i have a drug test wednesday and need cocaine out of my system whats the best way??r=1265605182?...
1) to not put it in there in the first place. sorry to tell you this but you can't fool the system, they are going to find it and nothing you can do will change that. - Christo Minaverus
2) i dont know go snort some more until your nose bleeds and your brain looks like it has foot and mouth disease. - Super Girl
3) a blood transfusion - reno r
4) Posting your picture isn't smart. - jacq
5) coke only stays in your system for 3 days so just dont do any more and drink a lot of water in the mean time - DBO
6) Cocaine (including crack): From time of ingestion up to 2 to 3 days. By the way you're a dumbass for taking it - JustSaying
7) oh thats too bad.
maybe you shouldnt have snorted cocaine in the first place. - prom queen
8) use palo acul / but in english it the blue stick - Pretty_boi_c
9) o yhea it hapent to me before cocaine goes out of ur body in about 40 to 70 hours after inhailing butttttt
go to store buy apple vinegar mixed with little water so it wont be to strong drinkit monday and tuesday tuesday naigth drink as much water u can pinapple juice or orange and wednesday ur good to go trust me - Hernandez I
Question 2
How to get red of Pimples?... I have pimples and i need to get rid of them FAST!!! and ASAP!!! so please help me:-)
1) makeup - Diana F
2) use proactiv! - jamal J
3) How to use Home Remedies to Treat Acne
http://www.ehow.com/how_5906514_use-home-remedies-treat-acne.html - Answers
4) rubbing alcohol - Lilly
5) 1)Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water.
2)Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.
3)Use green tea as a face scrub to loose blackheads.
4)try don't to eat to much junk food like chips chocolate ect.because you can get more by that.
5)Try to stay away from fatty foods. Eating correctly is very important in terms of keeping acne away.
http://tips-to-avoid-acne-pimples.blogspot.com/ - Mui
Question 3
Blood Dripping From Anus heavily.?... When I use the bathroom, I have a little small poop, like REALLY EASY, but full of blood. After, Blood drips out alot! I took a mirror to see and it was just straight up dripping for about 15 minutes WITH me wiping too. My anus looks as if it has alot of hemmoroids I think, I'm not sure, it's just swollen all around the rimming. I also don't know if it has anything to do with my ribs, since my ribs are messed up and have been for 3 months or so. If I put pressure on my ribs, OR stretch, my ribs hurt ALOT, on the left side only though.
Please, don't tell me to go to a doctor, if I had that option, I would've already. And For now, my mom is setting an appointment for one tomorrow.
It's been 2 straight days of bleeding. When I stand up, it stops, but if I sit and spread or poop, it bleeds ALOT.
Please help, and thank you.
1) Go to emerg now. - Kelle
2) I think u have a problem - Meesh
3) Keep your ribs still until tomorrow.. - Mori
4) about it you can get information from here http://webmd12.notlong.com/AA5ct3U - Micha
5) Blood dripping from your anus IS NOT GOOD. You could and probably are bleeding internally. Not trying to scare you but if I am good. Get your a** in gear and get to the ER. No outstanding hospital bill is worth your life. Besides, if it is determined an emergency and you are kept in the hospital, they have social workers that could determine your eligibility for Medicaid, (government medical), to help you pay any outstanding bills.
Good luck. I hope it's nothing major but if it was normal we would all have bleeding anuses. - Kemi
Question 4
If you caught an STD after having sex how long would it typically take for visible signs to appear?... I used protection and Its been 24 hours and there was no itching or visible signs of anything but now I'm starting to feel a little bit of an itch. I do scratch down there quite often so its not abnormal for me.
1) I'm 39 years old was once a PPi health teacher, for visible signs it'll take about 2-3 months or alot longer depending on your body. if you have one and need help write me for questions if you have any. - yu know D
2) It really depends on the STD and the person who may be infected. Each one has a window period in which no signs or symptoms may be visible. The only way to know for sure is to get tested and even then you should get re-rested later just to be sure. - Alex
3) It depends on the STD.
For example for HPV there is no testing. The appearance of the warts says it all.
chlamydia - 1-3 weeks after contact
http://www.cdc.gov/std/Chlamydia/STDFact-Chlamydia.htm#diagnosed - Kelle
Question 5
is it possible to poop without peeing?... look up
1) yeah, Its possible. I mean, if you just went pee, and then suddenly had to go poop like, 20 minutes later, Im sure you could poop without peeing. - Caysters
2) Yes it is. I do it all the time. And I can even pee without pooping. You've heard of people who can write with their left or right hand. It's called being ambidextrous. Well, a person that and pee with no poop or pool with no pee is called being ambipooppeepeepoopterous. But the word is much too long for most people so they just say, 'oh, I'm a pooppeepeepooper. And your question has made me to pooped to pop or to pee. lol - Joseph
3) Your question has been asked before. I was surprised...
Dr. Adams says:
This is an interesting question. There are many muscles (both voluntary and involuntary) that are involved in helping one to both urinate and pass stool. These muscles have dual functions -- holding urine and stool in, and passing urine and stool to the outside world. The muscles that help to hold in our stool are stronger and larger than the muscles that hold in our urine.
The primary muscles that function to hold in stool are the internal and external anal sphincters. The internal sphincter is a completely involuntary organ, and as stool passes through this sphincter, the muscle slowly relaxes. The stool then contacts the external sphincter, which is a completely voluntary organ. At this point, we sense that there is an increased pressure in our rectum, and we likely feel the need to defecate. If a toilet or other commode is close by, we sit down and voluntarily relax our external anal sphincter, and the stool passes through. If, however, we would rather not have a bowel movement at that moment, we voluntarily tighten our external anal sphincter, and the stool is retained in the rectum.
Control of urine is similar. The muscles are smaller, but the concept is the same. There is both an involuntary internal urethral sphincter and a voluntary external urethral sphincter. The internal urethral sphincter opens when pressures inside the urinary bladder are great enough; we can hold back the urine by tightening our external urethral sphincter, or we can urinate by relaxing this muscle.
So why do we often urinate when we defecate, but not vice versa? The main reason is that the muscles of the pelvic floor play a role in defecation and urination.
The pelvic floor muscles relax when we defecate. However, they will not necessarily have to fully relax when we urinate. But when the pelvic floor musculature does relax, in addition to allowing stool to pass, it decreases the tension in our urinary sphincters, allowing urine to flow. Because our anal sphincters are stronger than our urinary sphincters, it is easier for us to have control over our bowels than our urine.
Of course, we all don't have normal control over our bowels or bladder. There are many conditions that can adversely affect our bowel or bladder continence. Also, the control of urine and stool differ in men and women because the anatomy of the male and female pelvis are so different.
But that can be covered in another "Ask Dr. Adams". Or ask Dr. Ruth.
-- Dr. Adams - Kemi
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