Friday, February 19, 2010

i am fourteen and would like to talk to someone (female) that has herpes with experience?

Question 1
i am fourteen and would like to talk to someone (female) that has herpes with experience?...  ok so i cheated on my boyfriend with this guy and we had sex i know hes been around but i didnt really ask him if he had any deaseses but i think i have herpes from him i started having this ichy feeling on my lip like it wouldd ich so baddly then it truned into these bumps scab like thingg and a sore on my mouth i dotn know how to tell my boyfriend that i might have herpes and can you get it from sharing drinks at a party? i just need somone willing to give me advice.

1)   You can't get it from sharing drinks.

Get tested first and then tell your boyfriend if necessary. DO NOT have sex with your boyfriend until you know the situation.

CONDOMS!! - Kelle

2)   Ok, there are like 5 problems here:
1: You shouldn't be CHEATING scum-bag.
2: You shouldn't be having sex when your 14.
3: You shouldn't be drinking
4: You shouldn't be at a party
5: It's probably just a fever-blister. - NikkiChikki

3)   thats called a cold sore. lots of people have them. you get them from kissing etc. If you dont have the sores on you va jay jay then you might not have genital herpes.

get yourself tested to make sure.

in the future, do not cheat on people. - mitch

4)   The virus is spread from person to person by kissing, by close contact with herpetic lesions, or even from contact with apparently normal skin that is shedding the virus. Infected saliva is a common means of transmitting the virus. People are most contagious when they have active blister-like sores. Once the blisters have dried and crusted over (within a few days), the risk of contagion is significantly lessened. However, a person infected with HSV can pass it on to another person regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms. This is because the virus is sometimes shed in saliva even when sores are not present. Despite popular myth, it is almost impossible to catch herpes (cold sores) from surfaces, towels, or washcloths. - syl c.

5)   it could just be a fever blister..but they're still considered herpes so just tell him. if you really don't want to say you cheated don't, you don't need direct contact with them (i think), but don't give it to him, even tho it's not too big a deal on your mouth unless you give oral sex. then both of you are screwed. you can't get mouth herpes unless you gave the guy oral...and you shouldn't really be doing that in the first place you're in, what, 7th or 8th grade? that's pretty demeaning. - lizrose92


Question 2
have i been poisoned?...  for the pass 2 hours i have been cleaning the bathroom with x-14, glass plus and ajax. only because my mom got mad at me and wanted me to clean the house spick and span. so i decided to clean the bathroom, and stupid of me i closed the bathroom door so my dogs wouldn't come in and during that time, my eyes would burn, and when i looked in the mirror, the color around my eyes where find but my pupils where a bit big? and now when i drink something it tastes weird... and tightness in chest. (plus im sick with ear infection, nasal infection and cough) a little dizzy but not to much. stomach hurts just a little (1 out of 10 it would be a 2.) so its all normal and will go away or should i do something? im 14!

1)   You're fine. It's your cold.

I mixed Dutch Cleanser and javex once which mad Chlorine gas!! Got out of that room fast.

Good girl for helping your MOm. - Kelle

2)   Don't ever mix household cleaners, very toxic chemicals can be produced by combining simple cleaners.

For now, take both bottles of cleaners so you can read the ingredients to the person who answers the phone and call poison control (toll free) 1-800-222-1222. Tell them what happened and what your symptoms are. They are experts in poisonings of all kinds. - Patti

3)   Hi a lot of those chemicals are not good to breath in in a confined area. The fumes of those could have made your chest tight or it could be your cold. It should go away but be sure to drink lots of water to flush everything out. If you continue to feel sick i would tell your mom and go see a doctor. The chest tightness could also be the start of a bronchitis or pneumonia. The next time you clean be sure to use plenty of ventilation as the fumes can be bad. I would say the combo of you not feeling good anyway and then breathing in those nasty fumes made you feel the way you do. It should go away but if it doesn't go be seen by a doctor. Good Luck. - kwgirlroper09

4)   lol you are fine dude. calm down. next time you need proper ventalation when you work with chemicals.

Turn the fan on when you clean in closed rooms. - mitch


Question 3
Strep throat!! I can't go to the doctor tonight, so what are some things to ease the pain?...  It is really painful and hard to swallow, but I won't have any medication until tomorrow. What can help soothe my throat?

1)   drink plenty of warm drinks but stay away from sugary ones - Bloop

2)   Sip warm tea or even hot water with lemon & honey. The first few sips will hurt but the warmth will help at least temporarily. The steam from a hot shower might help, too. Hope you feel better soon! - Maggie M

3)   hot tea, yogurt, stuff thats hot, and nothing that will scratch your throat to much like yogurt and soup. drink alot of water }
Cossette! (: - sexy bitch call me (:

4)   First and foremost, keep your throat moist by drinking lots of fluids. Not only will this help your throat, but it will also flush out any type of cold virus that you may have.

Here are some suggestions:

-Cough drops
-Tea with honey & lemon
-A cough syrup for sore throat
-Gargling with warm saltwater
-Pain reliever - Becky


Question 4
I'm always hungry and thirsty?...  I'm always hungry and thirsty is this normal? I drink 8 2 liter soda bottles of water a day(when I'm home) or 6 30 oz bottles of water when I'm at work, and despite the amount of water I drink my thirst is never quenched. I still feel very very parched. I'll eat at 2 and by 230 I feel like I haven't eaten in months. A while ago I couldn't eat more than twice(i'd get extremely nauseous) now if I don't eat I get extremely nauseous. I walk everywhere I go and I work in a kennel, so cleaning up after the dogs is a very demanding job. I can understand being so thirsty at work, but when I'm home i'm ALWAYS thirsty. When I told my mom about it she says being so thirsty isn't good(diabetes run in the fam). Is this normal? Is this something I should be worried about?
@ Joshua S acutally no I'm not a fat ass. If you're not going to help please leave your dumb ass comments to yourself. Thanks

1)   wow u must be a fat azz - Joshua S

2)   that does not sound good, i'd see a doctor if i were you - croc10

3)   Consuming the desired food is vital for your wellbeing. You can try supplementing your diet with acai berry, it is not solely a widely tested and acknowledged weight loss produce, it is a superfood too. There's a risk free trial on offer at I have been taking it for 2 weeks now and it's certainly having an effect!! - Maddox


Question 5
How can I get rid of all these little white heads??!?...  I don't know what to do anymore!! I literally have like 15 white head s on each cheek and a couple of black heads. I use benzoyl gel, I exfoliate twice a week & I use a cleanser with acne medication. Its so annoying. I dont have any actual pimples on my face, but the white heads are so big, I just cant resist to squeeze them. What should I do???

1)   put your head in boiling water. - Joshua S

2)   make sure that your not over medicate your face sometimes if you use too many different types of cleaners it can cause your face to break out worse. i get acne occasionally too and i use nutragena facial soap and it works great. - Danielle

3)   best way is to scrub your face with a wash cloth. use hot water. do this everyday and all the white heads will go away.

i had whiteheads, but i just scrub it all away. do it very gently though.

you just need to expoliate.

gl. - College


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