Why is my skin almost see-through?... I'm quite slim and cold most of the time.
My skin looks as if it has red blotches all over it, almost like the ripples you would see in a swimming pool. Its like you cans see my red/purple veins and is very unattractive!
Is this normal? Do i have circulation problems? I suffer from blue toes and fingertips when its just mildly cold.
I'm 22 and female if that has any relevance and it doesnt run in the family.
1) go to the doc. - 5 weeks
2) becus your a vampire - Katie
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for curing acne and all your skin problems - Hgfdww
4) just go to the doctor asap - erinnnn;)
5) Maybe Raynaud's syndrome or a thyroid problem or a heart/circulation problem or a lung problem or anemic or something else? Hard to say.
Call the public health department if you don't have insurance and ask about free or low cost clinics. - sunflowers
6) You may have poor circulation and varicose veins, which means the valves in your veins don't shut completely and blood gets trapped. (It's not a big problem a lot of people have it) - Jessica M
7) Look girl this could be a serious problem. You better go to some skin specialist. Dont take me wrongly but these symptoms are like those of skin cancer. - I M AWESOME
Question 2
Do you have to go to the doctor's if you get food poisioning?...
1) I would call them and then you really just have to wait it out.
But call them because if its really bad they will pump your stomach. - Megan
2) No, not unless you get so dehydrated that you require IV fluid replacement. The body's electrolytes can get thrown off and need IV fluid correction also.
Usually just rest and try to stay hydrated. - DeannetheGreat
3) Not really?
How bad was it?
Call the Health County to report it. Call the restaurant, maybe it's an epidemic, if you ate out. - HonA
4) If it gets worse you will. Some of the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, and unrelenting profound sickness. - Oreo Schmoreo
5) Depends on the severity.
If you are suffering diarrhea and vomiting, drink water to replace lost electrolytes to remain hydrated.
If you pass out or experience any EXTREME symptoms, have a weak immune system or are young, elderly, I'd visit the doctors.
If you're burping up a sulphur/egg taste, drink lots, sit on the toilet with a bucket near by and hold on for the next 6 hours, I feel for you =( - slik_power
Question 3
what causes bladder infections?... i need to know what causes it, and i heard cranberry juice works
1) well one cuase is if you dont keep yourself clean down there if you know what i mean.........(not wiping when done peeing and stuff like that)
or is that a vagina infection.
i dont know, either way cranbery jiuce proabbly doest work. GO TO YOUR DOCTOR. - Mona lee-roy
2) if you dont keep yourself clean -
3) Generally poor hygiene. I know that sounds bad, but girls are much more prone to getting them due to their anatomy.
Tips to prevent getting them include, wiping from front to back and urinating straight after sex.
Cranberry juice is supposedly helpful but i'd recommend getting some antibiotics from your doctor if you have one as they can be very painful and if it develops into a kidney infection you could be in real trouble. - Brenin
4) Many reasons. Urethral trauma. A bladder that does not empty completely, etc, etc..Your doctor can do tests and Urodynamic studies-if necessary to find out. Yes, Cranberry and vitamin C can change the PH of urine that can lower the number of disease causing organisms. - Dr Jay
Question 4
Got caught for smoking?... My dad found cigarette ashes in the car, what do i do ..
1) tell him the truth?
Lying is pointless. - MellowTones
2) admit to it , that was so funny when i got caught - Bex
3) Don't lie. I managed to hide it until I was 18, so I lucked out, but I wasn't so lucky on the smoking pot avenue and got caught at 16. I found the best thing to do is tell the truth and answer honestly because if they catch you in a lie after you're caught, anger tends to be far greater and punishments much worse. - Resa
Question 5
what is the difference between hiv and aids?...
1) HIV is the virus that can lead too AIDS. HIV damages the immunse system killing the cells that the body uses too fight infections (CD4 cells). Someone who has HIV may have no symptoms until the immune system is seriously damaged. Once the CD4 count drops too 200 or below, diagnosis changes from HIV to AIDS. As the CD4 count drops, the person becomes more and more vulnerable too other infections which become more difficult for the body too fight off. HIV itself does not kill. Death occrus from other infections are a result of the body's inability too fight them off. ('Other infections' could range from the common cold too flu, pneumonia, TB and many many more). - Liam
2) about it you can get information from here http://webmd25.notlong.com/AA2k79a - Daine
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