use protection??? - Biene Maja
7) if you've swapped body fluids (most commonly be having sex), then yes - Matt 20 1
8) you pretty much got owned. - RB
9) what kind of question is that!?!
absolutely not you wont want to be living in fear of getting laid because you have aids
just kidding, get checked dude - B-Mac
10) Only after you beat her severely , really beat her. - Lucius22
11) Well if you f*cked her then yeah. :) - Plaztic Is Fantastic
12) umm FUCK YEA U SHOULD? lol daaa - karykary96
Especially if you have had intercourse.
If not dont worry so much as long as she hasnt bled on you. - Trevor
14) Kick her ass really good, then get checked, and take your
time cause chances are you are already dead.. - John
15) Hell yea dude!....quickly too and kick her *** for not telling you before - Diego
16) Yes , it's possible that you may have it ! - Keni 86
17) What are you doing typing this down!!!!
The only logical answer is YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYSEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S.Good luck buddy! - Twiggyseed
18) if you are worried and feel the need to then i think u should - Cia
19) She does not have AIDS.
You can't get AIDS
You get HIV and test positive for it.
In the late stages of HIV, when other body organs are involved, it is called AIDS.
Definately get tested for HIV. - Kelle
21) The gays and the straights
And the white and the spades
Everyone has AIDS! - dirosko
Question 2
Is this STD possible for me?... My boyfriend and I we're both virgins when we did it and we used a condom of course. In late December he got scarlet fever leaving him some little rash like bumps everywhere. He had a sore bump on his private about 3 weeks and it looked like a wound but because of thinking it was scarlet fever rash that had previously been there, we ignored it during oral. Now it has healed and he saws it looks just like pictures he has seen of syphilis and I have has a bumpy back rash for a week now. So my question is, Is it possibly syphilis?
1) i think there is a good chance - Richie
2) no - Lopez
3) go to the doc SOON - ♊ Gemini ♊
4) No your not infected. things could be worse - Smoke Monster
5) You should use fluconazole, it is the best about it you can get information from here - Adela
6) STDs killed my father =(
and raped my mother =) = ) =) ) ) - Adam
7) One of the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world today is the Syphilis. syphilis is caused by the bacterium known as Treponema pallidium. This infection is considered as the great imitator because some of its symptoms are just like the symptoms of other disease.
Syphilis is passed from person to person through direct contact with a syphilis sore. Sores occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Sores also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of the organism occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Pregnant women with the disease can pass it to the babies they are carrying. Syphilis cannot be spread through contact with toilet seats, doorknobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bathtubs, shared clothing, or eating utensils.
A blood test is another way to determine whether someone has syphilis. Shortly after infection occurs, the body produces syphilis antibodies that can be detected by an accurate, safe, and inexpensive blood test. A low level of antibodies will likely stay in the blood for months or years even after the disease has been successfully treated. Because untreated syphilis in a pregnant woman can infect and possibly kill her developing baby, every pregnant woman should have a blood test for syphilis.
Having syphilis once does not protect a person from getting it again. Following successful treatment, people can still be susceptible to re-infection. Only laboratory tests can confirm whether someone has syphilis. Because syphilis sores can be hidden in the vagina, rectum, or mouth, it may not be obvious that a sex partner has syphilis.
To prevent getting and re-infection of syphilis, one must have an STD testing routinely to keep his/her sexual health free from any opportunistic infection that may result to body impairment. STD testing is done confidentially and proven to give accurate and reliable results. - Jason
Question 3
What is the disorder for a child with one x and one y chromosome (xy)?...
1) It means the child is a male - renee
2) it's not a disorder, unless being a female is a disorder. - Serena
3) That's not a disorder--well, some women might think so--it means the child is MALE. Males have XY, females have XX. The gender of the child is determined by which chromosome comes from the sperm. because the egg is always going to have an X. - Cindy D
4) The child isn't anything yet. Not enough info
XX female
XY male BUT one chromosome from each pair is needed to determine the sex.
See the bottom of the page. - Kelle
5) I guess some would indeed consider that a disorder, considering the effects of the testosterone poisoning that it causes. The disorder is called being male. - Lisa A
Question 4
What are the chances of this being Cancer?... I had an ovarian cyst but then it ruptured. I had a lot of pain so I went to the hospital an turns out I have a pancreatic cystic lesion. Could this mean that it's spreading? It's a really horrible pain and it doesn't even go away with oxycodone or anything. Could this be Cancer? Thanks
By the way I'm fifteen and they figured this out with a ct scan and I used to have h pilory
1) They don't spread. They are benign. No cancer.
Get off the oxys as soon as you can - HIGHLY addictive. - Kelle
2) yes - Gebriel
3) Hello, I'm a doctor. Use nolvadex. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ----> - Lelia
4) you HAVE to call your gynecologist immediately!!!
have your doctor call the doctor who treated you at the hospital, to get the full story and any results for procedures performed on you. THEY HAVE TO TALK. there is absolutely no way for anyone out here to help you. call your dr. in the morning as soon as he/she gets in, and have them call the hospital immediately. i'm sure your doctor will want to see you right away. that kind of pain is just not right.
good luck- call your Dr. FIRST THING in the morning. - Lynne
5) it is not cancer . don,t worry . my prayers always with you. God bless you with good health. take care - rehano
Question 5
Pneumonia that won't go away?... This is kind of a long question. I have been really sick this year. First I had H1N1 (followed by severe pneumonia) in October, then I had kidney stones in November. I thought I had gotten better finally until last month when I started with the pneumonia again. I am just feeling miserable, what can I do to get better and get rid of this? Could it just be my immune system because I used to never get sick.
1) Uh, well go see a doctor.. - Plaztic Is Fantastic
2) I suggest you to see --->
I found this link a few days on This site really have lots of information about the cure of common ailments - Dr KORT
3) Pneumonia can KILL.....go to you GP now.......... - Jude
4) Sometimes when you have pneumonia for a long time it can turn into pterodactyl. Once you get that it can be really hard to get rid of and sometimes can be fatal. It can cause your voice to get really screechy and sometimes in bad cases it can cause brachiopatagium to appear. They will most likely treat you with antibiotics and keep you our of work for a few weeks to recover. Good luck because pterodactyl is pretty bad and can really ptero you a new one! - Katrina
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